2019 SF Peacemaker Awards Recipients
Sasanna Yee
2019 Raymond Shonholtz Visionary Peacemaker Award
Sasanna Yee, a San Francisco Visitacion Valley native, launched her Peace in the Southeast project to transform “hurt into love”. Motivated by the violent assault on her 88-year-old grandmother, Sasanna has been inspirational in creating racial unity and healing spaces in Visitacion Valley and beyond.

Now her life’s mission, Peace in the Southeast has rippled throughout many community spaces and neighborhoods in the southeast corner of San Francisco. Sasanna is dedicated to transformative justice, improving public safety, and serving all who live and work there.

Sasanna works as a bilingual yoga instructor and a transformational activist, passionate about health and wholeness on all levels. As an instructor, she uses yoga as a point of access to address trauma. As an activist, Sasanna provides compassionate support for underserved and underrepresented communities such as at-risk youth and immigrant families.

She is engaged in healing circles and roundtable dialogues to strengthen African American and Asian American relationships. Sasanna also teaches the art of mindfulness to the children of Visitacion Valley Elementary School.

By giving people the tools to connect deeper with themselves and each other, Sasanna firmly believes we can heal core wounds, build resilience, transform lives, and foster respectful community relations. She viscerally understands the connection between an individual’s pain and the pain of a community.

Through Peace in the Southeast, Sasanna’s journey as an inspirational healer and community leader is truly having a significant impact that continues to grow. Her message and practice is: “Peace begins with me”.
2019 Community Boards Leadership Peacemaker Award
HOMEY is a grassroots, non-profit deeply rooted in San Francisco. Founded by former gang members 20 years ago, HOMEY has unapologetically identified issues adversely affecting the youth and young adults throughout the Mission District.

They’re an inspirational community-empowerment organization combating youth violence and mass incarceration.

HOMEY does this through delivering hope, empowerment, leadership, culture, and most importantly, with love. They developed an innovative model that provides neutral spaces where rival gang members labor together to forge truly transformative peace accords.

They also work directly with youth and young adults in schools, on the street, and in jails to deliver their own brand of workshops, services, and empowerment activities.

The HOMEY team, concurrently, continues to build and expand their community partnerships through meetings, programming, and community building.

As they declare on their website: “We’re doing something about it by empowering rather than enabling participants in our program.”