Quote of the Month
" No matter how unreasonable others may seem, I am responsible for not reacting negatively." Regardless of what is happening around me I will always have the prerogative, and the responsibility , of choosing what happens within me. -Bill W
Mark your Calendars
October 26,2019

Halloween Speaker Meeting Al-Anon - AA
Bill B (AA)
Sharon B (Al-Anon)

Main dish will be provided including coffee, tea and water
Cost for the event is $10.00

Contest for BEST Halloween Dish
(1st, 2nd, and 3rd prizes)
Who will be the judges for the contest? you!

"How 95% of Long Term Sobriety is Maintained"
Find our HOW ... Presentation Provided by Area 03
A Different Kind of Fun!
Saturday, November 16, 2019 Time 1:30-4:30
Where: Bullhead Alano Club 384 Marina Blvd
Sponsored and Hosted by: your Sub-District 09-903
Luncheon: Chili Verde with Tortillas will be provided by District 09-903
Coffee and Water will be available
A side dish or dessert to share is appreciated.

Register NOW>>> HERE

We are not a Glum Lot!
Registration is open online

30th Annual River Roundup
January 9-12,2020

Register On-line

Early registration ends December 2019

Traditions Checklist from the AA Grapevine

These question were originally published in the AA Grapevine in conjunction with a series on the Twelve Traditions. There will be a series of the traditions in the next 12 issues of the Newsletter.

Tradition Three : The only requirement for AA membership is a desire to stop drinking.

  1. In my mind, do I prejudge some new AA members as losers?
  2. Is there some kind of alcoholic whom I privately do not want in my AA group?
  3. Do I set myself up as a judge of whether a newcomer is sincere or phony?
  4. Do I let language, religion (or lack of it), race, education, age, or other such things interfere with my carrying the message?
  5. Am I over impressed by a celebrity? By a doctor, a clergyman, and ex-convict? Or can I just treat this new member simply and naturally as one more sick human, like the rest of us?
  6. When someone turns up at AA needing information or help (even if he can't ask for it aloud), does it really matter to me what he does for a living? Where he lives? What his domestic arrangements are? Whether he had been AA before? What his other problems are?

International Convention
July 2-5,2020 Detroit, Michigan

The 2020 International Convention of Alcoholics Anonymous will be held July 2-5,2020 in Detroit, Michigan, Registration is open on-line! "Love and Tolerance is our Code." This celebrate A.A.'s 85th year at this event . Click Here

Service Work
Looking for help in November 1-2,2019 to help clean and paint the Front Room in our Central Office . Contact Roxanne S 404-702-8700
AA News
The AA World Service meeting guide app; is a free mobile app of iOS and Android. Designed to be simple, fast and help you find AA meeting wherever you are. River Cities Central Office will be soon on the App, currently you can find us but we are not connected our webpage is on the site and is working.