Weekly Connector
Monday, August 26, 2024
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Weekly Meditation
To live, we must daily break the body and shed the blood of Creation. When we do this knowingly, lovingly, skillfully, reverently, it is a sacrament. When we do it ignorantly, greedily, clumsily, destructively, it is a desecration. In such desecration we condemn ourselves to spiritual and moral loneliness, and others to want.
Wendell Berry, The Gift of the Good Land
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Garden Love: Saint Mark's Pollinator Garden
from Dana Dickson, Saint Mark's member
Consider the ravens: they neither sow nor reap, they have neither storehouse nor barn, and yet God feeds them. Of how much more value are you than the birds!
(Luke 12:24 NRSV)
The garden continues to transition towards fall. The pollinator bees and flies are seeking nectar from flower heads that are showing signs of wilting. Soon the seed heads will be fully ripe and dry, ready for the birds to feast.
Last Sunday we had three Master Gardeners demonstrating food that can come from pollinator plants and pollinators. The honey coated cashews, 6 flavors of honey, and Anise Hyssop flavored cookies were congregational favorites. There was a handout on seed saving and, as always, tours of the garden. If you want a copy of the cookie recipe or the handout on seed saving drop me an email at smecpollinatorgarden@gmail.com.
On Tuesday, August 27 from 10am to Noon we need volunteers to help with weeding and garden maintenance. Master Gardeners will be working with us. This is a way to help keep the garden beautiful.
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Launching The Call to Serve
As followers of Jesus, we are called to create
abundant life in beloved community
with each other and with our neighbors.
On Sunday, September 29th, we inaugurate The Call to Serve by gathering in the Banquet Room. Choose to attend whatever hour-long session is most convenient for you, beginning at either 9:15 a.m. or 12:15 p.m. Learn “why” our fall focus is “Sharing Abundance: Feeding the Hungry.” Discover the unique Wednesday night “Connecting Circles” being offered on select Wednesday nights and the ROTA of service opportunities planned with our local partners--First Nations Kitchen, Groveland Food Shelf, and Sunday Night Supper. Grab this chance to chat informally with service site representatives and our Cathedral veteran volunteers, sign up for special emails, and for service dates.
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September 15, 2024, 11:45am
Potluck Extravaganza!
Let's begin the year by gathering together, sharing a meal, and connecting with lay ministry leaders.
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Children's Worship
Children’s Worship will return on September 8 during the 10:30 service. For children 8 and younger, the gospel story will be shared in an age-appropriate format (and that may include crayons!), along with prayer and music. We will leave the 10:30 worship at the time of the Gradual hymn, just before the Gospel, and return at the time of the Peace. Parents are invited to join in too, but it isn’t necessary.
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Spill the Tea:
A mid-day tea with workshop
Thursday, September 12th, 11am – 1pm
Do you remember the saying, “spill the beans?” Well, “spill the tea” is today’s version of 'tell me everything!' Catch up with old friends and make new ones as we enjoy tea with sweet and savory offerings.
With the upcoming November election, many are likely to find themselves in difficult conversations with family and friends. John Ramsbottom will be leading a presentation of Braver Angels’ Family and Politics Workshop. We will be exploring why family differences are uniquely challenging, as well as the dynamics and common roles family members play when conversations become difficult. We will also be learning some helpful strategies and skills needed for more constructive communication.
RSVP to SAAGES@ourcathedral.org by Monday, September 9.
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Women's Fellowship
Next meeting: Thursday, September 12, 5:30pm - 7:00pm
Are you interested in meeting other women at Saint Mark's? Join us for friendship and conversation on the second Thursday of each month at 5:30pm, until about 7:00 pm. We meet in the Community Room at Saint Mark's. If you can, bring something to share. For more information, contact Joanne Rahm, jrahm61@comcast.net.
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Community of Hope International
Pastoral Ministry Training 2024
Episcopal Church in Minnesota
Saint Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral
Are you drawn to a more intentional spiritual life of care and service?
Community of Hope (COHI) equips lay people to serve as pastoral ministers--creating communities steeped in Benedictine Spirituality and serving others through compassionate listening.
Through ongoing spiritual formation and practical lessons in offering care, members learn to match theological insights and spiritual practices with their experiences of ministering to others.
Community of Hope provides a solid Benedictine foundation for discernment and formation for pastoral ministry and for other roles in serving in the church. The 2024 Community of Hope lay ministry training program begins September 21st and ends November 16th. The program involves in-person retreats at the beginning and end of the training, with Zoom sessions on Saturday mornings in between. If you are interested in finding out more, please contact the Rev Kate Maxwell OSB at kate@stjohnwilderness.org or Dr. Helen Hansen at helenh@ourcathedral.org 612-250-7255.
This Community of Hope training is a partnership with ECMN led by Dr. Helen Hansen of Saint Mark's Cathedral, Minneapolis, and the Rev. Kate Maxwell, OSB of St. John in the Wilderness, White Bear Lake.
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Important Campus Update:
Our regular business hours have been adjusted for the Summer
Sunday 7am-1pm
Monday 9am-4pm
Tuesday 9am-4pm
Wednesday 9am-4pm
Thursday 9am-4pm
Friday Closed
Saturday 9am-2pm
Thank you for assisting us in navigating through this transition. We appreciate your patience and flexibility.
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Fellowship on Summer Sundays
Every Sunday, enjoy fellowship, coffee, and treats between 9am and 12:30pm in the Community Room or, weather permitting, outside in the courtyard.
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Worship & Prayer Schedule | | | | |