Message from the Chair


National Seminar was a fantastic experience with great representation from Area 12. Celebrating 70 years was an incredible experience. The future of handbells in America looks bright given the number of youth ensembles that performed concerts at the National Seminar. The conclusion featured our LA Metro Regional Coordinator, Erik Der as the conductor of Distinctly Teen featuring 49 young ringers. As an educator of middle and high school youth myself, these youth ensemble concerts were a definite highlight. 

Fall is approaching fast! Directors are in the throes of planning and ringers are looking forward to getting back to the tables. Area 12 is working on the next area event, Bellz! The Next Generation. This youth event is open to all middle and high school age ringers and will be a fun-filled event that includes mass ringing, classes, and social activities. Check out this link for information: ​​

Bellz! Info


Marci Nuoffer

Area 12 at National Seminar

Whatever your role is in the handbell community, please remember that your board is here for you! Please take the time to check out the resources available to all of us on the HMA website ( 

Happy Ringing!


Carol Pickford

Secretary’s Report

As part of our Go Nuts! Event in June, we had our biennial meeting to give an update on Area 12. We had about 45 attendees in person at the meeting, and as of July 25, we had 344 people view the Facebook live recording. You can find that recording on our Facebook page at   

Meeting summary: 

1) Elections are coming up, we need volunteers to run for Secretary, Treasurer, and the 6-year chair cycle (Chair-Elect, Chair, Past Chair). If you would be interested in volunteering, or have a referral that you think would be a good fit on the board, please contact Tessique Houston at At the time of the meeting we were also looking for a CenCal coordinator. Since then, we are grateful to Maggie Patton for volunteering for this position. The board has approved her nomination, we welcome Maggie to the board. 

2) Finances: We are grateful to be able to report that from a financial perspective, we are in the black. Covid was difficult! Without events, there was no funding coming into the board. But we have been watching our funds very carefully, and have come out the other side. Money is still tight, but we are seeing improvement. We are a non-profit, so any money that comes in goes back into supporting events and activities that further the development of Handbells in Area 12.  

3) Both Bellz! The Next Generation and National Seminar were advertised. You can find more information about both of these events in this newsletter.

4) The board members in attendance at the meeting were introduced. Membership in HMA was encouraged. We have approximately 177 members in Area 12.

5) Someone in the audience asked where the next Area 12 conference was planned to be. Just before the event started, we found out that National is considering having National Seminar in Hawaii in 2027. We were considering Hawaii as well for 2026, but given this new information, we are taking some time to reconsider. We have started the process of getting quotes from a couple alternate locations, we will make an announcement once we have a contract signed.  

6) Our next board meeting will be the weekend of September 14th and 15th, details will be available on our calendar. As always, if you have something you would like to present to or discuss with the board, or have something you would like included on the agenda, please reach out to any one of us.  


Carol Pickford

Area 12 Secretary

Go to our HOMEPAGE 
to submit YOUR event!
(and get a social media push!)

Check out all the membership options and benefits for Handbell Musicians of America HERE.

Current Area 12

Member Count:


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a classified ad?
Click on the
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Check out our
Classified Ads

Take advantage of the Area 12 website to publicize your group. Click here to list your group or soloist. (Looking for a community group or soloist to play for an event, see the list here.)

Have an upcoming concert? Submit it here or use the calendar link above.

Need a ringer? Need a director? Have extra equipment; need equipment? Submit it here or use the wanted link above.

Questions? Please contact the webmaster.

Dear LA Metro, 

It was my privilege to direct Distinctly Teen at the 70th annual Handbell National Seminar in Hartford CT earlier this month. I spent three days working with 50 talented musicians. We had a fun time learning repertoire, honing handbell techniques, and performing during the closing concert! In case you're interested in seeing the concert, we perform one hour into this video:

Concert Link

As you plan for your 2024/2025 season, please consider attending some of these events geared towards youth ensembles and directors. All events take place at Concordia University Irvine.

  • Fri, September 27 at 1:00pm - 3:00pm: Handbell Education Lecture: HMA president Greig Ashurst presents a free lecture on handbell education. 

  • Mon, March 10: High school handbell invitational: Workshops, adjudications, mass ring & public concert.

  • Sat, March 29: Young Ringer's Festival: Workshops, adjudications, mass ring & public concert. 

Erik Der

Cell (text): 619-995-0256

All events take place at Concordia University Irvine.

Email me for more info:

Nominations for Area 12 Elected Positions

Every two years, three Area 12 Executive Committee officers are elected: Chair-Elect (six-year term, two as Chair-Elect, two as Chair and two as Past-Chair), Secretary (two-year term, with possible re-election for second subsequent term) and Treasurer (two-year term, with possible re-election for second subsequent term).

To be eligible to be considered as a candidate for one of these offices, potential candidates must be a voting member in good standing of the Handbell Musicians of America and reside in Area 12 (California, Hawaii, Nevada, and US Pacific Islands). Such eligible persons may self nominate, or nominate others who are eligible and willing to serve if elected.

More information about these offices and requirement for eligibility can be found on our website here.

Questions? Please contact the Past-Chair.

To nominate an individual, please contact the Past-Chair (Chair of the Nominating Committee) with the candidate’s name, contact information, office being nominated for, why this candidate should be considered for that office, and name and contact information of one or two character references (e.g., Area 12 Board members, church pastor, school principal).

A full-service handbell store

with music and accessories:

gloves • gifts

maintenance items

mallets • binders

bell tree items

Malmark products

visit us at



7209 Morgan Ave S Richfield, MN 55423


Barbara Walsh

For information on Northern Nevada concerts, events, 

and other opportunities, 

click here.  


BellJam is back! Dust off your ringing skills and join Tintab for this free, hands-on workshop on Sept. 7th from 10:00-2:00 at Sparks United Methodist Church, 1231 Pyramid Way, Sparks NV. 

The morning workshop, Bells 101, will cover ringing basics including articulations. After a light brunch (provided), Bells 102 will cover marking your music for success. So that we make sure we have enough food and bells, please register and come join the fun and fellowship!

[BellJam Registration]
Michèle Sharik

Hi there, SoCal!

Get out your calendars and save these dates!

In August join us for "Let's Brush Up on Those Handbell Skills and techniques. See details below and register.

Save the date!

2025 SoCal Spring Ring w/Bronze Vision

Friday & Saturday

May 2 & 3, 2025

St. Thomas More Catholic Church

Oceanside, CA

For information on Southern California concerts, events, and other opportunities,  

Southern CA info


Nancy Schmitt

Saturday, October 19, 2024
CrossPointe Community Church
Redding, CA
Registration: $40

Registration forms can be found on the Area 12 calendar or by contacting Nancy Schmitt at

This event is endorsed by Handbell Musicians of America.

Massed Director:  Matthew Compton, a native of Colorado Springs, has been composing, arranging, and conducting music for handbells since 2007 when he was in the eighth grade.  He had his first composition published at the age of fifteen, making him one of the youngest published handbell composers.  You won’t want to miss ringing under him at the Redding Handbell Festival.


Full bell choirs, partial bell choirs, and individuals are welcome at the festival.  We will offer massed ringing, classes, and a final concert open to the public.

Massed choir selections:

An American Medley, arr. Anna Laura Page, Code 20043

Simplicity,  by Matthew Compton,  EGM109

Morning Dance, arr. Cathy Moklebust, CGB218

Simple Gifts,  arr. Brenda Austin,  AP44245


Red Zone song selection:  Siorai Athas (Eternal Joy) by Matthew Compton EGM106 


Classes offered:

Planting Bell Trees:  clinician Julie Hunziker

The Human Experience (The Rainbow Connection), Director Matthew Compton

Revving Up for the Red Zone Bronze Choir, Director Matthew Compton

Ringing 101: clinician Mary Balkow (basics for new and veteran ringers

Eight Bell Ringing: clinician Shannon Park

“Simplicity” Easy as one, two, three!  clinician Barb Walsh (conducting for directors and ringers)


Cindy Ksiazek

Redding Handbell Festival

Save the Date!

October 19, 2024

Massed Ringing, classes,

and final concert.

FUN and Fellowship!

Additional information above in FarNor Cal article. Plan on bringing a ringer friend

and come join us. I hope to see you there!

Hello Handbell Friends!

I hope that everyone is having a wonderful summer. If you are like me, then you are enjoying the warm weather and long days of sun. If you are more like my husband (who hates the heat), then I hope you are staying cool and comfortable. I've heard great vacation stories from my friends and family. And I hope our teachers have been enjoying the summer as much as I'm sure our youth are!

All too soon, we will all be diving into our Fall planning and preparing for the start of the school year. For those looking at starting new handbell programs at their schools, the Area 12 bell loan sets are going through their summer maintenance to be ready for new groups. Send in your bell/chimes requests early to get the process started. You can find the application form on our website at the following link:

Elizabeth Loebig

Education Coordinator

Don't forget to bring your youth ringers to our youth Handbell Conference:

Bellz! the Next Generation

Friday evening, September 27th

Saturday, September 28th

Concordia University Irvine in Irvine, CA

Youth ringers, grades 6 - 12, will have an amazing time ringing under the baton of Greig Ashurst. In addition to massed ringing, there will be classes, social events, and a final performance. The final performance will include the world premiere performance of Ron Mallory's new piece, Retrofuture

Please use the links below to get more information or sign up to come. You can attend as an individual ringer or a group!

We look forward to seeing you there!

[Bellz! The Next Generation Information
Bellz! Registration for Individuals and Groups
Our National Organization (click logos to get more info!)
Handbell Musicians of America
The Twelfth Tone is published on or around the first of each month, except July, by Area 12 of the Handbell Musicians of America (The Guild). The Guild is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the musical art of handbell/handchime ringing through education, community, and communication. The editor of this publication reserves the right to reject or modify copy.
We have over 1500 contacts, a 40% open rate (17% higher than the industry average) and a 13% click rate. Book your ad NOW!

For advertising types and rates:
Visit our website
Payment is due prior to publication. Submission DEADLINE is the 20th of each month. No issue in July.

Please submit your ads via email to:
Communications Director
Area 12 Bell/Chime Loan Program
Teachers: Would you like the use of a three octave set of handbells or handchimes to add interest and a new dimension to your music class?

Area 12 encourages schools and other educational institutions, both public and private, to develop educational programs using handbells and handchimes.

To support the development of such programs, Area 12 has six 3-octave sets of handbells and three 3-octave sets of handchimes for loan.

To learn more about the responsibilities and procedures for participating in this program, click here.
Looking for a previous issue? We archive the Twelfth Tone on our website:

Your Area 12 Board

Elected Officers

Chair Elect
Past Chair


Appointed Officers


Cathryn Griggs


Beth Loebig


Cyndi Tully


Robyn Baird

Social Media

Daniel Ujifusa


Gail Berg

Vendor Liaison

Fran Sanders

Regional Coordinators

Central California

Maggie Patton

Far Northern California Liaison

Nancy Schmitt


Karen Carlisle

Los Angeles Metro

Erik Der

Northern California

Cindy Ksiazek

Northern Nevada

Barbara Walsh

San Francisco Bay Area

Marquise Usher

Southern California

Position Open

Southern Nevada

Alison Pruett

Area 12 Handbell Musicians of America |
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