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MIT Sloan CIO Symposium - Inventing Your Future: Accelerating Success Through Technology, May 20, 2015

Help Shape the 2015 Agenda!

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In this Issue...
  • Early Bird Registration is Open
  • 2015 Theme Announced
  • Help Shape the Agenda
  • Welcome CISR
Happy New Year!

Now that the holidays are behind us, it is time to officially announce the 2015 MIT Sloan CIO Symposium. Early Bird Registration is open!
2015 Theme Announced 

This year's theme is based on the NY Times Best Seller, The Second Machine Age, as well as a new book, Leading Digital.  Both books originate from the MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy (IDE). Here's the 2015 theme:


Inventing Your Future: Accelerating Success through Technology

Book: The Second Machine Age

Digitization and exponential improvements in technology (faster, cheaper, smarter) are the foundation of future success. Accelerated success will come through new combinations of people, processes, and technology ─ finding smarter, more efficient ways to manage current operations; using technology, including the Internet of Things, to redefine products; making insightful decisions based on analytics; and improving the customer experience.


We are at an inflection point. What made CIOs successful today will not necessarily make them successful tomorrow. CIOs need new modes of thinking and practice, and exceptional collaboration skills across the organization. To accelerate success, CIOs need to work with their C-Suite colleagues and the rest of their enterprise on envisioning new business models enabled by technology.


Get the insights you need to invent your and your organization's future at the 2015 MIT 

Book: Leading Digital

Sloan CIO Symposium. The Symposium brings together the academic thought leadership of MIT with the in-the-trenches experience of leading, global CIOs who are using technology to build new paths to success.


Here is a great quote from Leading Digital that is apropos to the Symposium theme:


"[Digital Masters] see technologies as a way to rethink the way they do business, breaking free of outdated assumptions that arose from the limits of older technologies."


This year's Symposium is all about breaking free of outdated assumptions.

Help Shape the Agenda!

You can view potential panels on our agenda page: Tell us what panels you like most by voting for them now on the panel description pages. I also welcome your direct feedback, just hit reply. 

Welcome our new Partner, CISR

This year the Symposium is placing greater emphasis on our MIT academic thought leadership: the MIT Center for Information Systems Research (CISR) will be joining long-term organizers, IDE and the MIT Sloan Boston Alumni Association, as a co-organizer of the Symposium. CISR research includes Demand Shaping, Cashing in on your Data, and Succeeding with Ecosystems, among other topics.


Over the next few months, I will be sharing with you more details about this year's Symposium and highlights from last year. I look forward to seeing you on May 20, 2015.


Early Bird Registration is now open; Register Today and Save!

Lindsey Anderson
 The MIT Sloan CIO Symposium is organized by:

MIT Initiative on the Digital EconomyMIT Sloan Boston Alumni AssociationMIT Center for Information Systems Research
MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy
MIT Sloan Boston Alumni Association
MIT Center for Information Systems Research

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