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February 12, 2021
2021 Annual Appeal
Archdiocese of Newark
From Fr Joseph:

Dear brothers and sisters in Jesus,

At this time of the pandemic crisis, it has not been easy for our parish nor any parish - nor for that matter, for ourselves individually and all our families.  

Yet, we stand strong in our faith and stay focused on the mission of proclaiming the gospel “in season and out of season, convenient or inconvenient”.

  As a parish, we do not stand alone in this mission, for we are part of the entire Catholic Church throughout the world. We are also part of the Archdiocese of Newark. To continue that mission, and to pass on this faith to future generations, we need each other no less than your head needs your heart.

The Apostle Paul understood this as he traveled from one community to the next. Even though the vast majority of those communities he served were not financially well off, he often took up a collection from each of them at different times to give support to those in need elsewhere. 

The 2021 Annual Appeal is something like that. It funds the much needed programs and ministries of our Archdiocese of Newark. This appeal benefits us and it benefits the entire Church. Among such benefits I can attest to are 3 areas that I have been personally involved in: College Campus Ministry, Respect Life Ministry and the education of our seminarians, not to mention taking care of our retired priests & religious.

Although it is difficult to make this appeal in such a time as this, the need remains, and so I ask you to be as generous as your means allow in supporting this year’s appeal. In doing so you are supporting the Mission of the entire Church to which we belong.

Please watch five 1-3 minute videos below to learn more about this.

In Jesus thru Mary (& St Joseph),
Fr Joseph

What is the 2021 Annual Appeal ?

Giving During a Time of Pandemic

Experiencing Loss: Support our Family Life Office

2021 Appeal Highlights Youth and Young Adult Ministry

Prison Ministry - 2021 Annual Appeal

2021 Annual Appeal
Archdiocese of Newark

Click here for more information.
337 South Orange Ave, Newark NJ 07103 
Rev. Joseph A. Meagher (Pastor)