Issue #3: 3Q 2021-22
FL District Newsletter
2021-2022 Governor Harvey White
I hope everyone is having a good Kiwanis year. We have finished half of our year and we are doing good with your numbers. As of March, the Florida District is up 299 new Kiwanians. We are finishing working on 5 new clubs. Thanks to Joe and Tommy and their committees for doing such a great job. We are still looking at building about 5 more this year. Our SLP’s are growing by leaps and bounds. Key Clubs are up to over 21,000 members over COVID numbers. Thank you, Heather and all the Key Club committees and Governor Arianna, and her board. We still have six months left of this year, so let’s keep building the Florida District to do more service in your communities.
You still have time to sign up for the International Convention, so check it out, June 8-11 in Indianapolis. Click to learn more.
I hope everyone has a Happy Passover and Happy Easter.
See you next quarter. Best regards from Harvey and Abby.
Governor Harvey
Registration for the 2022 Florida Kiwanis District Convention is open and the convention is in one of our favorite places, Naples!
Register and make your hotel reservations early!
George D. "Jake" Swartout
Past Governor, Florida District of Kiwanis
Words cannot express the absence felt at the Kiwanis of NPB meeting on 4/6/2022. Jake Swartout will be sorely missed; however, has left a legacy of a "life well lived" that was echoed at least 5 times in our meeting.
Jake served Kiwanis for over 50 years. In 1988 Jake was elected Governor of the Florida District of Kiwanis Int. He and Alice (Kiwanis member) traveled the state visiting the 31 Divisions, over 350 Kiwanis Clubs and 16,200 members. It was a truly fulfilling year. Jake worked with Kiwanis International to start a program called Aktion, which is a Service club, like Kiwanis, comprised entirely of Developmentally Disabled adults. In 2000, Aktion was chartered as a Service Program by Kiwanis. To date there are over 12,000 members in 600 clubs worldwide.
George D. "Jake" Swartout, II was born in Muskegon, Michigan July 16, 1937 to George D. and Anne Katherine Swartout. He passed away on March 16, 2022. He is survived by his wife of 61 years, Alice. They have 3 children, Karen, Christopher, and Jennifer, and 2 grandchildren, Grace and Jesse. He is also survived by his 3 sisters, Nancy Brown, Toni Swartout, and Debbie (Bill) Crabtree. His family moved to Winter Park, FL after WWII in 1947, where he attended elementary and high school. He played most sports and was later named All Conference and All State in Football. He was inducted into the Winter Park High School Sports Hall of Fame in 1998.
Jake joined the Navy Reserve and served for nearly 2 years until he attended Wabash College in Crawfordsville, IN. He later joined the U.S. Army (Florida National Guard). He served 6 ½ years on active duty as a Medic and later in Reserves. He achieved the rank of S. Sgt. and proudly has honorable discharges from the Navy and Army.
In 1956 Jake met the love of his life, Alice and after 4 years of courtship, they were married on September 2nd, 1960. Jake was working at Martin Marietta Corp. and attended Rollins College School of Business. He graduated in 1968 with a BGS Degree. In 1970 he went to work for RCA as Purchasing Manager in their Computer Plant in Palm Beach Gardens. In 1971 RCA closed their computer business and he and Alice opened Florida Golf and Tennis along with partner Bill Howden. They were the first off-course golf and tennis shop in Palm Beach County.
Jake and Alice are longtime members of the First Presbyterian Church in NPB. Jake served as a Deacon, Elder, and was the Chairman of the Missions Committee, where he headed a project to build a Christian School in Chichicastenango, Guatemala. The school today serves many of the Cantons around Chichi. Jake also served on boards of Global Missions, Gathering of Men, Adopt A Family, J.A.Y Ministries, First Pres. Senior Membership and also many Kiwanis entities. One of the unique continuous ministries is the Thursday Men's Breakfast which is held at First Pres. every Thursday for the past 48 years. This is a Christian Outreach Breakfast that he and Ken Coleman began in 1974.
His caring and his sense of humor made him an incredible son, husband, father, grandfather, brother, uncle, and friend to all who knew him. The Kiwanis International is forever indebted to his service, leadership lessons, and legacy that will continue to inspire for decades to come. We love you Jake!
Day Marice
The Club of the Year application can be found at this link:
We know that we have the greatest clubs in the greatest district in all of Kiwanis. This is your opportunity to put your club on the map.
We hope ALL of the clubs in the Florida District will apply for this important recognition.
Submissions are due by by 5:00 pm EST on April 30, 2022
Immediate Past Governor Mary-Lynn Desjarlais will announce the winner of the
2020-21 Club of the Year at the Florida District Convention on Friday, August 5th, at the interclub luncheon. The club will receive special seating at the Sunday breakfast and have the honor of opening the final meeting of the convention.
Indianapolis, IN
June 8 - 11, 2022
Future Kiwanis International Conventions
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA June 21-24, 2023
Denver, Colorado, USA July 3-6, 2024
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA June 25-28, 2025
Kiwanians of the Mighty, Mighty Florida District,
Wow, where did the time go? This is officially my last official address and I am so proud of all that our fantastic Key Club district has accomplished despite the still on-going COVID-19 pandemic. It has truly been an absolute pleasure and honor serving as your 2021-2022 Florida Key Club District Governor! As we reflect on the past few weeks, it is very sad to conclude that this service year is coming to a close; however, we can celebrate the incoming commencement of a new year of leadership, character building, caring, and inclusiveness. With the time we have left before DCON 2022. I ask that you all encourage your clubs to finish the year strong and have fun!
As you all have probably heard many times before, our world has continued to face the COVID-19 pandemic. This pandemic changed in-person Divisional Council Meeting to breakout rooms on Zoom and beach clean-ups to playing Free Rice online. The digitalization of our service year definitely proved to be challenging at first. However, it is important to note how our district overcame those initial setbacks and still continued forth with passion, determination, and care. As I have said many times before, Key Clubbers are the epitome of perseverance, and you all should be incredibly proud of yourselves and your Key Clubbers.
I want to commend you all for all your achievements during the 2021-2022 service year! Our mighty, mighty Florida district grew in size by over 50% this year totaling an astounding 21,000+ members in over 285 active clubs in 42 distinct divisions. We have continued to push this service year with 13 newly chartered and reactivated clubs, 199,257.9 total service hours for this year, and raised $7,275.21 dollars for ELIMINATE. Not only that, but you all have shown the youth that we can write our stories through my Governor’s Project PLAN for a Better Future, which has a total number of 61,408.57 service hours for this year.
I sincerely wish you all the best and I leave you all with my kindest regards. Thank you again for the opportunity and honor to be your 2021-2022 Florida District Governor.
Always Yours in Service and Leadership,
Arianna Longo
2021-2022 Florida District Governor
JULY 6 - 10, 2022
Click to learn more:
News From Your District Chairs
Hello, fellow Kiwanians!
I’m happy to see that several of our K-Kids clubs are back in action and that our K-Kids family is growing. It’s nice to see new clubs being chartered and ready to go.
I am always a phone call or an email away – please reach out to me with any questions you may have. I’m here to help!
Spring has sprung, and we have something exciting planned for our K-Kids clubs!
In May, Dr. Walter Drew will be conducting a special online event via Zoom for all who want to participate.
The Florida District of K-Kids invites all our members to participate in a virtual Play Workshop!
Join us on May 17th at 2:30 PM EDT for a 30-minute workshop led by Dr. Drew.
This hands-on play experience will be live on Zoom for K-Kids members, advisors, and parents and will explore fun and interesting ways to use open-ended materials. All participants will be encouraged to engage in hands-on play activities that stimulate creative thinking, self-esteem, problem-solving, and so much more!
A list of materials will be provided in advance, and if materials are not available, they will be sent to you directly.
This is an opportunity for advisors, parents, and adults to reconnect and acquaint themselves with play and its ability to help construct, implement, and evaluate new approaches to teaching our future leaders!
Invites and reminders have already been sent out, but emails can let lost in the shuffle, as we all know. If you have not received your email with sign-up information, please send me an email at, and I will send you the invitation right away.
For all K-Kids members unavailable to attend, a video will be made available of Dr. Drew’s presentation.
The Kiwanis Children’s Fund is the Kiwanis International foundation with a mission to develop resources that transform the goodwill and vision of Kiwanians into programs that serve the children of the world. We do this through raising funds, granting funds, providing services and resources to the clubs throughout the world. You may be familiar with the very successful IDD and Eliminate (MNT) programs, services for both continue globally.
The Children’s Fund is a resource for you. We can help you develop fundraising strategies, manage district and club foundations, apply for grants and more. We offer club and district grants that can benefit children in your community. We work in conjunction with our Florida Kiwanis Foundation, not in competition.
The Children’ Fund returns a percentage of annual, gift giving back to the District every year. This has funded the extremely popular Large Scale Service Project at District Convention, the food packaging, over the past few years.
We are extremely grateful for all donations. We especially thank all the clubs that have continuously budgeted their annual donations. For simplicity in the future, the Children’s Fund is in the process of changing to a per club suggested donation of $365, but we realize you may have budgeted as in the past and are happy with whatever amount works for your club. Please note: This year, International President Peter Mancuso has included a $10 per member donation in his distinguished criteria.
Please mail all donations to Allen Yergovich, District Chair
433 76th Avenue
St Pete Beach, FL 33706
Or give to your Lt Governor or Florida Foundation Trustee for bulk mailing.
Thank you all for all that you do!
I am hoping that this email finds you all well and your Service Leadership clubs are starting to get back in to the swing of things after the past couple of crazy years. I would like to re introduce the Key Club/ Builders club pen pal program. We have a new set of Key Club members working to push this in to action.
For those of you that have not heard of this program (it has been over a year since we first talked about it), here is a little bit about it:
The Florida District of Key Club International is proud to announce a new partnership program between Builders Clubs and Key Clubs throughout the Florida District. We have started a pen pal program with Key Club to help Builders Club members earn a mentor, learn more about the Kiwanis Family, grow their love for service, grow leadership skills, and to earn service hours.
Key Club members and Builders Club members will engage in communication regarding the topic of the month. The Florida District of Key Club International’s Kiwanis Family Relations Committee will be emailing out monthly topics to participants. Builders Club members and Key Club members will agree on a mutual form of communication, whether it is letters, emails, or text messages to respond to each other about the prompts.
Builders Club members will be paired with a Key Club member from the same area, which will help encourage Builders Club members to join Key Club in high school and feel more comfortable about the transition to high school. Builders Club members and their parents will be able to list preferences regarding who they would like their pen pal to be.
This is a great opportunity to share with your Builders Club members. Please have Builders Club members interested in participating fill out the link to the Google Form below. This form has additional information regarding the program and will allow Builders Club members to be paired with Key Club members.
Thank you!
Krystal Laudicina
Builders Club Chair
30: Deadline to submit delegate certification forms for the Kiwanis International convention
1: Deadline to register for the 2022 Kiwanis International Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana
1-31: Membership Month
26-29: Kiwanis International-Europe Convention in Vienna, Austria
8-11: 2022 Kiwanis International Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana
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