96th District, Virginia House of Delegates                                           January  20, 2017

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Contact Delegate Pogge

Richmond Office 
General Assembly Building
Room 403
P.O. Box 406
Richmond, VA 23218
Phone: 804-698-1096
Fax: 804-786-6310
Legislative Aide
Amanda Johnston
With the first full week of session drawing to a close, legislators are wrapping up final committee meetings before heading home to their respective districts today. One of the most important aspects of serving as a "citizen legislator" is taking the time to listen to constituent feedback. In addition to receiving input via email and phonecalls while in Richmond, I enjoy talking with constituents at home in the district. Returning to Williamsburg each weekend allows me to hear in-person feedback so that I can best represent residents of the 96th House District.

One sentiment I frequently hear is frustration with regulations and bureaucracy. While not all regulations are undesirable, they should be transparent, fair, and impose minimal financial burdens on businesses and families. Several House members have submitted bills to strengthen public input requirements on newly proposed regulations, create accountability for those agencies that think they should be exempt from public input, and generally scale back the tremendous amount of regulatory burden working professionals currently experience. I understand firsthand these challenges, and I look forward to working with my House colleagues to support this legislation. For information on the proposed Red Tape Reduction Commission, click HERE. Please also take a minute to read the recent Daily Press article outlining these initiatives.
2017 Legislative Survey
Thank you to all who have completed my 2017 survey, either online or via hard copy. If you have not yet done so, please take a minute to submit the survey online by clicking HERE. Results will be provided during the upcoming weeks. 
Amending the Budget
During this year's short session, legislators are focused on adjusting Virginia's biennial budget. Accordingly, the House Appropriations Committee is tasked with hearing budget amendments and making final recommendations. Although I am not an Appropriations Committee member, I am able to submit budget amendment requests. I introduced only three requests, one of which would provide funding for a mobile crisis team for a local agency, Colonial Behavioral Health. A mobile crisis team provides 24-7 on-scene evaluation, treatment, and interventions for individuals and families who are dealing with a mental health crisis. Click HERE to read the budget amendment.
Visitors welcome!
The past week brought a great many visitors to the General Assembly Building. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day was exceptionally busy, as many Virginians took advantage of the holiday and traveled to Richmond to lobby their representatives. Although my hectic committee schedule frequently kept me away from my office, I appreciate all of the constituents who took the time to visit. Some of the groups represented are listed below:
  • Americans for Prosperity
  • Greater Williamsburg Partnership
  • League of Women Voters
  • March of Dimes
  • Registrars & Electoral Board Members
  • Virginia Citizens Defense League
  • The College of William & Mary

If you are unable to visit, you may reach me via email at DelBPogge@house.virginia.gov or by phone at 804-698-1096. If you find yourself in Richmond, my office is located in Room 403 of the General Assembly Building at the corner of 9th and Broad Streets.

Enjoy your weekend!
Delegate Brenda Pogge

Paid for and Authorized by Brenda Pogge for Delegate