May 29, 2024

The arbitration hearing for compensation for the 2022-2026 Teacher and Occasional Teacher (OT) Collective Agreement took place on April 17, 2024, in front of a Board of Arbitration chaired by Arbitrator William Kaplan.


The decision was released today. The Board of Arbitration awarded the following salary increases:


  • For Year 1 (Sept. 1, 2022 – Aug. 31, 2023)
  • 3.0%
  • For Year 2 (Sept. 1, 2023 – Aug. 31, 2024)
  • 3.0%
  • For Year 3 (Sept. 1, 2024 to Aug. 31, 2025)
  • 2.75%
  • For Year 4 (Sept. 1, 2025 to Aug. 31, 2026)
  • 2.5%

With today’s compensation award, members being paid at the grid rate will receive a total compensation increase of 11.25% for the 2022-2026 collective agreements. Compounded over the four years of the agreement, the total percentage increase is 11.73%.


In addition, the Board decided that all daily OT rates will be adjusted up to a baseline average rate as of September 1, 2024. All ETFO locals with daily OT rates lower than the baseline average rate will increase to the new average rate plus receive the 2.75% awarded for the 2024-2025 school year. Any locals with a daily OT rate that is higher than the new baseline average rate will continue at that rate, plus the 2.75% awarded for 2024-2025. All daily OT rates will then increase by an additional 2.5% in 2025-2026.


It is expected that 17 ETFO OT locals will be affected by the establishment of a new baseline average rate for September 2024. ETFO will work to confirm the average rate as quickly as possible.


Over the course of the agreement, we expect the compounded compensation increase for daily OTs moving to the new baseline average rate effective September 1, 2024, to be in the range of 14 to 15%. The compounded compensation increase for all ETFO OT locals overall should be above 13%. This is a significant increase for daily OTs who represent some of our lowest-paid teacher members.


This compensation award is in addition to the increases received as a result of the Bill 124 remedy award.


Later this afternoon, ETFO will be issuing a media release about the compensation award. You can view the media release here.



Applying the Compensation Award to ETFO Wages


School boards must adjust salary grids, wage schedules, applicable premiums and allowances, and the daily OT rate, and pay any retroactive increases owing.


Under the School Boards Collective Bargaining Act, compensation is not payable until a fully ratified Collective Agreement (both central and local terms) is achieved. 


Members who have already ratified their local agreements should expect to see retroactive increases no later than 30 days following the Board of Arbitration decision (by June 29, 2024). Grid and rate adjustments will be made and retroactive payments will occur for 2022-2023 and 2023-2024.

In locals where local bargaining is ongoing, retroactive compensation will be paid no later than 30 days following the ratification of local terms.


Frequently Asked Questions About Compensation Increases


ETFO has developed a series of ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ (FAQs) in response to the most common queries we have been receiving from members. Members can view the FAQ here.


If you have additional questions after reviewing the FAQ, please contact us and the provincial office will respond to your message.



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