School board elections are critical to our community. Our school board sets the vision, strategy and policies that directly impact the education of 90,000 Denver students. Education is the foundation of our city and democracy and school board elections are crucial to the future of each student, their family and the future of Denver. 

It is time to end the division and dysfunction that has undermined equity and academic outcomes for students in Denver Public Schools. With a new, diverse and representative Denver Board of Education, we can change course, reimagine and transform public education, and develop a renewed vision to be the best and most innovative public school district in the country.

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed long-standing disparities and expanded inequities that have gone generations without being sufficiently addressed or resolved. We’ve seen that leadership at every level of education matters and is important during tumultuous times, like now. We must elect a non-ideological board of education that will do what’s right to guarantee our students and teachers can thrive in the classroom with the emotional and mental health support they need.

As a community, we have the power to speak up and become advocates for meaningful change through the ballot box. Our student’s access to quality education—and to the tools that will help them succeed—are in your—the voters’—hands.

This year and every year after, let’s take the next step and make our voices heard. This newsletter will provide you with resources and tools to help you engage in the November 2 election. 

Remember, your vote matters to our students and the future of our city. 

RootED Denver