It's time to send in your payment for the team fee for our 2018 mission trip. The fee this year is $650, the same as in recent years, and it is due on April 25. As you will remember, this fee pays for the costs of our chartered bus transportation, room and board at the Campamento, the hotel stay in Santo Domingo the evening before we return home, the costs of our project supplies, and a few other miscellaneous expenses. Most of these funds have to be sent to the Diocese of the Dominican Republic at least a month before we arrive.
Please send a check for this $650 amount with "DR 2018 Team Fee" on the memo line payable to Christ Episcopal Church, 1521 North Patterson Street, Valdosta GA 31602 to arrive by April 25. The check can either be mailed or placed in the collection plate at Christ Church during a Sunday worship service.
Our planning page has been updated with this information. To see that planning page, click the link below:
In other news....
1) T
ickets are now on sale for the May 3rd DR Dinner and Auction at the Cotton Corner, 101 N. Ashley Street, Valdosta, from 6 - 8:30 p.m. This is our major fundraiser for the scholarships for the school children in El Pedregal and for project costs not covered by the team fee. The $25 tickets will be on sale after the 10 a.m. Sunday services through April 29th. If you live away from Valdosta but would like to attend this event, please contact Julia to make ticketing arrangements. This is a catered supper event, and because of space limitations only 104 tickets can be sold. No tickets will be available at the door. In addition to the live and silent auctions, Missioner Caroline Hiers, a veteran of our 2017 trip, will be speaking briefly on this topic: "Why am I going on another mission trip?" Caroline is one of the granddaughters of John and Missioner Phyllis Hiers, and is the niece of another veteran Missioner, Meg Hiers, who is returning for her third trip.
2) Watch your email around 12 noon on every Thursday between now and June 28 for update messages about our trip. There's a lot of information to pass along, and we'll use this series of email messages to do that. Links to all of the messages will be on the planning page (see link above) if you happen to miss a message, or would like to review something. The first message in this series goes out this week on Thursday, April 12.
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For general information about the history of Christ Church's mission work with our friends in the Diocese of the Dominican Republic,
click here.
Need something else? Check below for all of our contact information.