Legislative Update . Session Overview
May . 2019
District 15 
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Senator Ed Harbison  
Georgia Senate
432 State Capitol
Atlanta, Georgia 30334
From the Desk of 
Senator  Ed Harbison

Although our legislative session ended nearly two months ago, our work is far from complete! Over the last forty days, many of us have worked tirelessly to ensure our bills which passed, made it to the Governor's desk for his signature into law. 

Per Georgia law, Governor Kemp has forty days after session to either sign or veto a bill. If no action is taken, the bill automatically becomes law July 1, with the start of our new fiscal year. 

Throughout session, we addressed a number of important issues in hopes of moving our state forward- including two Senate Resolutions which I was proud to sponsor.

Senate Resolution 44 , requesting that Georgia's congressional delegation support the proposed Interstate 14 through GA; Senate Resolution 466 commending the 75th anniversary of the WWII Merrill's Marauders mission, urging the United States Congress to award the Congressional Gold Medal have both been submitted for review by our Congressional delegation. 

Please find my full session highlight below! Be on the lookout for monthly updates which will be sent the remainder of the year. They will cover important issues and relevant news pertaining to our area of the state.  

If you need anything at all, please don't hesitate to contact me at anytime. May God bless and keep you my friends. 

Ed Harbison
Senator of the 15th
Session Overview

We accomplished a great deal during our 40 days on Capitol Hill. Check out my full update by clicking the link below. 

On this Memorial Day- let us remember those who have made ultimate sacrifice to protect this flag and what she represents. God bless the fallen, their families and our nation.