Weekly News from Grace Episcopal Church
Published February 10, 2023
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Souper Bowl of Caring This Sunday
The junior and senior high school members of Grace's Episcopal Youth Community are helping by collecting nonperishable food goods and funds for Kirk Care through The Souper Bowl of Caring. In lieu of a can, you may donate a dollar.
To make this even more exciting, the Gospel (Left) side will be pitted against the Epistle (Right) side to see which team will be victorious in the Big Game. You support your team by "voting" with a can of food or a dollar. You may vote as often as you want. You can vote for both teams. You can vote early, and you can vote late. While the youth-led teams may compete, the real winner will be the KirkCare Food Pantry.
The youth will be in the Narthex after the 10 a.m. service this Sunday, representing their sides to collect donations. If you are unable to attend on Sunday, click below to cast your vote with a donation. Read More
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Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
Tuesday, February 21 at 5 p.m.
In some societies, the days before Ash Wednesday are a time for outrageous behavior and extravagant feasting – Carnevale ("farewell to meat") or Mardi Gras ("Fat Tuesday"). The English Shrove Tuesday refers to the need to be "shriven" – to confess sins and be absolved – in preparation for the austerities of Lent. The pancakes are a great way to use the last of the butter, milk, and eggs as we prepare ourselves for a simpler existence during Lent. All are invited to Grace's traditional pancake supper.
Meals are $5 for adults and $3 for a maximum of $15 per family. Along with pancakes, we’ll serve sausage, applesauce, coffee, milk and lemonade. Come enjoy the supper from 5:30–7:00 p.m.! The Burning of the Palms will follow the meal.
If you can help with the dinner, see the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the parish hall or contact Dick Entenmann or Chris Kurth for more information.
Read More
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Offer Your Palms from Last Palm Sunday!
Each year we prepare for Ash Wednesday by burning the palm crosses or fronds that were blessed and distributed last Palm Sunday. These ashes are then used for the Ash Wednesday liturgy. If you have your palm from last year (or prior years) please bring them to church or to the Shrove Tuesday dinner.
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Intergenerational Dinner and Exploration!
Sundays in Lent, 5 p.m. in the Parish Hall
Each week all ages are invited to join for dinner and exploration. We start with a catered dinner and conversation as we get to know one another better. (Free will offerings will be accepted for dinner.)
Each week we will consider the good news from the readings of the day using art, drama, and conversation in ways that guide us to grow more deeply in the trust and life that Christ promises. We’ll end the evening with simple prayer for all ages. Each week will offer a practice to take home into your daily life.
Please sign up for the dinners at church for the sessions you can attend.
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Adult Education and Formation
Beginning Sunday, February 26 at 9 a.m. in the Library
Join us in the library to discuss The Way of Life in John’s Gospel at 9 a.m. in the Library each Sunday in Lent. Following the lead of Professor Bill Countryman we’ll explore the wisdom found in the gospel of John. Each week Revs Thomas and Mary will invite you to consider the readings for the day and how they serve as a guide to receiving the promise of life that Jesus gives to all humankind, even to the cosmos as a whole!
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Outreach at Grace
Episcopal City Mission
Sunday, February 19th has been designated by the Diocese as
Episcopal City Mission (ECM) Sunday. This Sunday is set aside to recognize, pray for, and support the ministry of the ECM chaplains to children ages 11-18 in St. Louis Juvenile Justice System.
The caring, listening presence of ECM chaplains and faith-based dedication of ECM volunteers reminds each child that they are beloved by God and transforms their despair and anger into hope and healing. ECM chaplains are often the first consistent adult presence in these kids’ lives. In the time they are in detention, the chaplains show them that God is alive in them.
“Ours is a ministry of presence. Our goal is to be there for the children, many of whom are suffering from trauma, grief, and loss, to show them the healing presence of God’s love. In a world that feels unsafe and out of control, we provide emotional safety, support and unconditional love.”
Please keep the ECM Chaplains and the children to whom they minister in your prayers. Next Sunday, February 19th, the plate offering at both services will be sent to ECM to support their mission.
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The position of ECM ambassador from our parish is open. If you are interested in serving as ECM ambassador, please contact Rev. Mary | |
Earthquake Relief
A devastating 7.8-magnitude earthquake recently struck southeast Turkey and northern Syria. The reported death toll is in the thousands and climbing after buildings all over the region crumbled, burying civilians beneath the rubble.
The situation in Turkey and Syria right now is dire. Your gift today to Episcopal Relief & Development, provides critical relief to communities impacted by the earthquake. In supporting our local partners with life-saving supplies and resources, medicine, and emergency support, we can help communities rebuild and heal.
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Altar Guild Annual Meeting & Brunch
Saturday, February 11 at 10:30 a.m.
We will host our annual Altar Guild brunch on Saturday, February 11 at 10:30 am in the Keane Library. Thomas will join us to give us the priest’s side of what the Altar Guild is all about. For more information, contact Rebecca Harrison at Rharri7176@aol.com.
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Join Grace on the Go for
Bald Eagle Watching
Friday, February 17, 10 a.m.
Carpools leave Grace at 8:45 a.m.
Grace On The Go will head to the Audubon Center at the Migratory Bird Sanctuary in West Alton, Missouri. The center and wrap-around deck are handicapped accessible. A friendly face will greet us to guide us through the museum and watch a 10-minute video. Bald Eagles and Trumpeter Swans are frequent winter visitors. Maps are available to see more of the eagles’ habitats. Audubon Center is free and self-supporting; donations are always appreciated. Lunch is at The Old Bakery Beer Company, 400 Landmarks Street in Alton, IL.
Dress warmly and bring binoculars. The center is at the heart of the Mississippi Flyway on the Mississippi River, near the confluence with the Missouri River. Meet at the center at 301 Riverlands Way in West Alton, MO by 10 am. MO-367 N becomes US-67 N. Before the Clark Bridge and Mississippi River, look for signs for Riverlands Migratory Bird Sanctuary. Turn right at the Sanctuary and proceed 0.8 miles to the Audubon Center with the large glass bay windows on the left.
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Nursery Sunday hours are 8:45 a.m until 11:15 a.m. each Sunday. | |
Fill the Hunger Barrel
Please remember our neighbors in need. Drop your non-perishable food items in Grace’s red hunger barrel in Albright Parish Hall each Sunday. Your donations will be distributed through KirkCare and Trinity Episcopal Church food pantries.
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Men's Breakfast
Wednesdays 8 a.m.
Denny's in Sunset Hills
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The Holy Eucharist
Tuesdays at 9:30 a.m.
Anointing of the Sick on the First Tuesday of each month.
In the Chapel of the Apostles (on the lower level)
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Tuesday Book Group
meets at 10:00 a.m.
at the church and on Zoom. The Book Group is reading Forty Autumns All are welcome!
Click here to learn more!
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Prayer List
Parish List
John Barrett
Jane & Henry Beers
Shirley Browne
Ethel Cromwell
Katie Conrad
Ginger Dokos
David Fly
Bill Harrison
Carla Kurth
Mike Lillmars
Chris Manuel
Jeane McKenna
Jim McKown
Steve Mika
Johnny Nelson
Langden Neubacher
Marty O'Leary
Chloe Poe
Beverly Shands
Brooks Ward
Jane Webster
Eric Woodruff
Friends & Family
Rebecca Bonham
Kate Bonham
Casey Chaddon
Ellen Frisch
Carrie Gurley
Michael & Mary Leiweke
Kathleen Mac
Jon McDaniel
Logan Nelson
Ben Ryan
Allison Shortlane
Megan and the Taylor Family
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February 12
Susanne Haring
February 13
Chris Mars
Sue Nixon
February 14
Harper Kehl
February 15
Amanda Carver
Doug O’Brien
Chris Pierce
There are no anniversaries this week.
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Our Prayer list requests and updates should be e-mailed to the parish office. Names will be left on the prayer list for one month unless the parish office is notified.
Note: the Intercession Prayer Book is now available for people to write their
prayer requests.
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Pastoral Care
Grace’s clergy are available by appointment to discuss personal, pastoral, or spiritual matters; please call or email the clergy directly. The lay pastoral care team members are also available to visit and bring communion to those unable to be at church in person. Please let the clergy or Sara Losse know (saratlosse@yahoo.com) if you or someone you know in the congregation is in need of a pastoral visit.
If you have a concern that you would prefer to keep private, please let the clergy or Ruth Moore know (clesiemo1@yahoo.com) so that she can put your need on the prayer chain. Throughout the week, members of the Grace Prayer Chain pray privately for the congregation's special needs.
In case of a pastoral emergency, please call the parish office at 314-821-1806. A priest is on call at all times. In case of hospitalization, when a church member is near death or has died, please notify the clergy as soon as possible so that we may minister to you and your family with prayers and anointing.
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Transition Prayer
Almighty God, who knows our needs even before we ask, grant us a spirit of faith and courage, that we may have the strength to meet the days to come with steadfastness and patience; look graciously on this parish family and send forth your Holy Spirit to guide us to be of one heart and mind, that we may receive a faithful pastor, who will care for your people and equip us for our ministries; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
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Online Giving
We are grateful to everyone who is keeping their pledge current. Your generosity is gratifying and inspiring. To give online please click the link below and checks may be mailed to 514 East Argonne, Kirkwood, MO 63122. If you are out of work and unable to make your pledge, we understand. Please let the parish office know.
Giving is easier than ever. Just click below.
Select your desired fund from the drop down menu
and follow the prompts to complete your donation.
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The iMessenger is a weekly publication of Grace Church. If you have information you would like included, please contact the church office by Wednesday before noon.
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