A Message from the Junior Warden
Grace Church is a lively place for individuals and groups to gather for fellowship, study, and pastoral care. There have been a few changes in the use of our building that have caused repeated issues, so I want to try to explain what is happening. We want everyone to understand the “Why” so we have no one upset.
In the LaVielle room, we have acquired new expensive Zoom equipment to facilitate our group meetings for the discernment team. We also use it for groups such as Vestry, Community of Hope, and Women’s Study Group. We do not own this equipment, it is on loan to us. For this reason, the LaVielle room is now kept locked.
The library door from Albright into the library is now also kept locked. The room is being used for many confidential meetings, and that door does not have a panel to see through. The other two points of entry into the library have clear panels and are not locked. We simply ask that you walk around and make certain no one is in the library before going in.
The use of our rooms is open to all but requires some pre-planning.
If you wish to use any room in the building, simply ask either Shari Bonham or me. We turn the heating and cooling down for every room, depending on use. We are simply trying to spend money wisely, so if a room is not scheduled for use, it has minimal heat and A/C.
Thank you for helping us all make Grace a safe and comfortable shared space for God’s work.
Rebecca Harrison,
Junior Warden