Hello all,

Today's update focuses on earmarks which have become more prevalent at both the state and federal levels.

While efforts to pass a state budget are at an impasse, $319 million in one-time funding, much of which is earmarked for specific projects, would currently be directed to transportation infrastructure based on the proposed budget bills.

In Washington, transportation continues to be at the top of the agenda. Efforts are underway to reauthorize transportation programs (typically happens every five years) and also enact an infrastructure package which would provide funding on top of the ongoing funding provided through authorization. Earlier today, $5.7 billion in earmarked projects were included in the House draft of the authorization bill including $92 million for Arizona.

To see the list of specific projects in both the proposed state budget and U.S. House transportation authorization bill, please review the attached legislative update.

Kevin Adam,
Legislative Liaison
Rural Transportation Advocacy Council