news & update


Flowers: Mary Hufty

Coffee Hour: Kathy Kennedy

Usher: Danny Alegria

Altar Guild: Marcy Sohn

Acolyte: Louise Delafield

The Lesson: Mary Soubirous

The Epistle: Paul Lovoi

Intercessions: Lenore Lovoi


Sunday, May 12

10 a.m. Service


Sunday School

Wednesday, May 15

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Community Dinner

Saturday, May 18

9:00 am - 3:00 pm Church Cleanup Day

lunch provided



Claiborne Jones

Click Here for Bulletin/Order of Service

For pastoral care we invite you to reach out to The Reverend Claire Dietrich Ranna

Tel: 650-948-2151 x 203

Cell: 415-305-0593



Please join as a community in lifting up the following people to God in prayer:

Remembrance -- June Tunnell, Don Sweet, David Brewster Jones

Healing -- Catherine Aragon, Carl Cheney, George Mallinckrodt, Robert Redfern-West, Peggy Dubes


On Saturday, May 4th, Grace Cathedral was packed with people from all over the country, including dozens of priests and bishops and hundreds of lay people from all the churches in the diocese. The Rev. Austin Keith Rios will be ordained and consecrated Bishop Coadjutor of the Episcopal Diocese of California in a three hour service that was highlighted with transcendent music, joyous processions, and solemn prayer. Our Senior Warden, Paul Lovoi, carried Christ Church's banner in the procession, which included banners from churches all around the Bay Area.

If you were not able to attend the service in person, you can still check out the livestream if you are interested what a bishop's ordination looks like. I recommend particularly checking out around 2:11:00 to see the bishops blessing and robing him. It was a beautiful and moving portion of the service!

Please join me in holding Bishop Rios in your prayers as he embarks on this journey of leadership and guides the Diocese of California in the coming years.




On behalf of the Carillon Auction Committee, a big heartfelt thank you to everyone who supported, contributed, and attended to make the Galactic Gala a stellar success! Even though the weather did not fully cooperate, the love for this special school shone brightly Saturday night.

Although we are still tallying up final numbers, we have some exciting breaking news to share with you this evening! On top of the $10,000 match challenge announced Saturday night, additional generous donors have stepped up and added another $20,000 to this match, meaning every dollar raised up to $30,000 before the end of the school year will now have double the impact to support Carillon Preschool!

To those who have already made a donation and contributed this past weekend, thank you again - your support will go towards this exciting match. If you could not make it this weekend or would like to make an additional impactful gift, you may make a donation here with a note that it goes towards the 'Carillon Auction.' You may also drop off a check at school. We are grateful for any and all support! As shared on Saturday, funds raised via the auction will help support reinstituting a scholarship fund at Carillon, maintaining competitive salaries and benefits to help retain our beloved teachers and staff, and making much needed repairs to areas of the roof.

We will also follow up via email this week to the individuals who won silent and live auction items Saturday night, so please keep an eye out for that.

Again, many thanks for everyone’s support - let’s keep this momentum going to celebrate our small school with a very big heart!

The Carillon Auction Committee

Clare VanMeter

Hayley Bakken

Anne Van Der Stay

Katie Mumford

Tiffany Caccia


Christ Church presented Ruth Ann with a plaque which is to be installed on a bench in the garden. Thank you Ruth Ann for your lovely gardens!



Thank you to all who have pledged or contributed to our 2024 Stewardship Campaign. These funds are the lifeblood of our parish and are vital to our existence We greatly appreciate everyone’s collective generosity! To date, we have raised $280,000 from 42 donors. Our goal (and our need) is $375K from 70 donors so we still have a ways to go!  

Please consider how you can support Christ Church in 2024 and let us know via this form  or by email or by returning your pledge card.  


Big Church Cleanup

Preparing our “Home” for New Rector Search

Saturday May 18, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

RSVP by May 15th to - Let Nicole know what time you will be available, morning, afternoon or all day

Lunch will be provided

All materials will be provided, bring you gloves and energy!

We may not get all this done but we will make good progress – Maybe Cleanup II?



Wednesday, May 15 at 6 P.M.  

Bring a friend or a neighbor and enjoy dinner provided by the church! Please RSVP to



Notes and Letters: Music of Brahms and the Schumanns

Two Clerestory concerts featuring our Soprano section leader, Von Bringhurst!

Saturday, May 25 at 7:30, Piedmont Center for the Arts in East Bay (tickets).

Sunday, May 26 at 7:00, Noe Valley Ministry in San Francisco (tickets).

Aaron Tan Organ Recital

Save the date! On June 28th at 8:00pm, Aaron Tan will give a recital at Christ Church Portola Valley & Woodside as part of a "Beyond the Convention" event for the American Guild or Organists National Convention. Winner of the 2021 Canadian International Organ competition and the 2018 American Guild of Organists National Young Artists Competition in Organ Performance, Aaron Tan is one of North America's leading young artists.


Dinner for 84 at Coast House: Contact Ruth Ann Wrucke at 650-851-8435 or to volunteer for food prep on Friday May 9th and more cooking and container filling on Saturday May 10th. Bakers, sous chefs and container fillers are needed for the yummy Ham Dinner. Ruth Ann regaled me with the menu: Baked ham, scalloped potatos, baked beans, fruit salad, Cole slaw, green salad and lemon cupcakes. Yum! Coast House is one of the newest of the Life Moves shelters and houses 84 adults, couples, plus a few families (with 12 kids) in a converted Coast side motel. It is the only interim shelter (with support services) for those experiencing homelessness on the San Mateo Coast; help is provided regardless of immigration status. 

SpiritCare Visits:  Contact Angela Hey at or 650-796-2377 to volunteer on Sunday May 19th, 1:30 at Silver Oaks Memory Care in Menlo Park. Readers, singers and senior hand-holders are needed.  We also need flower arrangers during coffee hour since we will be making small flower arrangements for each room for a belated Mother’s Day. On Sunday April 21st we celebrated Earth Day with the seniors while also singing our praise to God. We talked about the history of Earth Day (which began on April 22, 1970) and our responsibility to be good stewards to the Earth. The Tom Lehrer song Pollution was featured as a sing-along. Thanks to Nora Bevan, Angela Hey (pianist), Pam Kaufman, Kathy Kennedy (presenter) and the Christ Church kids who decorated Earth Day cookies for the seniors. They loved them!  SpiritCare provides spiritual and emotional support for “forgotten” elderly and disabled residents at over 60 care centers in the Bay Area. Christ Church has partnered in this important ministry with Silver Oaks Memory Care in Menlo Park which houses 46 seniors.


Beginning Sunday May 19th, 4PM at The Sequoias (Portola Valley) in Haddon Hall we will visit with the 300 residents. Many of our parishioners live there and their on-site Vespers program is kaput. In May we will visit with residents in independent and assisted living. We also hope to add a regular visit to the memory care unit this summer. We will be singing hymns "Powered by Connection" that embrace all on Earth. Slides will be shown about “Three Biblical Gardens” talking about the art and archaeology of the Garden of Eden, the Garden of Gethsemane and the Garden Tomb. The last two are real places and the first one might be. Singers and readers are needed. Since this is our first time at The Sequoias we also expect to do some listening so we gear the program to their needs. Contact Pam Kaufmann. 619-885-0885. Thank you Barbara Creed, Angela Hey, Pam Kaufman and Kathy Kennedy for helping put this program together.  To volunteer, contact Pam Kaufmann at    


Delivering Socks & Underwear for Redwood Family House - During April and very early May we collected NEW socks, underwear and diapers for the 10 families including 31 kids and 15 adults staying at Life Moves Redwood Family Shelter in Redwood City. We made deliveries on April 18th and again on Friday May 10th. Thank you Betsy Alexander, Barbara Creed, Louise Delafield, Karen Fisher, Katja Gagen, Sarah Halsey, Claiborne Jones, Pam Kaufmann, Kathy Kennedy, Lenore Lovoi, Erin Miller, Denise Moriarty, the Outreach Committee and Carol Wentworth for covering bottoms and toes. Redwood Family House is one of four family shelters in San Mateo County operated by Life Moves. It provides interim housing in a small apartment with a kitchen and provides the support services to get otherwise homeless families back on their feet and into permanent housing. Redwood Family House has a 100% success rate in achieving that goal.


Collecting Used Children’s Clothes - Until Sunday June 2nd we will continue to collect any new or clean gently used children’s spring/summer clothing your children have outgrown.  Or your next door neighbors kids have outgrown. Just toss them in the marked box in the breezeway and Outreach will deliver them. Kids at Redwood Family House range in age from 3 months to 16. There are 12 girls (ages 3 months to 16) and 19 boys (ages 2 to 16). Questions, contact Kathy Kennedy at or call/text her at 650-291-9678.


Seeking Hotel-sized Toiletries: Are you on vacation or going on one soon? If you picked up any travel size shampoo, conditioner, soap or lotion during your last hotel stay, you can donate them. Bring them to the box in the breezeway. And if you have a toothbrush or toothpaste your dentist gave you on your last visit that you have no use for, they could use that too. Children’s toiletries will be delivered to Redwood Family House in Redwood City. In May toiletries will be delivered to the Hoptel, a Life Moves short term shelter in East Palo Alto for low income veterans visiting the Veterans Hospital in Menlo Park for care.  


Zoom Outreach Planning Meeting, 9:30. Join us on Tuesday May 14th as we begin summer planning. Joining us at 10:00 is Lynnelle Bilsey, Life Moves Volunteer Coordinator. To join click on  or use meeting id 885 7625 6347 with passcode 276581 

Women’s Spirituality meets on Wednesday morning from 10:00 - 11:30 remotely, on Zoom. Contact Mary Jennings at for more information.  We are reading Troubling the Water: the Urgent Work of Radical Belonging by Ben McBride. This week we are reading Chapter 3 so there is time to catch up Activist Ben McBride first waded in when he moved into the Oakland Kill Zone with his young family. The book takes you from the uprising in Ferguson to the moral impoverishment of the white evangelical church. The book combines provocation with good humor. It is the story of the transformation process described by Richard Rohr played out in a remarkable individual’s life in today’s violent and unjust world. It also relates directly to the work of the Vital and Thriving program and Bishop Curry’s call to create Beloved Community. Intrigued? Join us. Weekly readings are assigned, then the the group discusses them during the meeting.  .  

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