It is my great joy and honor to send this new year foreword to you all as we begin the new year.
2017 proved to be a great year for DCA and 2018 gives the excitement and ray of hope for a prosperous year full of opportunities.
2018 appears to be moving towards the expansion of opportunities in the IoT sector with the best indication going to the disruptive mobile app economy and with our Miss.Africa initiative seed fund through our DCA academy programme, which is interested in the STEM and internet technology adoption that will play a part in enhancing their impact and scalability.
I hope together we will move towards achieving the numerous opportunities that the new year 2018 has to offer.
Here's a
preview of our 2018 predictions below and a
read on the
summary of DCA's 2017 highlights.
Our 2018 Predictions
2018 seems to offer more opportunities to those who will focus on harnessing the power of the internet and especially on the mobile phone, a mobile friendly year.
The internet continues to be disruptive and this is what we see for the year 2018, the banking and insurance sectors will adopt internet technologies to offer services especially over the mobile phones, Big Data ownership, Blockchain will dominate the finance industry.
The following are our predictions:
Bitcoin is at a huge risk of crumbling
Startups could scramble to prepare for new privacy regulations in the age of GDPR.
Diversity doesn't do much for corporate growth, inclusivity will
Will a most advanced self-driving car will go on sale?
A.I will be used to help authors on books or craft a compelling speech.
Authenticating truth in the age of fake news?
Foreign aid vs. investing on social impact
Chatbots will reign supreme as mainstream assistants
Could #Hashtags become real legal contracts?
Will 5G finally become reality?
Augmented reality outpacing virtual reality?
What will continue:
Global individualism; strategies for shaping the future of global development;
free speech on anything; importance of educating girls; the #MeToo movement; gender equality; move towards the app economy continue; business risk taking; more smart home devices; innovation; Cyber attacks through compromised IoT devices
including cloud computing; flourishing of e-Commerce; digital transformation of government services; open data; discussions on privacy and crypto-currency; mobile devices; wireless; the rise of AI; IPv6 growth on mobile; 5G research and development will continue.
What will be challenged:
Anti-globalization; fake news; unwarranted online surveillance;
net neutrality reversal; data mining; corruption; male vs women leadership styles; U.S. government move to relinquish control over the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN); internet censorship.
Wishing you all an innovatively powered 2018.
God Bless Africa & the World!
Sophia Bekele
Our Miss.Africa Digital programme Named ITU EQUALS in Tech Award finalistsRead more
Deadline Extended, Apply for 2018 STEM Seed Funding #SheAppsAfrica