The Kiwanis Children’s Fund is the Kiwanis International foundation with a mission to develop resources that transform the goodwill and vision of Kiwanians into programs that serve the children of the world. We do this through raising funds, granting funds, providing services and resources to the clubs throughout the world. You may be familiar with the very successful IDD and Eliminate (MNT) programs, services for both continue globally.

The Children’s Fund is a resource for you. We can help you develop fundraising strategies, manage district and club foundations, apply for grants and more. We offer club and district grants that can benefit children in your community. We work in conjunction with our Florida Kiwanis Foundation, not in competition.

The Children’ Fund returns a percentage of annual, gift giving back to the District every year. This has funded the extremely popular Large Scale Service Project at District Convention, the food packaging, over the past few years.

We are extremely grateful for all donations. We especially thank all the clubs that have continuously budgeted their annual donations. For simplicity in the future, the Children’s Fund is in the process of changing to a per club suggested donation of $365, but we realize you may have budgeted as in the past and are happy with whatever amount works for your club. Please note: This year, International President Peter Mancuso has included a $10 per member donation in his distinguished criteria. 

Please mail all donations to Allen Yergovich, District Chair
                         433 76th Avenue
                         St Pete Beach, FL 33706
Or give to your Lt Governor or Florida Foundation Trustee for bulk mailing.

Thank you all for all that you do!