Grace Story Conversations
You are invited to take part in Grace story conversations. At some point in Advent plan to stay after church for about an hour (at 9am or 11am) and have a conversation about where and how God has shown up for you at Grace. If you can’t be at church, find one other person to interview outside of church time.
You’ll be invited to interview and be interviewed and then to share those interviews so that our church can get a better sense of our calling and gifts.
Here are the questions we’ll be using:
1. Reflecting on your entire experience at our church, remember a time when you felt the most engaged, alive and motivated.
a. Who was involved? What did you do? How did it feel? What happened?
2. What are the essential characteristics that made that experience meaningful?
3. Where do you sense or imagine God was present in that experience? What did it reveal to you about God/Jesus/Holy Spirit?
4. When I think about this experience the thing I really value in our church is...
These conversations can be a rich time of storytelling. You’ll deepen your relationship with at least one other person. If you have questions about the process Rev. Mary and I will be available on Sundays, or reach out to us anytime.