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Investing in Forests: Opportunities and Challenges

Sponsored by MEAG Munich ERGO Kapitalanlagegesellschaft mbH and United Bankers

What does investing in forests add to an existing portfolio? Why has this asset class attracted increased interest in recent months?

Explore the investment characteristics of a niche asset class that delivers returns and helps improve the ESG score of most portfolios. Learn why more investors and asset managers find the asset class attractive, especially in an inflationary environment and despite its rather illiquid characteristics. Review how allocations to forestry affect a portfolio, as well as current opportunities, challenges and risks of this asset class.

Bring your questions and what-if scenarios for a lively discussion. You can submit your questions in advance to germany@100women.org.

This webinar will not be recorded and will be conducted in English

Produced by the 100WF Germany Committee.


24 January 2024


09:00 AM N. America East Coast

02:00 PM London - Dublin

03:00 PM CET

06:00 PM UAE 

The program will begin promptly


Wendelin von Gravenreuth


Kathrin Kalau-Reus

Bayerische Versorgungskammer

Seela Sinisalo

United Bankers

Olga Braun-Cangl

Cambridge Associates GmbH


Alexandra von Kalnein

Natango Invest GmbH



MEAG Munich ERGO Kapitalanlagegesellschaft mbH


United Bankers



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Wendelin von Gravenreuth

Head of Forest Management, MEAG

As Head of Illiquid Assets Forestry at MEAG, Wendelin von Gravenreuth is responsible for the strategy, acquisitions and portfolio management of the forest asset class. He has been with MEAG since 2014 and holds an MSc. in Forest Sciences from the Technical University of Munich. Previously, he worked for the Confederation of European Forest Owners (CEPF) in Brussels, Belgium, and for the European Forest Institute (EFI) in Joensuu, Finland.

Kathrin Kalau-Reus

Head of Private Equity, Infrastructure and Timber, Bayerische Versorgungskammer

Kathrin Kalau-Reus is the Head of Private Equity, Infrastructure and Timber at Bayerische Versorgungskammer (BVK) and responsible for 20 bn. EUR. She received a Master in German Literature and Philosophy from Freie Universität Berlin (2008) and her M.B.A in General Management (2014). She joined BVK 2009.

Seela Sinisalo

Head of ESG Management, United Bankers

Seela Sinisalo is the Head of ESG at United Bankers, responsible for sustainability aspects in UB’s operations and investment products. She has 10+ years of international experience in impact investment, sustainability management, and environmental consulting. She holds a MSc in Administration (2012) and a BSc. in Environmental Engineering (2008), and joined United Bankers in 2020.

Olga Braun-Cangl

Senior Investment Director, Cambridge Associates GmbH

Olga is a Senior Investment Director at Cambridge Associates and is based in Munich. Olga joined Cambridge Associates in 2022 and focuses on the building and management of Private Markets portfolios for institutional clients across Europe. Before joining Cambridge Associates, Olga spent 14 years with AllianzGI, where she contributed to shaping AllianzGI Private Markets capabilities from different investment and advisory roles in the Munich and New York offices. She managed and advised institutional clients in the building of customized Private Markets Portfolios for European institutional clients. She served as a member of the investment committee and lead sourcing activities for Private Credit, including co-investments and secondaries, Private Equity, and Infrastructure. She also supported executive management, advising on potential strategic acquisition targets and M&A opportunities. Prior to that, Olga began her career in 2002 as a portfolio manager and hedge fund analyst at Berenberg Bank and UniCredit. Olga earned her Master of Science from the University of Munich (LMU) in 2002 and is a certified EUREX Trader and Hedge Funds Consultant (ebs). Voluntarily, she serves the 100 Women in Finance board in Germany and Munich Student Investment Club e.V.

Alexandra von Kalnein

Founder & Managing Director, Natango Invest GmbH

Alexandra von Kalnein has been working in institutional fund sales in Germany, Austria, Benelux and France for more than 20 years. She started her career at Dresdner Bank in Paris; further career stations were JP Morgan IM, Deutsche AM, MM Warburg & CO and AXA IM, where she was responsible for the institutional business in Germany. In 2024 she set up her own third party marketing company in Frankfurt. Alexandra von Kalnein is an accomplished product specialist for most asset classes, holds an MBA from Florida International University, Miami, USA, speaks four languages and is accredited by the Financial Conduct Authority (UK).


MEAG Munich ERGO Kapitalanlagegesellschaft mbH

MEAG was established in 2000 as the dedicated asset manager for Munich Re and ERGO. Today, MEAG offers comprehensive know-how to institutional investors and private clients. MEAG is present in Europe, North America and Asia and our investment professionals support all major asset classes – fixed income, equities as well as real estate and alternatives including infrastructure, forestry and agriculture. Our company draws on our partnership with our parent Munich Re – one of the world’s leading providers of reinsurance, primary insurance and insurance-related risk solutions worldwide. The integration of Munich Re’s 140 years of experience deepens our natural hazard assessment, strengthens our proprietary risk management and expands our expertise.

United Bankers

United Bankers Plc, founded in 1986 and headquartered in Helsinki, is a financial group with AUM totalling 4.6 billion (6/2023). United Bankers focuses on funds based on a variety of real asset strategies. It is a pioneer in the field of Nordic forest investments, currently ranking as the third-largest private forest owner in Finland through the funds it manages.

100 Women in Finance

100 Women in Finance strengthens the global finance industry by empowering women to achieve their professional potential at each career stage. Its members inspire, equip and advocate for a new generation of industry leadership, in which women and men serve as investment professionals and executives, equal in achievement and impact. Through Education, Peer Engagement and Impact, the organization furthers the progress of women who have chosen finance as a career, and enables their positive influence over pre-career young women.

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