2021 brings new challenges, but also opportunities. Radicalization, bigotry, and antisemitism are on the rise, and the world is still plagued by a horrific, deadly pandemic. Yet in the face of these challenges, we must not lose hope. America can—and should—address these obstacles head-on. The American people have a unique opportunity to come together, stand up for our shared values, and promote civility and prosperity.
This past month Adam penned the op-ed Whether you voted for Trump or Biden, all Americans must come together against radicalization. He writes that now is the time for all Americans—Republicans and Democrats—to come together. During this new administration, Americans can continue to promote law and order by championing American values and uniting against domestic radicalization.
The growing threat of a nuclear Iran is a grave concern for America and her allies especially now that the Iranians have shortened the breakout period to nuclear weapons. Adam also co-authored an op-ed with James Jay Carafano, a vice president at the Heritage Foundation, about Why Going Back to the Iran Deal is Folly. In the piece, they encourage the Biden administration to keep sanctions and the arms embargo on Iran in place and consult with America’s Mideast allies on how to make a stronger Iran deal that addresses all the region’s legitimate concerns. 
There are still vulnerable communities that need our help right now during the pandemic. Stand By Me, a nonprofit organization led by Gila, provides care and services to Israeli-American cancer patients and their families in Los Angeles. Your support is needed now more than ever. Please consider donating to ensure that Stand by Me can continue to fulfill its mission of improving the lives of thousands.
Lastly, we invite you to learn about the Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA), an organization that we are proud to support. JINSA promotes American strategic interests in the Middle East and works to advance a strong U.S. national security and a robust U.S.-Israel security relationship.

With sincere love and admiration for America, the State of Israel, and the Jewish people,
Gila and Adam Milstein
The article was originally published in Newsweek
For the past four years, I have been a supporter of President Donald Trump. Yet, with the inauguration of President Joe Biden, I recognize that now is the time for all Americans—Republicans and Democrats—to come together...

...This moment is about making America strong and fighting for our values, which are universal. With all the upheaval and anguish we have faced this past year amid the pandemic and political uncertainty, I enter 2021 with an open mind. This is how I see my role as a citizen in the months ahead, and I hope all Americans—whether they supported President Trump or president-elect Biden—will join me.

Stand By Me
"With a warm heart and open arms, Stand By Me is the extended family in support of its brothers and sisters on their road to recovery." 

- President, Gila Milstein
Stand by Me is a nonprofit organization that was founded in 2009 in order to provide daily support to Israeli-American cancer patients and their families in Los Angeles.

AmazonSmile is a simple way to support Stand By Me every time you shop, at no cost to you. When placing orders through smile.amazon.com, you'll find the exact same prices and selection as Amazon.com, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to Stand By Me! Make sure to select Stand By Me as your charity of choice.
If you would like to join our family of volunteers, please fill out this form or call our office at (818) 664-4100.
For more information, please visit our website at www.StandByMeLA.org
Why Going Back to Iran Nuclear Deal is Folly
The article was originally published in The Washington Times
Rejoining the Iran deal puts Middle East normalization and regional peace at risk.

The growing threat of a nuclear Iran is a grave concern for America and her allies especially now that the Iranians have shortened the breakout period to nuclear weapons. 
During the presidential campaign, Joe Biden declared he wanted to go back to the Iran deal if Tehran returns to “strict compliance.” European leaders have urged the U.S. to rejoin the deal to prevent further Iranian violations and continued expansion of its nuclear infrastructure.
The problem with the rush to reaffirm the old, flawed deal is that it would benefit only one country: Iran. The cascading consequences of that decision could destabilize not just the Middle East, but trigger problems around the world.

Spotlight Organization: JINSA
Founded in 1976, The Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA) is dedicated to educating policymakers and opinion leaders about ways to advance a strong U.S. national security and a robust U.S.-Israel security relationship.
JINSA educates senior active duty and retired U.S. military leaders – representatives of America’s most credible institution—about Israel’s security challenges by bringing them to the Jewish State to meet senior IDF officers and visit Israel’s borders.

JINSA also brings active U.S. law enforcement officers to Israel to learn about Israeli anti-terror methods, leading the organization to become a target among Americans who oppose a robust police force.

Further, JINSA draws upon its vast military connections in America and Israel and elsewhere to conduct policy research, publish op-eds and papers, and brief policymakers in Washington on vital security matters impacting Israel and the United States.

JINSA is very appreciative of the Milstein Family Foundation’s long-standing support and friendship, which makes their work possible.

To donate, please click here, or please email JINSA’s Managing Director Leo Nayfeld to get involved.
MFF is proud to support JINSA