Hello all,

Earlier today, Congress passed the American Rescue Plan Act, the next round of COVID economic relief funding. Arizona's share of the roughly $1.9 trillion bill is estimated at $16.1 billion. That includes $12.3 billion to state government (an amount larger than the state's annual budget), $2.6 billion to local governments, and $1.2 billion in additional business aid. The State is precluded from using the revenue to pay down pension debt or to reduce taxes either directly or indirectly. State revenue collections have consistently performed drastically better than anticipated throughout the pandemic, and is trending towards $2 billion above revenue forecasts for the year. That was before and in addition to the revenue from this next round of federal relief funding.

The President is expected to sign the bill on Friday. I'm sure much more information regarding the funding will be released shortly. For now, I'm attaching a fiscal analysis from the state legislature's budget staff which I believe is the best overview of the funding that will be directed to Arizona to date including how it will be distributed and the requirements for its use. I will provide further information as it becomes available.

Also attached is a current transportation bill matrix and list of one-time funding bills for infrastructure projects.

Kevin Adam,
Legislative Liaison
Rural Transportation Advocacy Council