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Rotary Club of Durango Daybreak
RYLA Coordinator (John Angst, 252-639-0770, - Email for an application!
Rotary Youth Leadership Academy (RYLA) is a FREE program to assist high school students in developing leadership skills. The program centers on an intense, professionally led, 3-day leadership training retreat. Rotary District 5470 (covering the western and southern portions of Colorado) holds its retreat weekend in early June and will be hosted in Leadville, Colorado this year from June 13-16, 2024.
What Happens at the Leadership Retreat Weekend? The RYLA Retreat weekend provides a series of professionally developed presentations and activities that takes participants through a process of assessing their personal leadership characteristics and behavioral styles, and understanding the ethics of leadership and setting personal goals. The activities also focus on building interpersonal skills by asking participants to work effectively with diverse peers to resolve conflict and to build consensus through collaboration. There will be many hands-on activities in addition to some traditional classroom style training throughout the event.
How much does RYLA Cost? RYLA is free to all participating students. The RYLA program is sponsored by the various Rotary Clubs and local businesses from around District 5470. Transportation is also provided to and from RYLA.
How are students selected to participate? Students are competitively selected by their local Rotary Club and awarded the opportunity to attend based upon their academic, extracurricular and service-based accomplishments. Nomination forms can be provided by your local Rotary Club. Most clubs sponsor between two and four students each year.
Who should attend RYLA? RYLA is designed to take students who have already shown a commitment to excellence and service, to the next level of leadership capacity. Successful applicants are in good standing at school and are actively involved with clubs, sports teams, or community groups.
What else is RYLA? The RYLA program is an opportunity to meet other kids and to build friendships with fellow student leaders from around the state, as well as getting to know the Rotarian leaders in your community. Rotary is based on a foundation that Fellowship and Goodwill creates opportunities for service that will make our communities and the world a better place. An important part of RYLA is building these relationships – and most clubs will meet with students after the retreat to follow-up on what was learned at the retreat and how to apply that leadership in school, family, and friends.