November/December 2021

Dear Share The Care Caregivers and Supporters,
Moving forward toward Thanksgiving, the Holidays and the New Year, every one of us could use a break from technology overload, the challenges of the pandemic and situations that we cannot control. We hope you can reconnect with your families, friends and faith communities to get centered, find the lightness of laughter again and recover warm memories of someone you may have lost during the pandemic. Make this a healing time and move from the frustrations of what we can’t do into what we can accomplish.
During this past year, STC pivoted from in-person educational activities to online. Although, we’re a bit zoomed out, it is fortunate that this option was and is available to keep STC out there to inspire and help more caregivers, care receivers and their friends initiate their own STC group. This September we introduced our new website. If you haven’t visited, please take a tour at Check out several recent broadcast events (Frank Harrison’s “Frank On Health” and “Onward in Love and Caregiving” with Greg Johnson) and videos throughout the various website sections.
In the coming year, we plan to continue to offer online “Seeding STC in Your Community” trainings for other organizations as well as faith communities, and a First Nation Community. Another continued priority includes getting STC into the curriculum for discharge, social work and nursing students. We touch upon this goal in the FB live broadcast “Frank On Health” – you can tune in at 1:10:10 when Co-host and Board Member, Phyllis Quinlan, introduces me.
Your Support Has Never Been More Critical. We have our work cut out for us and also an exciting new concept for expanding our outreach. To accomplish all we need to do does require your first time or continued support. There are shortages of medical professionals and more people who will require time to recover from Covid long-term issues. The time for our cost effective, grassroots, evidence-informed model has come with a unique 25-year track record.
To accomplish these and ultimately make “Let’s Start an STC Group” the household refrain when faced with a family caregiving medical or aging crisis, please donate to ShareTheCaregiving with a meaningful tax-deductible donation of $100, $500 or $1,000 now. Perhaps you’ve just become a family caregiver or were helped by an STC group. Regardless,
please reflect on the value of having a ready-made plan to organize a group to help you care for your loved one. 
To donate online go to: and hit SUPPORT US. Or if you prefer to send a check, please make it payable to ShareTheCaregiving/NCCI and mail it to the address below:
c/o The National Center for Civic Innovation – 6th floor
121 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10013-1590
We welcome your group videos, photos and/or stories, as the most effective way to inspire others.

Help us increase our visibility “LIKE US” on
Facebook: sharethecaregiving
Twitter: sharethecareorg
Instagram: sharethecareorg
Warmest wishes to you and yours for A JOYOUS HOLIDAY SEASON.

Sheila Warnock
Founder & CEO

STCG Highlights - Accomplishments 2020-21
Share The Care | Phone: 212 991-9688 | | Website