MVUU Newsletter

March 15, 2024

Become a Member

Our newsletter is growing! Make sure to fully scroll down or click on "Read Entire Message" in your email so you see all that is happening at MVUU!

MVUU's Current Airborne Communicable Disease status is

LOW Risk in Arizona

Our building is open. Sunday services are in-person and/or online.

Masking is now optional.

Weekly Calendar

Friday, March 15th

Mahjong at MVUU

2 pm Email Barb Seyfried

Sunday, March 17th

Sunday Book Group Online

8:15 am Email John Clark

Sunday, March 17th Service & Fellowship Hour

"Stewardship for Tomorrow=>"

10:30am  Join Zoom

Tuesday, March 19th

Men's Night Out (Virtual)

7 pm Join Zoom

Wednesday, March 20th

Dance to Heal


Wednesday, March 20th

Choir Practice

6:30-7:30 in the Sanctuary

Thursday, March 21st



MVUU Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting 

Thurs. March 21 2024

6:00-7:30 pm 

MVUU: Peace room or via Zoom link

Board meetings are open to members to attend and observe the meeting. If you wish to have something considered for the meeting please submit the topic and any supporting documents to Erin Eichelberger, President by Wednesday March 13 by 8:00 pm. This allows the information to be shared with Board members in a timely manner to review and be prepared for any discussions. 

Sunday Services

This March we enter into our stewardship campaign, "... FOR TOMORROW=>" We'll be combining it with our Baja 4 Desert Ritual Year theme for March: Generosity. Meaning that through a month of Sundays, small discussion groups, and one to one contacts we will be exploring themes for MVUU's tomorrow while making our financial commitments to MVUU for the 2024-25 church year. Together our shared generosity is what forms our future. 

March 17 "Stewardship for Tomorrow=>"

Rev. Matthew

We will reflect back what we are hearing about our themes for tomorrow and focus on the meaning of our shared stewardship of MVUU.

March 24 Pulpitpalooza "Generosity of Today for Tomorrow=>"

Rev. Matthew & our Baja 4 Ministers will share what inspires them about our collaborative Unitarian Universalist community here in southern Arizona today.

March 31 Easter "Flowers for Tomorrow=>"

Rev. Matthew

Drawing from our Christian heritage, our congregational generosity, and our emerging vision for tomorrow, we will share in our traditional Flower Communition. MVUU Choir will be singing.

Stewardship beginning this month reminds me of last year when I met with Rev Matthew to discuss “stewardship”. I’ll be honest I wasn’t sure what it meant. I realized it was connected to pledging. I listened to Rev Matthew share his ideas and the voice in my head kept saying ‘He’s going to asking me to meet with people and ask for money. I’m not comfortable doing that.’

He continued to explain his plan of creating relationships rather than focusing on the pledge. This intrigued me but that voice changed to “I don’t like cold calling people. I’m not comfortable meeting complete strangers.” Then Rev Matthew mentioned a team that would support the volunteers. By the time he asked: Do you want to be a part of this team? I was shocked to find myself saying Yes!

I was given my list of people and fully enjoyed the conversations I had with each of them. This year I was excited to hear that I would be meeting with the same people I met last year along with a few new people. I’m looking forward to conversations about the stewardship themes with you all.

If you pledged last year, you will be contacted by a Tomorrow Team member. They are MVUU members volunteering their time to facilitate these conversations with you. Please be sure you respond when they contact you. If you are not contacted and you have pledged in the past or you would like to pledge this year, please contact me.

Erin Eichelberger

Board President

Theda Ellis has been attending MVUU since 2017, when she and her husband Warren moved to Tucson as snowbirds from Delaware. They became members in 2020 after the move to Tucson full time. She is currently the Vice-President of the Board, having stepped into that role after serving as Secretary for the past two years. While at MVUU, Theda has also served on the Finance committee and as co-chair of Contigo. 

Theda has an extensive work history serving on nonprofits including being the Executive Director of Autism Delaware. 


Theda has explored Unitarian Universalism since her early 20’s; attending various congregations in Atlanta, Illinois, and Delaware. The idea of a faith tradition that respected all religions appealed to her as did the idea of helping to create community. While in Delaware - Theda was a member of the UU Fellowship of Newark and served

as Membership Co-chair/Chair, Endowment Chair, Personnel Chair, Canvas Chair, as well as Board President.


One of Theda’s focuses is being able to identify the vision and values of who MVUU wants to be. By doing so, MVUU can then create the systems and structure to support and actualize that vision. Theda is looking forward to being a part of that creative process.

Snowbird Potluck March 20 at UUCT

The fifth and final citywide lunch for seasonal members, visitors and friends returns to UUCT for a noon potluck on Wednesday 3/20. In addition to bringing a dish to share, folks provide their own dishware, utensils and beverages. The 17 attendees at the MVUU potluck in February included hiking companions from both congregations, theatre going groups, a record breaking couple from Pennsylvania married for 64 years, and UUs from four states that begin with “I”. Newcomers are welcome, including year round UUs who’d like to meet interesting UUs from afar. It’s not too late for returnees who’ve missed being welcomed back earlier this winter to join in saying farewell as spring arrives.  

MVUU Nut Butter Drive Update

So far we have collected 52 jars of Nut Butter and $25 in cash donations!! A huge thank you to those who stopped by and donated to our Nut Butter Drive. All donations will be given to the Interfaith Community Services on Ina Rd in April. We will be collecting Nut Butters all month long so if you didn't get a chance to donate last weekend you still have time! Let's make a difference!

"Giving is not just about making a donation. It is about making a difference" Kathy Calvin

Board Game Day

March 23rd | 2-4 pm | MVUU

Who says that game play ends when you’re an adult? Not us! This game day is geared to all ages who want to play a variety of table-top games. Yes! Bring your favorite and come teach it to us. 

Kids younger than 12 are more than welcome to attend, but we don’t have child care for this day. We do have access to the playground, so we can work together for some time to play with the kids and time to let them play. 

Please RSVP here by 03/20:

Recycling for D,C,AA,AAA and Button batteries ONLY is now available. Place them the labeled bucket next to the Library. 

"It’s time to Chill! The successful holiday Winter Chill event is back, only this time we are embracing the theme of stillness as we melt out of Winter into Spring. Join us for March 26th from 6pm to 8pm for our Still Chill, an evening of relaxing music, a tranquil environment to read, meditate, indulge in a quiet craft, or work on an art project you’ve been trying to find the time to work on. Still Chill is an opportunity to spend quiet time together enjoying the meditative and creative vibe inside (in the sanctuary and the Oasis) or enjoy a soft conversation around the firepit outside. Fortunately for all of us, Chris Tackett will again be featured at the piano. We’ll have light refreshments and offering baskets will be available. 

This event is in support of the music program at MVUU. Offerings are of course greatly appreciated, however, we also need volunteers to help us set up for the event the Tuesday, March 26th after service, and volunteers to help us at the event as well. So, if you are looking for an alternative way to help support the music program, please contact Melody Luepke( or Robin Bousel ( to sign up. Thank you!"

"The Mesquite Madness Cabaret returns on March 30th!

Join Jane Paul and Robin Bousel for casual evening of songs, storytelling, and a few surprise special guests. We will have refreshments and time to socialize after the event. Don’t worry if you missed out on the Madness, tickets are available at the door! All proceeds go to the Mesquite Madness fundraiser. Looking forward to seeing you there!"

Art Group

Ginny & Chuck Stack invite other adult UUs to join them at an Art Group to be held at the church from 10am – noon, generally on the second Saturday of each month. Any sort of creative expression is welcome, including but not limited to: fused glass, mosaics, ceramics, drawing, painting, sculpting, fabric arts, cartooning, photography, crafts and coloring books. In a supportive group context, makers can share their past and current creations, work on current projects, and if desired, teach their art form to other group attendees. Even if you haven’t created anything yet, you are welcome if interested! Please contact Ginny to confirm dates: Phone-Text: (630) 841-8705 or

Dance to Heal is now Wednesdays,

10 a.m. at the Mettler Center,

3131 N. Cherry Ave., Tucson. 

Please contact Ann Bowling at or 815-209-9413 for details. 

Sharing Joys & Sorrows

Our Pastoral Care and Pastoral Associate teams, together with Rev. Matthew, have developed a ritual of sharing your joys and sorrows on Sundays during our service. They've taken into consideration our history of this ritual, the size of our congregation, our active Zoom participants, and our need to hear and respond to one another's joyful celebrations as well as our grief and disappointments.

After we light our chalice each week, we will hear a report from the Pastoral Care Committee on our joys and sorrows shared the previous week. Stones for our joys and sorrows will be dropped into the collected waters of our congregation recognizing that we hold joy and sorrow together.

If you have a joy or sorrow to share, our Pastoral Care Committee, Rev. Matthew, Sally, Michelle, Silvana, and Tom B., would love to hear from you. Presently, Tom,, is our direct connection for gathering up and reporting back what's in your heart on Sundays.

We will practice our expanded ritual of sharing joy and sorrow once a quarter through our church year. These Sundays services are built around members, friends, children, and guests having a personal moment before the congregation to speak directly to our community of faith about what's in their hearts.

***Meeting Cancelled for March***

RE Committee: Next Meeting 04/19 5-6pm

Volunteers needed for our Installation weekend celebrations

We need volunteers April 20-21 for the Chili Feed and to work with the

Building and Grounds team to set up and reset the sanctuary and patio for these events.

-- Here's what's needed for the Chili Feed on Saturday, April 20:

10 crockpots of chili, at least one vegetarian and gluten-free

10 9x13 pans of cornbread, 2 gluten-free

10 desserts, each to feed 10, 2 gluten-free

A few bandanas

6 pairs of old cowboy boots (Make sure names are on them.)

3 washtubs

6 volunteers for setup and cleanup.

Please contact Joel Yelland ( to volunteer. There will be a sign up sheet in the Oasis room as well.

-- We also need volunteers to set up the sanctuary before the Saturday,

April 20 Dance. And to reset the sanctuary before the Sunday morning

service on April 21. Please contact Warren Ellis ( to volunteer with the Building and Grounds team.

You can also find more information about the Installation events here:

It’s General Assembly Time and MVUU is looking for Delegates to attend! 

When is the General Assembly? 

Thursday, June 20-Sunday June 23, 2024

Where is it being held? 

This year is a fully virtual event!

What are the expectations of a GA Delegate?

Pre GA a Delegate will commit to:

  • Research and inform self-regarding upcoming GA issues and topics.
  • Tabling after services for designated Sundays leading up to GA to discuss issues and get input from congregants.

During GA a Delegate will commit to:

  • Attend all general and business meetings of GA representing Mountain Vista UU Congregation.
  • Attend sessions that are identified by congregants during pre-GA discussions, as delegates are able.

Post GA a Delegate will commit to:

  • Participate in a post GA Coffee Hour to debrief with members or write an article for the MVUU newsletter regarding their experience at the General Assembly.
  • Share experience and knowledge with newer delegates.

What is required to be a GA Delegate?

  • Each delegate shall be a voting member of Mountain Vista UU Congregation for at least one year prior to assembly as a delegate.
  • Each delegate shall have taken an active role in MVUU as a member of the Board of Trustees, through leadership or membership on committees, or through other volunteer efforts, normally for at least one year prior to being appointed a delegate.

What can a GA Delegate expect from MVUU?

Congregational Commitments to Delegates:

  • Pay up to the registration fee to attend at GA starting in 2024.(Registration costs and/or other expenses requested by delegates shall be determined by the Board of Trustees with regard to the annual budget and the Church’s financial situation.)
  • Encourage previous GA delegate members to share knowledge.
  • Promote “Coffee Hour” conversations before GA for delegates to connect with members about relevant GA topics.
  • Provide support to delegates by connecting them with previous delegates before GA, offering pastoral care during and after GA.

What is the process to apply to be a GA Delegate?

Send a letter of interest to me by Wed March 13th to be considered  at the March 21st Board meeting. Please include:

  • Name, email, phone number
  • # of years at MVUU
  • # of years as a UU
  • # of General Assemblies previously attended, if any
  • Why you’d like to be a GA Delegate
  • Brief explanation of any committees or involvement at MVUU or other UU congregations 

For more details about General Assembly you may visit

MVUU will offer Fair Trade coffee on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month after service. We offer Café Justo coffee at $14 a pound, and there is dark roast, light roast, caffeinated and non, whole bean and ground. They also offer a half decaf/half caffeine coffee, which I will gladly order if there is a request.

Thanks for your continued support!

Contact Melody Luepke at if you'd like to help staff the coffee table.

Art Group

Art Group – Ginny & Chuck Stack invite other adult UUs to join them at an Art Group to be held at the church from 10am – noon, generally on the second Saturday of each month. Any sort of creative expression is welcome, including but not limited to: fused glass, mosaics, ceramics, drawing, painting, sculpting, fabric arts, cartooning, photography, crafts and coloring books. In a supportive group context, makers can share their past and current creations, work on current projects, and if desired, teach their art form to other group attendees. Even if you haven’t created anything yet, you are welcome if interested! Please contact Ginny to confirm

dates: Phone-Text: (630) 841-8705 or

March Woven Basket Partner:

Primavera Foundation

The Primavera Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization located in Tucson, Arizona. For more than 35 years, Primavera Foundation has provided pathways out of poverty through safe, affordable housing (at a number of apartment complexes that serve their residents), workforce development, and neighborhood revitalization. They are able to carry out this life-changing work because of steadfast donors and volunteers. Primavera is currently working towards meeting the needs for the Survival, Stability, Security, and Sustainability of those in the Tucson area and surrounding communities.

Donate via MVUU as the Woven Basket Partner: You can make your donations online at or by sending a check to the Church Office. The mailing address is: MVUU, P. O. Box 91080, Tucson AZ 85752. Please make checks payable to "MVUU" and indicate that this donation is for UUJAZ in the memo line.



Fridays at 2 pm

Weekly Mahjong game sessions in the Oasis Room at MVUU! All are welcome to join us for an afternoon of fun! If you have any questions, please Email Barb Seyfried.

The Sunday Book Group on Zoom

On Sunday March 10 we will begin discussing our new book: “Salt: A World History” by Mark Kurlansky. For more information contact John Clark at

March Bookaholics Unanimous

The next meeting will be on Tuesday, March 26, 2024 by zoom. The book is:  The book is Solito by Javier Somoro. We are currently meeting by ZOOM.  If you are interested in learning more about the group and perhaps new to ZOOM  contact  Anne Leonard: or 520-307-8045.

Men's Night Out (Virtual)

Tuesdays at 7 pm

Join us for Men's Night Out, every Tuesday evening via Zoom. Click to Join Zoom For more information Email Tom Sawyer

Caring Circles

Join a Caring Circle to connect, strengthen, and expand ties within our congregation. Circles meet weekly or bi-weekly via Zoom and/or in person. Got Questions? Email Pi Irwin


We are a Welcoming Congregation, inviting all LGBTQs in all areas of our community. If you want to speak to someone from the church about LGBTQ+ issues, email or text MVUU's affiliated minister, Rev. Christiane Heyde (520) 393-9960.

Volunteer with MVUU!

Sharing a few minutes of your Sunday morning will create an atmosphere of care and community as you welcome people coming to MVUU.

Sign Up Here to work with Welcomers :

Fellowship Hour Goodies & Treats Sign Up

We now are ready to welcome the congregation's participation via the Fellowship Hour Goodies Sign Up for each week. We cater to those with special food preferences and request only one to two items per category. Thank you!

MVUU Membership Invitation

If you are interested in joining our community and would like to become a member at MVUU, please email


Woven Basket Partner

Primavera Foundation

Give your pledge or
Donate to MVUU online
Send your check to MVUU, P.O. Box 91080, Tucson, AZ 85752, indicating which fund you'd like it to go to (i.e. Pledge, Operating Fund, Capital Campaign, Woven Basket, etc.).

Find your Friends in MVUU's Photo Directory

For login directions Email

Newsletter Deadlines: The next newsletter will be published Friday, March 22nd. Submit articles to by 12 pm, Monday March 18th. No Exceptions. Articles may not exceed 250 words. Thank you.