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A Global Voice of Peace


Power of an Idea brought into action

by deep faith and belief in that idea

Manifests into Reality...

We see the pain of LOST LOVE for humanity and the planet

in acts of terrorism.

On September 11th, knowing they were witnesses to the destruction and killing of lives, those souls on the airplanes and in the buildings

used their last sounds to send out words of LOVE to their families.  

This was an anguished cry for LOVE and PEACE

to be heard around the world.

In Honor of their Spirits, Open your heart to the doorways of tolerance, acceptance, and acknowledgment of others

for who they are...

Your actions begin to override and overshadow

what exists now

Instead of war

turning the wheels of our economy, 

Create ways where Peace Produces Productivity

& supports the Economy and Spirit of our Lives


In the words of Martin Luther King, Jr.

” The non-violent approach does not immediately change the heart of the oppressor. It first does something to the hearts and souls of those committed to it. It gives them a new self-respect: it calls up resources of strength and courage that they did not know they had. Finally, it reaches the opponent and so stirs his conscience that reconciliation becomes a reality.”  

A Global Voice of Peace

Will Continue On The 11th Of Every Month

As A Reminder, A Practice, A Belief, An Activity,

That A New Way Will Be Realized

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On this day

May we hear the sounds of Peaceful Silence

As we pray

For all Countries, Lands, Cultures, and Peoples

from All walks of life,

To lay down the Arms of Battle


Lift up their Arms of Peace...

Embrace the wondrous Diversity of us All


Behold the awesome Oneness of Creation....

A Global Voice of Peace

Invites You to

11 minutes of Prayer at 11 am New York Time ...

11 represents the date and is a symbol

of the 2 World Trade Towers side by side,

11/11 is also a symbol of Peace


SEND OUT every ounce of your LOVE'S LIGHT as ONE PEOPLE

to the sites in New York, Pentagon, Pittsburgh, 

and wherever there is war

A GLOBAL VOICE of Love's Light EMBRACING all those spirits buried there,

those who are injured, their families, and

the planet who have suffered a great loss


EMANATE from those sites out

to the far reaches of the UNIVERSE

with an energy so powerful

that it will shift the planet's axis


Blessings on our Planet...In Peaceful Spirit...Gylian Solay, MS 

My good friend and mentor, Dr. Jean Houston, supports this initiative


Journey through A Global Voice of Peace

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