2022 Statistics

Clients Housed - 103

Clients Employed - 474

Child Support Paid - $59,149.68

Taxes Paid - $567,237.45


Clients Housed - 42

Clients Employed - 141

Graduates for the Quarter - 9

Baptisms for the Quarter - 11

Letter from the Director - David Elkins

To Safe Harbors friends and family

Praise be to Jesus Christ for His love and sacrifice. Spring is in the air new growth all around, a time to see the beauty the God displays.

But greater than the flowers and the trees is the beauty that God displays in the hearts of men. As pastor at Safe Harbor Jefferson County I get to see lives bloom, grow, become productive citizens, and men of God. Definitely the greatest aspect of my calling is to see how God intercedes in lives. Just in time to see; Where there was no hope, there's hope, where there was no vision, plans have been established, where there’s been no communication, families are reunited.


On the grounds at Safe Harbor things are changing, growing and expanding. With plans to start our new residential cottage in the next few months we look to be able to serve more men with better accommodations and opportunities. Your prayers and financial support is very special to us! I know you're praying because I see the hand of God moving In the lives of our clients, staff, and opportunities. DON’T STOP PRAYING!


Just want to share one success story of many and how many lives it affects. Last May of 2022 we had a client graduate name Landon Gary. Landon came on staff with us proclaiming that God had called him to serve the men of Safe Harbor. We also got to experience his precious wife find freedom and they rekindled the love they have for one another. You say great! But there's so much more to the story; you see Landon and Chantele have four beautiful children that mean the world to them. Choices had strained their relationships with their children but God heard their cry! Landon and Chantele were married on April 1,2023 in the sight of God, family and friends. They have just been able to obtain a lease on a home that they can raise their children in. Becoming the family God intended them to be!

You think your prayers don’t matter; you thank your donations don't produce fruit? Well, they do and we see the evidence every day!


Thank you,

Pastor David

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Faith Elevated

Sacrament Sunday in JC. Jesus showed up and showed out!

Celebration Sunday - March 2023

Congratulations to our Graduates!

Congratulations to our Client of the Month!

Congratulations to our Client Volunteer of the Month!

Partner of the Quarter - Hampton Inn

Safe Harbor of Jefferson County would like to recognize Hampton Inn of Gatlinburg Tennessee as our Partner of the Quarter. We started our partnership about a year ago. Lori Messer, the general manger, has made all our clients feel like part of a family and not just part of a team. She has welcomed, with open arms, the vision that Safe Harbor has and seems to share the same viewpoint. The clients that we have working there stay working there and look for futures within their organization. 

Another special shout out to Shelia Green and Brittany Bowen who were the very first two clients we got to work there. They are still there and going strong. 

Once again thank you to Hampton In for our partnership with you and may we have many more years together.

It's that time...

Getting our garden spot ready! Nothing like fresh veggies for our guys!

Celebration Sunday - February 2023

Congratulations to our Graduates!

Congratulations to our Reliable of the Month!

Congratulations to our Client of the Month!

Congratulations to our Client Volunteer of the Month!

Congratulations to our Staff of the Month!

Time to Unwind

The guys had a great night of fellowship & watching the Superbowl!

Winter Jam 2023

Client of the Quarter

"My Testimony of how JESUS CHRIST saved me from all my sins. 

Before I was lost in a world of confusion and sin. My old life was full of confusion uncertainty, suicidal thoughts, no hope and no life. However, GOD's mercy was able to lead me to the Holy Scriptures and my eyes started to see the gospel and life of GOD for the first time. I now believe only in the King JESUS of the Holy Bible. I believe in my heart that GOD come into the world to save me from all the havoc that I was creating in my life. I finally realize that GOD's truth and goodness has lead me to Safe Harbor where I have come to true repentance from my sin and selfishness. I repented and turned away from lying, stealing, fornication, adultery, coveting and all selfish behavior. GOD has renewed my heart and changing my want to's.... I now show my FATHER my love by obeying the instruction manual (the Bible) of life. 1 John 2:4 says, "He that saith they know me and keep not my commandments is a liar and the truth is not in him." I walk in the truth today growing in my faith wearing the armor of GOD."

Battle in the Saddle 2023

Battle in the Saddle 2023 is in the books. We want to thank all of you who supported the show, whether you were a sponsor, a contestant, or a spectator. There were 866 runs that came down the alley over the weekend and a total payout of $78,710.46 including awards. We will have a fundraiser total soon!

Our Open 1D Average Winner for the weekend was Billy Hatzman on Honor Bounds Ghost. The pair took home $4,476 for the weekend. Billy never disappoints on keeping us all on our toes when he makes a run!

Thank you to our sponsors, without them the show would not be possible – Runyon Industries, Stone Quarter Horses & Appaloosas, Tennessee Tractor – Somerville, TN, Tractor Supply Company, Mid TN Lumber, IGA – Insurance Group America, Nationwide Insurance, David & Lynn Elkins, Sun Electric Company, JHA Saddle & Tack, Netgain Mobile Diagnostics, Cleghern’s Piggly Wiggly, Paul Bailey, Who Dat Processing, Elk Creek Missionary Baptist Church, Jones Plastic, Jim & Sue Oaks, Kyle & Jamie Bennett, KT Produce, Hampton Inn Gatlinburg, Novacopy, Wasco, Brad & Rachel Bowie.

Visit Battle in the Saddle

Staff of the Quarter - James Staffan

James handles all the work program for Safe Harbor JC that includes clients from two other local programs that pushes our total to 140+ out the door daily. This being said James deals with a lot of information and issues regularly, and also in the mix is multiple company partners with specific needs and goals that James tries to accommodate with the pool of available employees.

Needless to say James has a lot on his plate, meeting demands of a fast moving workforce!

Thanks James for your many years of service, dedication, and hard work! 

Celebration Sunday - January 2023

Congratulations to our Graduates!

Congratulations to our Client of the Month!

Congratulations to our Client Volunteer of the Month!

Congratulations to our Reliable of the Month!

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