10 November 2021

Join the 100 + 1% Challenge
to Donate, see our new Videos or for more Information

FaithWorks Sunday is November 21
The Reign of Christ
"I was hungry and you gave me food" Matt. 25:35
In this Issue:
$100,000 Matching Challenge Grant
St. Christopher's Church Ping Pong Relay raises
$37,000 for FaithWorks
A Prayer for FaithWorks Sunday
We're at $70,000 of the

$100,000 Matching Challenge Grant

To celebrate the 25th anniversary of FaithWorks, a generous donor has offered a $100,000 matching challenge grant for all new and increased donations. This means that for every dollar raised over last year’s amount, by an individual or parish, FaithWorks receives an extra dollar.
Let's make a special effort.
Doing a little more can make twice the difference.
Individual donors can make online donations at the FaithWorks website, faithworks.ca, and have your donation attributed to your parish if you follow the instructions on the website and include the parish name in the Comments Section. In this way your donation can be included in the parish total.
St. Christopher’s Church

Ping Pong Relay

Another new record
contribution to FaithWorks
On Saturday, October 23, St. Christopher’s Church hosted its’ 4th annual
Ping Pong Relay for FaithWorks.
To meet the 100 + 1% Challenge for FaithWorks' 25th Anniversary, we raised our target this year by $3,000 to $24,500.
The Relay began via ZOOM after Bishop Andrew Asbil’s opening remarks, prayer, and watching the FaithWorks video. We thanked the 12 players (aged 14-89) for their diligent practices and many generous donors. Throughout the Relay, we had games, tricks and different challenges. 
We raised $5,622 in over two hours and had a lot of fun. After adding up all the pledges from all the sponsors, we reached over $32,000 by the end of that day alone. Donations continued to pour in after the event.

On the next day during worship, our offering plates were so full that many donation envelopes fell to the floor as our sidesperson raised the plates during the Presentation of the Gifts. Truly, our cup overflowed with God’s blessings. Up to this moment, the donated amount has reached over $37,000.
We all witness how amazing God is! St. Christopher’s Church appreciates and supports all the frontline workers of our FaithWorks' ministry partners. We are grateful that we can bring more blessings to many who are in need!
The Rev. Canon Philip Der
If you wish to highlight your Parish's events in support of FaithWorks, please forward the details to faithworks@toronto.anglican.ca
Prayer for FaithWorks Sunday, The Reign of Christ
Let us celebrate the Reign of Christ today in remembrance that Divinity arose among us in Jesus, lives within us, and sees us daily in the lives of those who call out for assistance.
We pray for all those who work within the FaithWorks family of support. We pray that our gratitude for their work may enrich their lives and sustain their energies for the great work that they are called to do. 
We pray for all those whom they assist that their lives may be renewed for full participation in the human family. 
We pray for the success of the FaithWorks fundraising campaign that we, too, may be given a chance to be those hands that do the work of saving lives and offering hope for so many. Help us to be as generous as possible, especially in this time when we are made aware of what it is to be alone, in need, and fearful of the future.
May the eyes of our hearts be always open to the full humanity of all.
Almighty, God, we pray this in the name of Jesus Christ who is alive with You and the Holy Spirit, today and forever.
FaithWorks Videos

The FaithWorks website, faithworks.ca has been updated with new videos to promote FaithWorks. There are short, medium and long videos to include in your parish's online presence as you need.

We hope that these videos will encourage the 100 + 1% parish participation that is our goal during this 25th anniversary year.
To download any of these videos to use online, contact faithworks@toronto.anglican.ca
In-person, Virtual and Video Sermons available

If you would like Peter Misiaszek, Director of Stewardship Development, or me to speak to your parish during your Sunday worship please contact the FaithWorks Speakers Bureau at
Peter Mentis (he/him)
FaithWorks Campaign Manager

135 Adelaide St. E.
Toronto, ON M5C 1L8
416-363-6021 ext. 242
1-800-668-8932 ext.242
We build healthy, missional Anglican communities that engage faithfully with the world and share the gospel of Jesus Christ. I acknowledge that my office resides on the territory of sovereign Indigenous Nations, the Anishinaabe, the Haudenosaunee, and the Wendat. I acknowledge especially the Mississaugas of the Credit and the Toronto Treaties.