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2024 DSI Annual Pedagogy Conference

21st Century Teaching Effectiveness: Exploring the Spectrum

June 25-26, 2024

Virtual Conference


The Decision Sciences Institute (DSI) is excited to share with you two case research seminars added to the Annual Pedagogy Conference. These are hosted by Professor Eric Dolansky. Who wouldn't want to hear from a two-time Jeopardy champion!

CASE RESEARCH SEMINAR 1 - Getting Started on Case Writing

Hosted By Eric Dolansky

This session is intended to accomplish three goals: first, to explain how case research fits into an overall research agenda, second, to discuss the steps in starting a case research project, and three, to outline what the end result, in terms of the case and instructor's manual, should look like. By making an unfamiliar form of research more accessible and relevant to the participants through presentation and discussion, the aim is to inspire new case research endeavors.

CASE RESEARCH SEMINAR 2 - Teaching with Cases

Hosted By Eric Dolansky

Linking to the first session, this discussion will begin with an explanation of the benefits of using one's own cases in the classroom. From there, it will move into content related to managing classroom discussions, assessing in-class contributions, and ensuring that learning objectives are reached. Circling back to the beginning, then look at how good instructor's manuals are crafted and then used in the classroom. 


Dolansky is an associate professor of marketing at Goodman School of Business, Brock University. His area of research is in consumer behaviour, and he has published articles and award-winning business cases on pricing, behavioural economics, and consumer perceptions. Dr. Dolansky strongly believes in an engaging, interactive classroom, with contributions not only from the instructor but from the participants. For this reason, his classes often employ case analysis and discussion, role playing, discussion/debate, and interactive activities to advance the learning and understanding of the concepts. He has served as coach for many student competitions and has run seminars on presentation skills. Dr. Dolansky is heavily involved in case learning and teaching and is the current Editor-in-Chief of the Case Research Journal, in addition to having chaired the case division of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, and having served as President of the North American Case Research Association. In his role in the case research community, he has given virtual and in-person seminars and workshops around the world. Dr. Dolansky received a B.A. in film from Ryerson University, and his MBA and Ph.D. from the Ivey School of Business at Western University. He is also a two-time Jeopardy! champion.

In addition - the DSI Specific Interest Group (SIG), Data, Analytics and Statistics Instruction (DASI), will host two sessions oriented towards preparing for fall classes. One will be a general interest session featuring a panel addressing AI related issues for class instruction and the other will focus on classes that address the use of data for decision making. More details to be posted soon!


Registration open. Only $75 for DSI members. Not a member? Join first to receive membership benefits.

The program continues to evolve, so look for more updates on the website. We look forward to you joining us. Check out our webpages for more info.

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