July 23, 2021
This weekend at St Antoninus:
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary time on Sunday.
Mass at 10am. Holy Hour at 9am.
Please pray for the soul of Joan Ann Burrell, loving sister of Alice Burrell who passed away on July 19, 2021. A funeral Mass was celebrated at St Antoninus Church for the repose of her soul on Friday, July 23.
Divine Adoration Prayer Meeting tomorrow, Saturday (and every Saturday) at 3pm- in person and live streamed. See schedule of events.
Our Monthly Healing Mass will be this coming Saturday, July 31at 3pm . We normally have our Healing Mass on First Saturdays. This is an exception due to a schedule problem.
Please join us at our Healing Mass. Come with expectant faith and an open heart to receive the Lord's extravagant blessings.
From Eileen O'Hara:
WE CAN NOW COME TO CHURCH TO PRAY & we need help to keep God’s House clean. If you are interested in this new Cleaning Ministry, call Doris Okolie at 347 748 5023 as she coordinating this mission of love & fellowship. The monthly clean up date is every 2nd Saturday of the month at 2pm, starting on Saturday August 14.
Video Resources (Occasions of Grace)
Powerful teaching!!
Ralph Martin of Renewal Ministries: "Join the Resistance"
Today, there is a terrible oppression hanging over the world and the Church; Ralph shares from the Scriptures how we can learn to resist every such wicked thought and feeling.
Watch inside.
Dr. Mark Miravalle: " Our Lady of America - Mariology for Everyone"
De Miravalle speaks about the apparitions of Our Lady of America to Sr. Mary Ephrem from the mid 1950' through the 1980's in Ohio and Indiana. Our Lady calls for purity in America and the placing of a statue depicting Our Lady of America in the National Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. and the striking of a medal in her honor.
Sacramental Preparations at St Antoninus
Call the rectory office to register or email at saintantoninuschurch@gmail.com:
Tuesday - Saturday 9-3pm
WEDDINGS. Contact the parish office one year in advance of the proposed marriage date.
INFANT BAPTISM. Expectant parents should call the office to register for the baptism of your baby. Most of our baptisms take place during Sunday Mass.
CATECHISM CLASSES FOR CHILDREN - take place on Sundays, from 8:15am to 9:15am.
ADULT BAPTISM & other Sacraments of Initiation – call to register
Updates on our 12 Noon Daily Mass:
Our 12noon Mass (every day except Mondays) will continue to be held at the Rectory Chapel. This noon Mass will no longer be live-streamed. However, Sunday Mass and all special Masses will continue to be live-streamed.
Every Tuesday at 8pm, we have Scripture Study- in person & on Zoom ( following the 7pm Rosary). This is mainly focused on the upcoming Sunday Mass readings with discussions led by Fr Joseph. We have recently added to our study a video series, "Mass Readings Explained" by Dr Brant Pitre, who is a renowned & insightful Bible scholar. More inside.
Inside, see updated chart of schedule of our liturgies & ministries. Participate in our daily online Rosary, Eucharistic Prayer Meeting, Scripture Study, etc. Click for updated schedule. More inside.
The Rachel Vineyard Retreat, a weekend of prayers and consolation for anyone suffering the effects of abortion will be Sept. 10-12, 2021. For more info contact Respect Life Office of the Archdiocese of Newark at 973-497-4350.
Please consider making an offering to the Lord on behalf of St Antoninus, that we may continue our mission. See links below. Thank you and God bless you!
Our 2021 Annual Appeal is ongoing. We need everyone's support. Please pick up envelopes at the church entrance.