FROM: Jeannie Montano, President & CEO, United Way of the Dutchess-Orange Region

Please give what you can to help us meet our $200,000 goal. The need in our community is still growing, even as we reopen. Thank you.
United Way of the Dutchess-Orange Region responds to COVID-19 in our community daily. Each week, we've used your donations during the crisis to provide critical help daily. Now during the re-opening and recovery, we continue to help those who are struggling to provide food for their families and keep them safe.
Since last week we have

  • Through our no-contact Day of Sharing last Friday, we helped more than 100 people receive some of the items they desperately needed.
  • Domestic violence survivors received diapers, wipes and baby bottles they needed in the safe shelter they fled to recently.
  • Children in our community who had little before the pandemic, will now have new summer clothes to wear as well as books to read.
  • A formerly homeless single mother now has sheets and curtains for her first real home.

  • We received a call that a sixty-year-old woman who had lost her job due to COVID-19 was having to relocate immediately as her current living conditions were unsafe, but she had no funds for the move. We helped her with the truck rental and she is now living in a safe location.

  • A single mother and her daughter who are chronically ill and at great risk had bills piling up over the past few months due to the situation with COVID-19. When she contacted us she was close to losing her apartment. We helped her pay her utility bill, so she could pay this month's rent.

  • Purchased essential items like hand sanitizer, no touch thermometer and garbage bags, so a preschool could reopen.

  • United Way’s free confidential 24/7 2-1-1 Helpline has received 11,195 COVID-19 related calls over the past 14 weeks. 

  • On Fridays in June we will be offering nonprofit, school and church representatives a No Contact Day of Sharing. Contact Rebecca Lull ( or 845-471-1900 ext 3113) for more information about this program. Arrangements must be made in advance.

  • During June, United Way offers virtual and socially distanced volunteer activities for the whole family around our traditional Day of Action:

  • Searching for a unique gift for someone special? From a Tiffany necklace to winery tours, you'll find the perfect gift at our online auction. Bidding is open now through June 25 at 12noon. Go to:

  • You're invited to join us on June 24 at 6:00pm for the Virtual Celebration of Service Awards as we salute our community during these difficult times. Prizes will be awarded during the celebration! Register now (free):

  • Thank you for helping us deliver help to 72,712 people in Dutchess and Orange counties since March 12. Together we are #DOCommunityStrong against COVID-19.

and we are continuing to respond to the daily needs of our community as the situation evolves.
Thank you! With your help we are making a difference in people's lives every day! For more information:
There is a new financial incentive for Americans to give generously to qualifying charities, including United Way of the Dutchess-Orange Region and many of our community partners. The new universal tax break for charitable donations was included in the final $2 trillion COVID-19 stimulus package signed into law last week and will go into effect starting with the 2020 tax year. The measure grants taxpayers an above-the-line deduction for up to $300 in charitable donations given in 2020. For example, if you take the standard deduction and give $300 to charity, you will get a $300 tax break in addition to the standard deduction.
Thanks to the following for their support of our community through United Way of the Dutchess-Orange Region’s Dutchess Orange Community Strong COVID-19 Fund:
And with thanks for support from our media partners