This is Cheryl Jackson, founder of Minnie’s Food Pantry. Let me tell you what we did together in 2020.

We started off the year with a 6-month waiting list for people to volunteer and were running our food pantry, educational programs, and partnerships as usual. One March 16th everything changed. I received a phone called from Plano ISD and McKinney ISD saying there were thousands of children who needed a meal and they needed our help.

I remember that moment as I was looking at our shelf and we had just counted having only 60 boxes of cereal. Channel 4 was standing in front of me and they asked, "how are you going to help thousands of families when you don't even have 100 boxes of cereal?" The tears began to flow, but my response was “I believe our community will help us meet the need.” 

We launched the “Hunger is Everywhere and So Are We” campaign and our trucks hit the road. We had places to go and people to feed. We knew we were called for this moment and we rose to the occasion.

The best part of the day was when we installed a bell at the back of our building for our food drop-offs. Ms. Minnie’s middle name was “BELL.” You can’t imagine how many tears we shed every time we ran out of a particular food item and the bell would ring with the exact food needed for that day. We all believe our angel in heaven Ms. Minnie Bell, was speaking to you, the angels on earth to help us fulfill our mission.  

We learned a new way to offer our red carpet service. We became a mobile drive-thru experience. The words of hope that we once spoke into everyone's lives became words on a display sign held by a person wearing a mask. However, that didn't stop us from playing our music and dancing at every giveaway so people understood that we were here and we cared.

Let's talk numbers. To put things in perspective, in 2019, Minnie’s Food Pantry supplied 1.4 million meals to our community.

In 2020, all of our signature programs experienced record-breaking numbers. Here's what we did together!
We still need your help!
The need for food tripled at Minnie’s Food Pantry while our resources slowly dwindled. More families needed food and we had to provide it - despite the sudden cutoff of corporate volunteers because of the pandemic we went into a six-day workweek. Our slogan became “Stay In The Game" We implemented additional safety precautions to protect our employees and the families we serve against COVID-19 and we worked long days and nights!

The pandemic has hit the community in more ways than one. From individuals experiencing job loss, falling behind on bills, unexpected health issues, children adjusting to virtual learning, and senior citizens distancing themselves from their families, what we know is that the financial implications will last for years to come and if people are not fed, their health declines to leave them more susceptible to COVID-19.

This is where you come in!
Hunger is a basic necessity of life and it does not discriminate. Neither do we! Minnie’s Food Pantry is committed to providing healthy meals regardless of age, gender, race, and geographic region! As we end the year, I’m asking will you join our fight to reduce hunger in the upcoming year?

You can do so by:
Giving a gift of $20.21 to start off the new year. 

You can make a commitment to do a recurring donation of $13 each month to celebrate our upcoming 13 year anniversary. In the upcoming weeks, we will engage all of our donors with additional ways to be an advocate for those in need of a meal.  

As of December 30th (the birthday of Minnie Ewing), our volunteers and donors will always be known as a Heartbeat. You are the heartbeat of Minnie’s Food Pantry. Our job is to ensure our pulse is on everything related to food insecurity and to be a voice for those in need.

This week Oprah Winfrey posted about Minnie’s Food Pantry and she said we were angels in Texas, I must say I completely agree with her.

As I reflect on 2020, I firmly believe I have an angel in heaven named Ms. Minnie and thousands on earth whom I will speak your name in 2021. Hint: Heartbeat page coming soon!

Minnie Blessings in 2021
Dr. Cheryl Jackson
See how we all came together to feed the community during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Thank you to our sponsors, donors and volunteers for your support in 2020.