The last month has been both busy and exciting for HCEG and our members. It has been over two years since we were able to participate in in-person networking and thought leadership. 

HCEG actively collaborated with the Healthcare Innovation Congress on developing sessions for the first thINc360 Conference in Baltimore May 22nd through 25th. HCEG leaders and members were involved in quite a few keynote sessions and panel discussions including a presentation of preliminary results of the 11th Annual Industry Pulse survey. It was great to see some of you in person.

We are also hoping to see some HCEG network members and sponsors at AHIP 2022 in Las Vegas next week, June 21st through 23rd. If you are attending, reach out and we will look for you.

Also, we had two excellent webinars this month – see the recordings and recap below. We hope you will join our upcoming events: Focus Area Roundtables are scheduled and we are working on additional webinars and in-person activities for the second half of 2022.

Enjoy the upcoming 4th of July holiday and be grateful for the freedoms we enjoy. It is a pleasure and opportunity to be involved in the health and well-being of all those around us.

Ferris Taylor
Executive Director