Happy New Year
2018 DeKalb County Visitors Guides are Here!
The 2018 DeKalb County Visitors Guide is here! It is jam-packed with events and attractions for visitors to explore and experience in 2018. We have started distributing and shipping it across the county and state.

Available for DeKalb County Businesses & Organizations
The Visitors Guide is the premier marketing piece for DeKalb County. Your distribution efforts will help increase visibility for our local attractions. The guide also makes a great recruitment tool to highlight what the region has to offer. 

Contact the CVB at 815-756-1336 or email  office@dekalbcountycvb.com  to reserve your supply today. 

NIU Partners, get your guides right on campus.
Contact Ian Crone  icrone@niu.edu  to secure your copies for recruitment, welcome packets, event distribution, and more. 
Share the DeKalb County Visitors Guide Digitally
The DCCVB has again produced the visitors guide in an interactive digital form. We encourage you to embed it on your websites (embed code below), share it on social media (DCCVB has added it as a tab on our Facebook page ) and however else you'd like to share it digitally. The digital guide is available here: dekalbcountycvb.com/visitors-guide on the DCCVB website.

Embed Code:
<iframe frameborder="0" width="640" height="480" title="DeKalb County Interactive Guide 2018" src="https://user-vpnqv7w.cld.bz/DeKalb-Interactive-Guide-2018" type="text/html" scrolling="no" marginwidth="0" allowfullscreen="true" marginheight="0"></iframe>
State Wide Distribution
  • Visitors guides are distributed to Northern Illinois University (5,000), the DeKalb County Legislative Building, and municipalities, hotels, attractions and chambers throughout DeKalb County.
  • The DCCVB pays to place the guide in visitor kiosks located at tollway oasis (Belvidere, DeKalb, O'Hare, and Hinsdale), Chicago Hotels along I-80 & I-88, and at popular attractions like Navy Pier across Chicago-land, the Quad Cities and beyond.
  • Because the DCCVB is a certified bureau, we are able to take part in Illinois Office of Tourism Partnerships to place guides at Chicago's Union Station, seven tourist information centers, and other locations as they become available. 
Winter Family Fun Video Featured on DCCVB Website
Now that the holidays are over, it's time to think about all the great outdoor activities winter has to offer.

The Winter Family Fun video features many of these activities and encourages visitors to explore DeKalb County and take advantage of winter.

This video is now featured on dekalbcountycvb.com and will be featured in upcoming Comcast Digital ads as well. Click the image above to watch the video now.

The DCCVB website also now features a translator to allow visitors to plan a trip to DeKalb County in their preferred language.
Whiskey Acres Featured in Illinois Made Gift Guide
The Illinois Office of Tourism put together a Holiday Gift Guide full of Illinois Made products. It featured a wide variety of items from coffee to chocolates and from pottery to spirits, including DeKalb County's Whiskey Acres.

Watch the full video presentation HERE.
IHSA Destination DeKalb Recap
In the last DCCVB Partner Newsletter we recapped IHSA Destination DeKalb 2017.

Click HERE to learn more about how 25,000 visitors had an economic impact of $1 million during the 2-day event.
Upcoming Events & Early Shout-outs

DeKalb County Convention and Visitors Bureau
111 South 2nd St. Suite 202 | DeKalb, IL 60115
815.756.1336 | 1.877.335.2521 | contact us   dekalbcountycvb.com
Open Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm