20 January 2021

Visit www.faithworks.ca
for more Information or to Donate
The poor shall eat and be satisfied;
those who seek God shall praise the Lord.
May your hearts live forever!
Psalm 22:26
Praise the Lord indeed!
Thank you to all donors for your generosity.

FaithWorks' 2020 Campaign surpasses goal of $1.5 million
raised to meet the needs
of those most vulnerable in our communities.


Parish giving to FaithWorks was its highest in over 7 years, propelling the campaign to its 2nd best result since its launch in 1997. With 85% of parishes contributing to the effort, and an enthusiastic response from direct mail, online giving and businesses, the 2020 Campaign raised $1,617,000 – well above the campaign goal.

Fueled by 2 matching gift challenges and pandemic inspired urgency, Anglicans from across the Diocese opened their hearts and wallets in response to the challenge. 

Thank you to every one of our FaithWorks donors; individuals, parishes, corporations and foundations. Because of your generosity, FaithWorks’ ministry partners are able to have a transformative effect in the lives of thousands of people.

FaithWorks believes that God’s love will change the world. We believe that, with God’s help, there is no challenge too intractable to overcome. We believe that it is possible to build communities of love, manifest in hope, compassion, peace and justice. Thank you for believing too!

Peter Misiaszek, MA, CFRE
Director of Stewardship Development
A marvelous way to begin celebrating FaithWork's 25th Anniversary
If you wish to highlight your Parish's events in support of FaithWorks, please forward the details to faithworks@toronto.anglican.ca
Virtual and Video Sermons available
We are only gathering virtually. The Director of Stewardship, Peter Misiaszek, and I would normally be visiting parishes in person to speak of FaithWorks. Why not virtually!!! If you would like one of us to speak to your parish during your online Sunday worship please contact FaithWork Speakers Bureau at fwspeakersbureau@toronto.anglican.ca

If you would like the pre-recorded video of my sermon promoting FaithWorks (11 minutes) or the 20th Anniversary of FaithWorks video
(2 minutes) for your Sunday morning services, please email me so that I can make them available to you.
Peter Mentis (he/him)
FaithWorks Campaign Manager

135 Adelaide St. E.
Toronto, ON M5C 1L8
416-363-6021 ext. 242
1-800-668-8932 ext.242
We build healthy, missional Anglican communities that engage faithfully with the world and share the gospel of Jesus Christ. I acknowledge that my office resides on the territory of sovereign Indigenous Nations, the Anishinaabe, the Haudenosaunee, and the Wendat. I acknowledge especially the Mississaugas of the Credit and the Toronto Treaties.