Weekly News from Grace Episcopal Church
Published November 18, 2022
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Turkey Cookies Benefit Families
Grace's Episcopal Youth Community has its traditional Turkey Cookies, and the tasty treats will be available after both services on Sunday, November 20. The price is $5 per plate. Over the years, the cookies have become a tradition at many home's Thanksgiving celebrations.
Each year the youth adopts families and gets a list of their needs—proceeds from the sale of support to the adopted families. Then the youth group will have a shopping trip on December 11 to purchase gifts and will end the trip with a visit to MOD Pizza.
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The Giving Tree 2022
The Giving Tree will go up after Thanksgiving on Sunday, Nov 27. There will be three ministries on the tree — two Kirkwood School District Families, Fisher House and the Person-to-Person Ministry. We’ll collect gift cards, gas cards, toiletries and specific items requested by two KSD families.
The bulletin board in the parish hall will provide an overview of requested gifts, but to avoid duplication donors must take the appropriate gift tag(s) from the Giving Tree before purchasing gift(s). DO NOT wrap or bag your gift, but you may include a bag or wrapping paper with it. Be sure to attach the ornament ID tag to your gift to identify the correct family and recipient. Return your donations by Sunday, Dec 11. Put your gift(s) under the Giving Tree, but envelopes containing gift cards of any kind should be put in the lock box. Many thanks for your generosity!!
Michele & Vince Nicosia
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Pledge Card Reminder
Thank you to everyone who returned your pledge card for 2023. In this time of transition it is more important than ever to show confidence in our church and God’s plan for our future. With your contributions we will continue to live out the mission of Jesus in the world.
It’s not too late to turn in your 2023 pledge cards . Please bring them to either service or the parish office. You may also Pledge Online
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Living History Month
For four weeks in late November you're invited to help create Grace's living timeline. On Sundays beginning November 20 you're invited to share your best experience at Grace Church. Using your stories we'll create a living history of the ways grace has been made real in your life here. We'll introduce the process in worship and then you can meet with others after church or at another time. Our stories will be posted on the Living Timeline in the narthex and in the parish hall.
If you're interested in a Living History conversation on Zoom, please contact Rev. Thomas and we'll arrange times to meet and talk in small groups.
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The Four Fold Path:
"Learning How to Receive Joy"
Adult Education Series
9 a.m. in the Library
November 20
All are invited to join this lively small group discussion around the Four fold path of Christian transformation. Alexander Shaia describes how each Gospel is written in response to one of life's four great questions.
No need to have been present for our past meetings, just come as you are!
Questions: Contact the Rev. Thomas Skillings
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Grace On The Go
Holiday Brass Concert Reminder
After a three-year hiatus, the Holiday Brass Concert returns Monday, December 5, at Manchester Methodist Church (129 Woods Mill Road in Manchester). Grace on the Go is attending the first concert at 10:15 am. If you have not yet received your ticket from Michele Nicosia, check with her this Sunday. If you need a ride, please ask someone who is driving. Remember to allow extra time to find a parking space and walk into the building. Plan to be in our section on the sanctuary main floor at least by 9:30; our reserved area is only available until then. The pre-concert performed by the Clayton High School Marimba Band begins shortly thereafter.
If you reserved lunch at Sunny Street Café (11692 Manchester Road, Des Peres), it begins following the concert at 11:45 am.
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Ornament Exchange
Enjoy a fun evening with friends at Grace’s
Ornament Exchange Party on Wednesday,
December 7, 6:00-9:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall. This year’s event is hosted by Becky Engelbrecht, Sandi Adams and Ann VanConia.
Dinner and dessert will be served. Bring one wrapped ornament and $20 to the party. All proceeds go to Grace’s Outreach Ministry. Sign up today in Albright Parish Hall.
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Christmas Cookie Sale
The high school youth group and mission trip participants will have a Christmas cookie sale on Saturday, December 10, at
9 a.m. at Grace.
Can you please make six dozen cookies for the event and drop them off at Grace on December 8 or 9? Pick-up is available if you can’t drop your cookies off. You may drop off frozen dough any day before December 4, and we'll bake the cookies for you. Donations for the high schoolers are accepted to make a batch on your behalf.
It’s not too late to donate cookie dough! Email Joanie Van Rees if you would like to make 6 dozen cookies, donate dough to make six dozen cookies, or donate money for the youth to make six dozen cookies. You may also sign up in Parish Hall.
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Shepherd's Center Needs Drivers
Drivers are needed to give rides to COVID vaccinated older adults aged 55+.
· Must complete an application and an online background check
· Attend one orientation meeting
· Once approved, sign-up for rides using our online RideScheduler system (or call 314.395.0988
· Minimum of one drive per month
Please call Karen Zelle, Services Manager at 314.395.0988 or email Karen Zelle.
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Trinity Hot Lunch Ministry Needs Volunteers
This is a special ministry that touches the very core of our faith. As we receive God's mercy and love, we are asked to become a conduit of his love to others. “To feed the hungry” is the first of the Corporal Works of Mercy. Trinity Hot Lunch gives us the privilege and blessing of fulfilling this deeply Christian duty. Read More
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Fill the Hunger Barrel
Please remember our neighbors in need. Drop your non-perishable food items in Grace’s red hunger barrel in Albright Parish Hall each Sunday. Your donations will be distributed through KirkCare and Trinity Episcopal Church food pantries.
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Coffee Hour
Sundays at 9 & 11 a.m.
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The Holy Eucharist
Tuesdays at 9:30 a.m.
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Tuesday Book Group
at 10:00 a.m.
at the church and on Zoom. The Book Group is reading The Pope's Butcher. All are welcome!
Click here to learn more!
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Men's Breakfast
Wednesdays 8 a.m.
Denny's in Sunset Hills
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Adult Forum
Exploring the Gospels
as a guide to Transformation
November 20
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Taking Faith Home
is full of Bible readings, and prayers to make part of your spiritual life with your family.
Taking Faith Home Sunday, November 20
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About the Parish Family
We welcome Leo Emde who was born on 11/4/2022. He is the son of Holly & Steven Emde and great grandson of Becky & Tom Coulter.
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Prayer List
Parish List
Shirley Browne
Ethel Cromwell
Katie Conrad
Ginger Dokos
Eric Woodruff
Donna Faust
David Fly
Mike Lillmars
Chris Manuel
Jeane McKenna
Steve Mika
Johnny Nelson
Langen Neubacher
Marty O'Leary
Garrett Owler
Chloe Poe
Ben Ryan
Beverly Shands
Brooks Ward
Diane Warhover
Friends & Family
Carrie Gurley
Martha Ramsay Huff
Michael & Mary Leiweke
Logan Nelson
Ben Ryan
Allison Shortlane
Shirley West
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November 20
Michelle Huber
November 21
Tim Engelbrecht
Jack Petrie
November 25
Bear Connolly
November 26
Ella Prewitt
November 23
Rebecca & Bill Harrison
November 24
Chris & Doug Mars
Denise & Andy Miller
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Our Prayer list requests and updates should be e-mailed to the parish office. Names will be left on the prayer list for one month unless the parish office is notified.
Note: the Intercession Prayer Book is now available for people to write their
prayer requests.
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Pastoral Care
In case of a pastoral emergency, please call the parish office at 314-821-1806. For pastoral emergencies after office hours, call the parish office and press "7" to be connected to the priest-on-call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In case of severe illness, hospitalization, when a person is near death or at the death of a member of the church, please notify the clergy as soon as possible in order to secure the ministrations of the church.
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Transition Prayer
Almighty God, who knows our needs even before we ask, grant us a spirit of faith and courage, that we may have the strength to meet the days to come with steadfastness and patience; look graciously on this parish family and send forth your Holy Spirit to guide us to be of one heart and mind, that we may receive a faithful pastor, who will care for your people and equip us for our ministries; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
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Online Giving
We are grateful to everyone who is keeping their pledge current. Your generosity is gratifying and inspiring. To give online please click the link below and checks may be mailed to 514 East Argonne, Kirkwood, MO 63122. If you are out of work and unable to make your pledge, we understand. Please let the parish office know.
Giving is easier than ever. Just click below.
Select your desired fund from the drop down menu
and follow the prompts to complete your donation.
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The iMessenger is a weekly publication of Grace Church. If you have information you would like included, please contact the church office by Wednesday before noon.
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Grace Episcopal Church
514 East Argonne Drive
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