Arnold Athlete Email #9
Plan Ahead!
For those of you coming to the Arnold for the first time, CONGRATS!

As you know, this is a HUGE multi-sporting event and expo. With that brings 200,000+ of your closest friends. On the day you compete, please plan ahead and be prepared for navigating through the crowds. Those whose sessions start at 8am, you should be fine, but the later sessions will be dealing with a lot of foot traffic and should plan accordingly so you can arrive by the start of your weigh-ins.

Registration, Equipment Check and Weigh-ins are NOT at the venue, they are located in Room B230-B231 up the escalators (and there is an elevator).

C-POD is the Venue and warm-up area for the Battle of the Regions, A7 Raw Challenge and SBD Pro American.

Rogue Stage and Main Stage are for the Con-Cret Pro Bench Bash, Grand Prix by SBD, Squat Challenge and the Pro Deadlift. Warm-ups for these events will be behind the Rogue Stage.
Event & USA Powerlifting Merchandise
Don't forget to stop by our merchandise booth in the C-Pod for your Arnold Event shirts and USA Powerlifting Official merchandise.

Warm-up Room
You and your coach will be required to have the session wristband on to enter the warm-up room. Put on your wristband at registration, replacements will not be issued.

  1. Respect the venue and your fellow athletes. After you are done lifting, please use one of the garbage receptacles around the perimeter of the warm-up room to throw away your food, bottles, etc.
  2. Please take 2-3 minutes after each lift to unload the bar for the next athletes, either you your session or the sessions following.
  3. If you need anything, chalk, a collar is broken, need garages emptied, more water, etc, go to the score table and have them page the our staff. We are here to take care of you, we just need to know what if it is you need.
  4. There are rugs in the warm-up area to powder your legs for deadlifts. DO NOT powder over the venue carpet. If you are caught doing so, you will be removed from the meet. Respect the venue/warm-up room as you would your home.
Live Broadcast and Live Scoring
YES! Each session and platform will be broadcast on

There will also be live scoring through  where your family and friends can watch play by play how you are doing against your competition. Exception will be the Squat Challenge due to the unique nature of this event. Family can count the reps on the live stream and official results will be posted soon.
The schedule for the Arnold can be found here:

As a reminder, you will need your government issued photo ID and your USA Powerlifting Membership Card (U.S. lifters) at registration and weigh-ins.
Approved Equipment
As a reminder, IPF Approved Equipment is required for these event. Additionally, outside of the IPF Approve Equipment, logos must fall under the Approved Apparel Policy for USA Powerlifting. (page 22 of the USA Powerlifting Rulebook v2019.5)

Official Photo/Video Vendor
If you love the hype of the video above, don't miss the opportunity to capture you experience at the Arnold! Pre-order your your photos and videos at  the exclusive media provider for the USA Powerlifting Arnold events!
Please use the ATHLETE CHANGE FORM to to submit your withdrawals, it helps our staff schedule and plan when we know ahead of time you are not coming.

  • Your UNIQUEID: Note - If you are entered in more than one event, refer to your Entry Receipt for the correct UniqueID for each event. You may also email the National Office for assistance.
  • Your Membership#:
It is important to remember that our events are drug tested. If you take ANY medication for any reason, you must verify if it if your medication is permitted or prohibited. If prohibited, a TUE (Therapeutic Use Exemption) application must be submitted. The National Office can help through that process if needed.

Verify mediations through here: Enter: Athlete > Weightlifting > then your mediation.

Additionally, many pre-workouts contain prohibited substances, whether declared on the ingredient labels or a hidden (contaminated) substance within the product. You as the athlete are responsible for what you put in your body and may cause a failure, which happened a few years ago at the Arnold. Consumer beware and only use products that are third party tested to help protect yourself.
Please visit our FAQ section of the website for more answers to common questions.

Additionally, we will be sending out more emails as we get closer the event, including where to check in, session start times, professional photography information.
2020 USA Powerlifting at the ARNOLD | Website