Lord Jesus, Light of the world,
the prophets said you would bring peace
and save your people in trouble.
Give peace in our hearts at Christmas-tide
and show all the world God's love.”
Weekly News from Grace Episcopal Church
Published December 2, 2022
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Holy Listening Session - December 4
The Discernment Team has added a final holy listening session to take place after the 10 o'clock worship service. Sunday morning, grab some coffee or tea and come to the Thompson Community Room for good conversation on the subject of the future of Grace Church.
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St. Nicholas Celebration at Grace
Sunday, December 4 at 10 a.m.
Join us at Grace on Sunday, December 4, at 10 a.m. as we celebrate the Feast Day of St. Nicholas and learn the real story behind the legend.
We are expecting a very special guest on this day, and children of all ages are invited to the altar to hear the story of St. Nicholas and to meet our special guest.
Be sure to bring your children, grandchildren, and friends to this special service. (And don't forget to leave your shoes in the hall for a special treat.)
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First Sundays @ 5
A meditative service of Advent readings and prayers interspersed with verses of 'O come,
O come, Emmanuel
Our quiet, contemplative worship series on the first Sunday of the month continues on December 4 at 5 p.m. This worship experience is designed to calm our senses with candlelight, soft music and a time alone with God. Come and join us for this peaceful and moving service Sunday at 5 p.m.
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Calling All Cookie Sale Volunteers!
The high school youth group and mission trip participants will have a Christmas cookie sale on Saturday, December 10 at 9 a.m. at Grace. If you can, bake 6 dozen cookies for the event and drop them off at Grace on December 8th or 9th. Pick up is available if you can’t drop off. Email Joanie Van Rees if you would like to make 6 dozen cookies or donate money. You may also sign-up in the Parish Hall.
We are looking for anyone willing to spend a few hours on Friday. Dec 9th (for setup) and/or Saturday, Dec 10th (to work the sale)! All of the information is in the sign up link below.
All proceeds from the sale go toward the Youth Mission Trip Discernment Team.
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The Giving Tree 2022
Kirkwood School District Family #2 has been added to the Giving Tree. This is a younger family, with 3 girls ages 5, 7, 12, and a 7 year old boy. Their tree-shaped tag ornaments are located in clusters by child, and their requests are in their favorite color. The green-marked tags are for the family/adults. The return date for Kirkwood School District gifts is now extended to Sunday, Dec 18, but PLEASE return as soon as possible. Be sure to mark the value of your gift on the tag for the Outreach tally— recipients will not see it.
A sample Person to Person gift bag is now under the tree. Fisher House and Person to Person items must be returned by Sunday Dec 11. Please DO NOT mix gift cards into the bagged items, or they will be missed. Remember to deposit your properly marked Greeting & Gift Card into the hallway lockbox. For more information, contact Michele at her NEW email address.
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Christmas Pageant
Children of all ages are encouraged to be part of this fun Grace tradition! Older children read the Christmas story while younger children create the Christmas tableau.
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Parents are also needed to help with costumes and general sheep wrangling! Sign-up on the bulletin board in the Parish Hall. | |
Festival Flower & Music Offering
Our beautiful Christmas decorations and performances by guest musicians are made possible during the holidays by offerings to the Grace Festival Flower and Music Fund. You may make your donation as a memorial gift or a gift of thanksgiving.
Special envelopes are available in a box on the round table in the narthex. Make checks payable to "Grace Church" and write "flower and music fund" on the memo line. Forms are due by December 18. Suggested donation is $10- Per name.
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Ornament Exchange
Enjoy a fun evening with friends at Grace’s Ornament Exchange Party on Wednesday, December 7, 6:00-9:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall. This year’s event is hosted by Becky Engelbrecht, Sandi Adams and Ann VanConia.
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Dinner and dessert will be served. Bring one wrapped ornament and $20 to the party. All proceeds go to Grace’s Outreach Ministry. Sign up today in Albright Parish Hall. | |
Grace Story Conversations
You are invited to take part in Grace story conversations. At some point in Advent plan to stay after church for about an hour (at 9am or 11am) and have a conversation about where and how God has shown up for you at Grace. If you can’t be at church, find one other person to interview outside of church time.
You’ll be invited to interview and be interviewed and then to share those interviews so that our church can get a better sense of our calling and gifts.
Here are the questions we’ll be using:
1. Reflecting on your entire experience at our church, remember a time when you felt the most engaged, alive and motivated.
a. Who was involved? What did you do? How did it feel? What happened?
2. What are the essential characteristics that made that experience meaningful?
3. Where do you sense or imagine God was present in that experience? What did it reveal to you about God/Jesus/Holy Spirit?
4. When I think about this experience the thing I really value in our church is...
These conversations can be a rich time of storytelling. You’ll deepen your relationship with at least one other person. If you have questions about the process the Reverends Mary and Thomas will be available on Sundays, or reach out to us anytime.
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Lyn Ballard awarded Bishop's Medal for Service
Lyn Ballard was awarded the Bishop’s Medal for Service by the Rt. Rev. Deon Johnson at Diocesan Convention. Lyn was recognized “For outstanding service to the
Diocese of Missouri in promoting and enhancing the gift of learning. She has inspired generations of leaders, both ordained and lay, to love and appreciate the beauty of spirituality and the rigor of academics. She has served on the Diocesan Board of Examining Chaplains, Diocesan Council and in many other capacities within this Diocese. Academic leadership is one of her many spiritual gifts, which have been and continues to be used for God’s glory, for the inspiration of others in seeking God’s
heart, and for guiding us towards a deeper sense of wonder, love, and praise.”
Congratulations, Lyn! Thank you for all you do for Grace and the Diocese.
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About The Parish Family
Congratulations to Ryan Missel, who will be ordained to Diaconate at Christ Church Cathedral on Sat, Dec 17, 2022 at 11:00 am - 12:30 pm.
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Trinity Hot Lunch Ministry Needs Volunteers
This is a special ministry that touches the very core of our faith. As we receive God's mercy and love, we are asked to become a conduit of his love to others. “To feed the hungry” is the first of the Corporal Works of Mercy. Trinity Hot Lunch gives us the privilege and blessing of fulfilling this deeply Christian duty. Read More
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Fill the Hunger Barrel
Please remember our neighbors in need. Drop your non-perishable food items in Grace’s red hunger barrel in Albright Parish Hall each Sunday. Your donations will be distributed through KirkCare and Trinity Episcopal Church food pantries.
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Coffee Hour
Sundays at 9 & 11 a.m.
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The Holy Eucharist
Tuesdays at 9:30 a.m.
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Tuesday Book Group
at 10:00 a.m.
at the church and on Zoom. The Book Group is reading The Pope's Butcher. All are welcome!
Click here to learn more!
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Men's Breakfast
Wednesdays 8 a.m.
Denny's in Sunset Hills
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Adult Forum
Stay tuned for upcoming sessions
in the new year!
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Prayer List
Parish List
Shirley Browne
Ethel Cromwell
Katie Conrad
Ginger Dokos
Eric Woodruff
David Fly
Joan Heyer
Mike Lillmars
Chris Manuel
Jeane McKenna
Steve Mika
Johnny Nelson
Langen Neubacher
Marty O'Leary
Garrett Owler
Chloe Poe
Ben Ryan
Beverly Shands
Brooks Ward
Diane Warhover
Friends & Family
Carrie Gurley
Martha Ramsay Huff
Michael & Mary Leiweke
Logan Nelson
Ben Ryan
Allison Shortlane
Shirley West
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December 5
Julie Sward
Susan Vernon
December 7
Jim Wethington
December 8
Sarah Boyle
December 9
Elizabeth Harding
Steve Mika
Brian Roche
Susan Rolf
There are no anniversaries for this week.
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Our Prayer list requests and updates should be e-mailed to the parish office. Names will be left on the prayer list for one month unless the parish office is notified.
Note: the Intercession Prayer Book is now available for people to write their
prayer requests.
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Pastoral Care
In case of a pastoral emergency, please call the parish office at 314-821-1806. For pastoral emergencies after office hours, call the parish office and press "7" to be connected to the priest-on-call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In case of severe illness, hospitalization, when a person is near death or at the death of a member of the church, please notify the clergy as soon as possible in order to secure the ministrations of the church.
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Offerings to Outreach
As you pass the offering plate down the pews today, please share your blessings with those in need. All loose plate offerings (those not designated to our annual fund) will go to Grace’s outreach ministries, helping us to do God’s work in the world. Thank you for your generosity!
Transition Prayer
Almighty God, who knows our needs even before we ask, grant us a spirit of faith and courage, that we may have the strength to meet the days to come with steadfastness and patience; look graciously on this parish family and send forth your Holy Spirit to guide us to be of one heart and mind, that we may receive a faithful pastor, who will care for your people and equip us for our ministries; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
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Online Giving
We are grateful to everyone who is keeping their pledge current. Your generosity is gratifying and inspiring. To give online please click the link below and checks may be mailed to 514 East Argonne, Kirkwood, MO 63122. If you are out of work and unable to make your pledge, we understand. Please let the parish office know.
Giving is easier than ever. Just click below.
Select your desired fund from the drop down menu
and follow the prompts to complete your donation.
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The iMessenger is a weekly publication of Grace Church. If you have information you would like included, please contact the church office by Wednesday before noon.
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Grace Episcopal Church
514 East Argonne Drive
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