2021 NPAA Officer Nominations
Serving as a leader in NPAA offers great opportunities to build professional networks with other nursing professionals and support the legislative process. Take an opportunity to get involved! The NPAA Nominating Committee has opened its 2021 Call for Nominations for the following offices:

  • President-elect: shall serve for one (1) two (2) year term. Shall remain informed of all issues, statutes, and concerns facing NPs in Alabama. The President-elect, in absence of the President, shall serve as spokesperson for NPs, call meetings, set the calendar and agenda for the meetings, and chair meetings. The President-elect shall be a co-signer of all bank accounts, chair the Bylaws committee, and take on special tasks as designated by the President.

  • VP for Membership: Shall support efforts related to membership recruitment and retention. The VP of Membership chairs the Membership Committee and may take on special tasks as designated by the President.

  • Secretary: Shall keep minutes and records, including meeting attendance, committee and officer reports, and roll of members. The Secretary shall conduct official correspondence, serve as the coordinator of calendars (in coordination with the President), and publish notice of meetings.

  • Member-at-Large: Shall be elected from the membership. The Member-at-Large is a member of the Executive Committee, attends all meetings of the Steering Committee, and may take on special tasks as designated by the President.

  • Two (2) Student Members-at-Large shall serve on the Steering Committee for a one (1) year term. Student Members-at-Large will be elected annually.

Nominations End August 16, 2021

  • All executive committee positions carry a 2-year term. Student Members At Large carry a 1 year term.
  • All nominees must be NPAA Members in good standing.
  • All current members are invited to nominate themselves and/or other members. All nominees must complete the “Nomination Form”

If you have questions, contact Denise Williams,  Nominations shall be unrestricted based on consideration of age, color, creed, disability, gender, health status, lifestyle, nationality, race, religion, or sexual orientation.