Canadian Food Focus April 2023 Newsletter


What's in Season?Rhubarb

Often referred to as a fruit, rhubarb is actually botanically classified as a vegetable crop. A member of the buckwheat family (Polygonaceae), it is a perennial with a woody, fibrous root system and long greenish-red leaf stems that resemble celery.


Do I Need To Wash My

Fruits And Veggies?

Fresh produce does not naturally contain microorganisms. However, fruits and vegetables may become contaminated while in contact with the soil, during harvest or handling for transportation, or while en route from the grocery store to your cutting board. Registered Dietitian Erin Macgregor shares a few easy strategies to minimize any risk from contamination.

6 Tips To Reduce Food Waste

No one likes to throw their money in the trash. However, in Canada, 63% of the food thrown away could have been consumed. Vegetables and fruits are the most wasted food. Let’s find out how you can waste less with these six tips. 


How Are Dry Peas Grown?

Dry peas—the kind that are used in split pea soup and pea protein —are part of the family of pulse crops that also include  lentilschickpeas and dried beans. Most of the world’s dry peas are grown in Canada, primarily in the Prairie provinces, where the weather and soil types are ideal for growing pulse crops.

Poultry Housing In Canada - Where And How Do Chickens Live?

Farmers in Canada raise two types of chickens – those produced for meat and those that lay eggs. And although they’re both poultry, there are some differences in how they live on Canadian farms.


Jam Jam Cookies

A Jam Jam is a soft, chewy molasses sandwich cookie made with two cakey cookies with jam sandwiched in between.

6 Tasty Recipes For Leftover Turkey

Turkey sandwiches are great, but it's also fun to try new tasty leftover turkey recipes to serve up those leftovers.

Cook Along

Would you like to improve your cooking skills? Or learn how to cook something different for breakfast, lunch, or supper? Maybe you simply would like to learn a new recipe. Cook along with Emily Richards as she prepares Taco Stewed Beef.

Welcome to the Ask a Farmer Podcast hosted by Canadian farmer, Clinton Monchuk. In this podcast, Clinton will talk with dietitians, farmers, ranchers and other experts to answer questions about your food and farming. He will explore how your food is grown and raised in Canada, delve into questions you may have about the food system and provide useful information to help you feel more confident about your food choices.

Podcast: How do you save money at the grocery store?

This podcast walks through different ways that you can make the most of your food budget in times of inflationary pressures. Shannon Crocker provides helpful hints that will allow you to be a sharper shopper, while also providing the nutrition you need for your family.

Podcast: Are cattle raised sustainably and humanely?

Consumers often wonder what is being done to ensure cattle are raised sustainably and humanely. Rancher Erika Stewart explains the audited Verified Beef Production Plus (VBP+) program for Canadian cattle producers. The program focuses on three main practices: animal care, biosecurity and environmental stewardship to demonstrate to consumers the level of care that goes into producing beef.

Podcast: How can you eat better every day?

Trying to make sense of Canada’s Food Guide and how to implement some of their recommendations? We had questions too and sought the expertise of Sue Mah, a registered dietitian from the Toronto area.

Podcast: How has innovation changed dairy farms?

New technologies and innovation are pivotal to ensuring that the farms remain sustainable now and into the future. In this podcast Andrew Campbell, aka Fresh Air Farmer, describes the new dairy barn his family built.

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