Paid for by your OCWM Contributions | February 15, 2023

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Message to the Conference

Greetings members and friends of Penn Central Conference,

Thoughts on Matthew 5:21-37

"You have heard it said..." Jesus uses this phrase throughout this section of his teaching. In doing so he is directing the listener to fully consider and explore in depth the root of the law(s) he is discussing with them. The purpose is, I believe, for us to move beyond mere legalism and toward a more mature awareness of the complexities within our relationship to scripture and one another. Jesus is challenging each and every one of us to move our practices beyond opinion, tradition and feeling and toward more thoughtful and spiritual consideration of God's intent for us.

Think about how many times we operate only on the basis of something we have heard. Such behavior leaves us vulnerable to the temptation to marginalize and cause alienation. Without taking the time to prayerfully and thoughtfully consider our position or attitude, or to somehow assume that we are better than someone else because we avoid conducting ourselves as they do, we truly diminish or relativize other persons' worth. Disagreeing is not justification for judging others as less righteous than us.

"You have heard it said..." is a reminder that we must always be willing to reconsider the teachings of old for their root meaning and purpose. Two thoughts come to mind in this regard. First, Tennyson wrote in 'Morte de Artur', "The old order changeth, yielding place to the new... and God fulfills himself in man ways, lest one good custom should corrupt the whole world." And, as John Knowles penned in 'A Separate Peace', "Everything has to evolve or else it perishes." The point being that what we have heard may well have had a solid purpose and meaning for a given time and purpose, but can easily become a fetter binding one slavishly to a now negative set of practices.

I recall a mentor of mine infuriating his peers by stating that, 'No one should simply believe what is said on a Sunday morning because the pastor states it from the pulpit. What is stated should only be embraced as true after the listener has prayed, studied, discussed with others and prayed further upon the meaning of what was said. Then and only then, if it rings true, believe it. But always be open to revisiting the subject.' "You have heard it said...", no matter how well intended, can all to easily poison the well of reason.

And while there were apparently those who took our Lord's teaching to be a critique of the Scribes and Pharisees; his words truly are an admonition against hypocrisy in all of its manifestations. "You have heard it said..." is really just another form of the expression, "It's always been done this way." In all matters then may we strive to go forward always striving to become reconciled one to another.



Rev. Rick Luciotti

Coordinator of Clergy Care

Penn Central Conference

The news continues to unfold about the devastating earthquake on the border of Turkey and Syria. The death toll continues to rise – numbers are pointing to over 5,000 – depending on the source. This is shattering news and adds to the challenges of the war in this area for over a decade.

The UCC has posted a prayer and short statement in response to this crisis. While the earthquake was on the border, the tremors were felt as far away as Lebanon and Cyprus. At this time, we are issuing an appeal to help recovery efforts in Turkey and Syria. It is hard to tell what other areas are affected or the extent of the damage from this seismic event.

Amid this current uncertainty, you can be certain that with your financial support the United Church of Christ will be there helping those in need. Give generously by clicking here. You may also text UCCDISASTER to 41444.

Churches of Penn Central Conference:

Yearbook reporting has begun! Here's the full instructions. Churches can enter their own data through March 1st.

Reporting your annual church data cultivates the covenantal relationship with other local churches, associations, conferences and national. It helps us at the conference level to provide appropriate support and resources based on the trends in your statistics. Membership numbers determine the number of delegates the Conference can designate, one of the ways your voice is heard on important issues. Annual reporting is also frequently required for receiving grants and loans from the National Setting and Cornerstone Fund. If you'd like to know more, please see this document.

The Conference staff knows that gathering and inputting all the requested information can be time consuming. Please reach out to us for assistance! If you can only provide the membership and attendance figures, please submit even that much as that is the most valuable data.

Scheduling notes:

February 26 - St. John's UCC, Fredericksburg & Christ Church UCC, Annville- Rev. Dr. Nora Foust preaching

Printable eNews are available. Pastors and secretaries, please feel free to share with your congregation members that don't get this weekly email. Download and print this PDF with the weekly message to the conference, prayers for Penn Central and brief list of events.

Prayers for Penn Central Conference


Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere. Ephesians 6:18 (NLT)

This week, we pray for each other as we continue to live into God's calling...

Trinity UCC, Mercersburg

First UCC, Middleburg

St. John's UCC, Mifflinburg

Trinity UCC, Millersburg

Virtual Choir

Jaime Cortez's Rain Down is a Gospel-inspired contemporary anthem that celebrates the steadfast love and care of God. It is appropriate for ordinary time, but also for the Easter season, for Lent sundays where hope is major theme, and, with it's creation theme, for Earth Day.  It is free for all churches to use in services, and is freely available on YouTube; however, if you re-stream the content (i.e. you re-stream the video as part of your church service) you do need an appropriate license.  Fortunately, this song is included in the OneLicense streaming license. (It is not covered by the CCLI license.)  

For more information, or to become part of the virtual choir, contact Julie Holm at

Local Church

Grace UCC, Hanover has 6 oak, blue padded 20' pews to be given to any organization, church, or group that could use them. Currently the pews are in two 10' sections for easy transport. Anyone interested please call Grace UCC 717 632 1146.

The Center for Transformational Leadership is excited to announce a Church Leadership Training session that will be held over Zoom on Saturday, February 25th from 9:00AM - 12:00PM.

Offered at no cost through the generosity of proportional giving, this event will equip returning and newly elected moderators, assistant moderators, treasurers, and pastor-parish relations committee members for their roles through participation in one of three basic training workshops:

  • Basics for Treasurers
  • Basics for Moderators and Assistant Moderators
  • Basics for Pastor Parish Relations Committee Members 

We encourage you to share the attached flyer and information about this event at your annual meeting or with your newly elected leaders!

Registration is open until 2/17/2023,

Save the date!


Who: For elders, deacons, church council members, and other leaders

What: A full day of worship, address, workshops, and fellowship

When: Saturday, April 15, 2023, 8:30 am to 3:00 pm

Where: Trinity and Zion U.C.C., Pottstown, Pennsylvania

Cost: $40 per person ($20 for persons coming for part of the program not eating lunch)

The event will include: Worship and Keynote address on

Empowering Lay Leadership

Workshops on some of the following topics:

Being effective as a post-Covid Church

Reviving the Sunday school

Stewardship of Financial Resources

Becoming Spiritual Leaders

Becoming an Environmentally Friendly Church

Church Meetings that get out on time

How does the U.C.C. work

Music ministry when the choir is shrinking

Worshiping when there is no pastor.

Registration information will be available by March 1

But save the date now!

Sponsored by the Lay Leadership Education Team of Penn SE Conference, U.C.C.

ONA Ministry Team

Please register with Steve Roush through his email of by Sunday, February 26. 

Creation Justice Team

2023 Climate Hope Summer Fellowship Grants

Deadline: March 01 2023 at midnight EST

The Environmental Justice Ministry of the United Church of Christ is allotting $30,000 in grants of $2,500 to UCC churches, conferences, and associations as well as UCC-affiliated theological schools and non-profit organizations for the purposes of developing and furthering the work of youth and young adult leaders in the movement for climate justice. A central goal of this grant program is to further develop a prophetic culture of faith leadership that goes beyond a focus on individual behaviors to collectively address the institutions and systems responsible for the present crisis. Grants will be awarded to promote a climate justice movement that recognizes the root causes of the climate crisis in relation to corporate power and government policy as well as racial and economic inequity. Grants will be awarded to those seeking to advance climate solutions that effectively center the needs of those most impacted by the climate crisis, especially Black, Indigenous, and People of Color communities.

Grant applications:

Outdoor Ministries

Events with our partners at Lutheran Camping Corporation

WINTER FUN DAY - Kirchenwald - February 19, 2023 - 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

LENTEN DAY APART - The Wittel Farm - March 4, 2023 - 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

QUILTING WEEKEND - Kirchenwald - March 17 - March 19, 2023

SUMMER CAMP OPEN HOUSE - Kirchenwald -  March 19, 2023 - 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm

SUMMER CAMP OPEN HOUSE - Nawakwa - March 19, 2023 - 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm

WITTEL FARM GROWING PROJECT OPEN HOUSE - The Wittel Farm - March 19, 2023 - 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm

Summer Camp with Lutheran Camping Corporation - use code PENNCENTRAL2023 to use a 50% campership from PCC's Outdoor Ministries!

Hartman Center Homecoming week

July 31 through August 5, 2023

We will be returning to Hartman Center Campground in Milroy, PA as guests.

Camping experiences for all ages, including intergenerational camps. For more information, contact Rev. Alice Rauch (director) 

or Rev. Amelia Price (registrar)

Register here and print a brochure here

Summer camp with St. John's UCC, Chambersburg

2023 Summer Camps 

Camp Galilee (9-12) June 18-23

Camp Kum Ba Yah (5-8) June 25-30

Camp Noah (K-4) June 26-30

Learn more here.

Clergy Events

Winter/Spring 2023 MEFs (10AM hybrid, 6PM Zoom)

February 21 - "Equitable Community Change" with Rev. Alice Rauch

In February, our MEF on the 21st will include some of the material from E-Cornell’s Equitable Community Change Certificate program. Rev. Alice Rauch was inspired to earn a certificate in Equitable Community Change after being a part of her local school district’s Equity Team and finding that the teams were being disbanded shortly after they were started. Inspired by the changes in the school’s policies, a grassroots organization has been formed – Mifflinburg SAS (Supporting All Students) to address inequities in the school district and to provide support to students and families who may need support in addressing inequities in their educational experience.


As people of faith, we are called to witness to justice and compassion in our world. The MEF course will discuss ways to discern community concerns and learn basic methods to address those concerns.

10:00AM hybrid - register here

6:00PM Zoom Only - register here

March 21 - "Just War, Just Peace in Scripture" with Rev. Dr. Carrie Call

10:00AM hybrid - register here

6:00PM Zoom Only - register here

No April MEF, staff will be on retreat

May 16 - "Starting Justice Conversations: Part 1" with Rev. Carla Christopher

10:00AM hybrid - register here

6:00PM Zoom Only - register here

Winter/Spring Boundary Training

Monday, March 20, 10:00AM & 6:00PM, Departure Ethics

via Zoom

Register 10am

Register 6pm

Thursday, April 13, 10:00AM & 6:00PM, Humility as Spiritual Practice

via Zoom

Register 10am

Register 6pm

Please join the Pension Boards for its upcoming two-day Planning for the Transition to Retirement seminar on March 29-30, 2023.

Whether you are planning to retire soon or are in the middle of your career, clergy or lay, this seminar is designed to help you transition to retirement. If you are an actively-contributing Pension Boards member, 45 years of age or older, we invite you to participate.


Here is what you can expect:

• On Day One of our presentation, we discuss some of the landmark issues along the journey to retirement and how we can best prepare to hit those milestones. We will then focus on the two largest financial sources for most of our members: Social Security and the Annuity Plan for the United Church of Christ.


• One Day Two of our presentation, we will dig a little deeper into some of the accompanying details of the retirement journey. We will look at how our investment choices should be informed by our current lives and future goals, and review additional benefits to help smooth our path. Finally, we will examine the way our lives will change and what we can do to continue leading purposeful, fulfilling lives in retirement.

Date: Day One: Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Time: 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on EST 

Date: Day Two: Thursday, March 30, 2023

Time: 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on EST 

Register here by March 28, 2023. The Zoom credentials you receive upon registration are the credentials you will use to participate in both Day One and Day Two of the Planning for the Transition to Retirement seminar.


A convocation for Retired Clergy and Spouses 

MAY 9, 10, 11 at the Doubletree Convention Center, Willow Street, PA 

Brought to you by Penn Central Conference

and the United Church of Christ Pension Boards 

The above announced convocation is for all retired clergy within the Penn Central Conference. It will be a time of renewing friendships and presentations on a wide range of topics of interest and concern during the retirement years. The Pension Boards will have personnel on hand to cover issues of finance, health care and general support services, such as the Annuitant Visitor program. There will be representatives from The UCC Homes and Phoebe Homes to share information on various levels of care available. We will also have persons representing the Area Agency on Aging, AAA and AARP available to assist with questions and interests you may have concerning services and opportunities available for retirees. 

We have reserved space for 150 registrants and so we are sending this information now and ask that you indicate your interest in this program. There will be both registration for staying at the convention center and also a commuter option. Finals details regarding cost have not yet been finalized and so we are only asking interest lever for our planning purposes.   

Please indicate your interest in participating by contacting:

Rev Rick Luciotti, Facilitator for Clergy Care 

Penn Central Conference 

PO Box 6625 

Harrisburg. PA 

Or by email: 

Save the Date – Suicide and Moral Injury Clergy Workshop with Lebanon VA Chaplain Rev. Dean Luther Friday, March 24th 10-12 on Zoom, registration details will be shared when available.

Pennsylvania UCC Clergy Convocation 2023

Being One: Clergy Wellness, Clergy Wholeness

May 2-4. 2023

DoubleTree by Hilton

2400 Willow Street Pike

Lancaster, PA 17602

UCC National Setting

UCC Webinars

These webinars are designed to help you enhance your local church ministries. Most are free to attend. Check out the calendar here.

Webinar: Planning the Energy Future of your Congregation

FEB 21, 2023 | 1:00PM - 2:00PM

OWL Taking Flight – Child Safety and Mandatory Reporting: Advice from a Pediatrician

MAR 1, 2023 | 12:00PM - 1:00PM

Is property a missional asset or liability?

MAR 1, 2023 | 1:00PM - 2:00PM

Migrant Sponsorship: Responding to the Heartbreaking Emails

MAR 1, 2023 | 2:00PM - 3:00PM

Movie Screening: The Ants and the Grasshopper

MAR 1, 2023 | 7:00PM - 8:30PM

"Making All Things New"

General Synod 2023


"Making All Things New” will be the theme of the 34th biennial General Synod of the United Church of Christ, scheduled for June 30–July 4, 2023, in Indianapolis.


Delegates and visitors will meet June 30 through July 4 at the Indianapolis Convention Center.


For the full press release, click here.

Our Whole Lives training

In addition to an increasing number of in-person trainings across the country, Our Whole Lives trainings will continue to be offered online in 2023 for UCC and UUA members, at a cost of only $250 plus curriculum.

Registration applications will be accepted from Feb 21-Mar 6 for a Jr Sr High Level Training in April

Registration applications will be accepted from March 13 through March 27 for an Elementary (Grades K-1 and 4-6) Training in May

Registration applications will be accepted from April 17 through May 1 for a Jr Sr High Level Training in June

Registration applications will be accepted from July 17-July 31 for a Jr Sr High Level Training in September

Registration applications will be accepted from Aug 21-Sept 5 for an Elementary (Grades K-1 and 4-6) Training in October

Registration applications will be accepted from Sept 11-Sept 25 for an All Adult Levels Training in November

More information about these trainings, in addition to information about upcoming in-person trainings, can be found here.

From our friends and partners
Pennsylvania Academy of Ministry (PAM)

Pennsylvania Academy of Ministry (PAM) NEW CLASS DATES

Church History 1, Beginnings to Reformation Rumblings, four Tuesdays and two Thursdays, Feb. 23 and 28, March 7, 14, 23, 28. 7–8:30pm EST, via Zoom. Instructor, the Rev. Matt Deal. Exploring how the church sorted out key paradoxes from the first century up to the Reformation. 2.5 CEUs. $325.

Information and Registration:

Insurance Board Webcast:

Please join us on February 28th at 2:00 p.m. EST for our upcoming webcast, Internal Controls for Financial Operations, facilitated by Insurance Board’s Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice President, Andrea Gauding, to learn about financial controls and best practices to protect ministries. For additional information and the registration link, please see the attached flyer or visit our website at:

Do you have a passion for helping others? Do you like to drive and explore local areas? If your answer is yes, The Lebanon Valley Home has the perfect volunteer opportunity for you!

The Lebanon Valley Home in Annville, PA is seeking an energetic and funloving person to serve as Volunteer Van/Bus Driver to transport residents on short local trips in our 14 passenger bus.

Trips occur several times a month and may include a visit to a local restaurant for 12 Independent Living residents on a Thursday or lunch trips for Personal Care residents on occasion. Rides to Indiantown Gap Military cemetery and seasonal drives to view fall foliage and Christmas lights also are also scheduled, in addition to shopping trips to Boscov’s and Walmart.

No special license needed! A valid PA Driver’s License is required and the driver must be 25 to 75 years old. A complete physical is needed, which the staff at The Lebanon Valley Home will arrange.

If you would like to share your time with the residents of The Lebanon Valley Homes, please contact Amy Tillinger, Director of Activities, at (717) 867-4467.

Thank you in advance for your prayerful consideration of this opportunity to add value not only to your own life but also to make a positive difference in the lives of others.

2023 Festival of Biblical Storytelling

AUGUST 2,3, AND 4, 2023

At the Maritime Conference Center near BWI and Baltimore, MD


Employment Opportunities

Current Openings - UCC National Setting

OPTIC – MarCom

Loan Underwriting Specialist Close Date: February 17, 2023

Editorial Communications and News Strategist, Extended Close: Open Until Filled

Education for Faithful Action Ministries

Minister for Economic Justice Close Date: February 17, 2023

Ministerial Excellence, Support and Authorization (MESA)

Minister for Ministers in Specialized Settings and Endorsement Coordination Close Date: February 17, 2023

Communication and Development

Communications Specialist Close Date: February 17, 2023

Event Management

Associate for Event Technology Extended Close: February 28, 2023

Faith Education, Innovation & Formation (INFO)

Minister for Congregational & Community Engagement Close Date: March 6, 2023

Digital Programming and Event Producer Application Close: March 6, 2023 

Peace United Church of Christ is seeking candidates for the position of Church Musician. Primary responsibility is to provide piano and/or organ music during one contemporary and one traditional worship service on Sunday mornings, with adult choir accompaniment September-May. Salary dependent upon experience. Resumes may be sent via email to:, or mailed to: Peace UCC 37 E. Swartzville Road Denver, PA 17517 For additional information or questions, please contact Rev. Betsy Bruaw at 717-484-4400.

Job opening for Director of Music of Salem UCC, Campbelltown, PA     


The Salem UCC Director of Music will be responsible for performing the music used in worship services, including the congregational, choral and special group music throughout the church liturgical year, including Sundays and some holy days. Currently there is one traditional service at 10:30 a.m. each Sunday. The candidate should be a person of faith, comfortable theologically with the United Church of Christ and a person who brings vitality and flexibility to the duties of this ministry. Musical ability on pipe organ or piano are required. The candidate should have the ability to play a variety of types of musical expressions; possess good communication and organizational skills; the ability to sight‑read would be a plus. Salem UCC is a congregation that highly values and encourages creativity and musical abilities of all ages within the congregation. The Director of Music will be encouraged to use creativity to help foster and nurture the music ministry within the church community in the years ahead. Employment at Salem UCC requires compliance with the Pennsylvania Child Protection Laws, with employees being subject to the required background checks and clearances.

Note:  The congregation is open to this position being an accompanist only position, rather than

           a Director of Music with choir director responsibilities. See contact below for more


Details of Director of Music position:          

Quarter-time position (approximately 10 hours a week) includes:

           - preparing worship music

           - accompanying congregation singing in worship

           - selecting choir anthems, preparing and leading Wednesday evening choir                                         rehearsals 2-3 times a month (12-15 adult choir members)

           - accompanying the choir during the regular Sunday worship service (2-3 times a month)                        and occasional holy day evening services. Choir rehearsals and singing in worship                  usually occur September through May.

           - attending Worship & Music Committee evening meetings (3-4 times a year).

Salary - $9000 - $12000 per year (negotiable based on experience and skill level)

           - paid twice a month

- additional income from occasional weddings and funerals is possible, based upon

  availability of the organist/accompanist.

Vacation - four paid vacation Sundays a year with the responsibility of arranging substitute                        organist/accompanist, substitute’s fee paid by the church.


Contact Rev. Dwight Hein, Pastor of Salem UCC, Campbelltown

717-838-4236 – office

Music Ministry Positions at Emmanuel UCC, Hanover PA

Emmanuel United Church of Christ is a forward-looking, Open and Affirming faith environment. These part-time positions offer competitive salary and vacation packages. For details, visit Submit your cover letter and resume to

Organist/Accompanist Needed

EUCC is excited to be searching for an Organist/Keyboardist for Sunday worship and special occasions. We’re open to you leading our Choirs and Handbells as well if you have the experience and savvy. Contact us soon before someone else slides into the bench before you! 

Choir/Handbell Director

EUCC is excited to be searching for a Choir and Handbell Director for Sunday worship and special occasions. We’re open to you playing our organ/keyboards as well if you have the experience and savvy. Contact us soon before someone else slides into the lead before you! 

Now Accepting Applications or Referrals for


General Responsibilities 

Conducts variety of religious activities and provides for the spiritual needs of residents and families and ministry with staff. Provides clinical oversight and mentoring for CPE intern chaplains, per diem chaplain and volunteers. Works closely with inter-disciplinary staff to meet the needs of residents. Conducts outreach to churches and community. Works collaboratively with other chaplains in the department. Will help establish pastoral care at our new Chestnut Ridge at Rodale campus in Emmaus, PA.


  • Master of Divinity; ordination in the United Church of Christ or a denomination closely related or dual standing in the UCC.
  • Minimum of 4 units of CPE; Eligible for APC Board Certification or working toward this certification
  • 2-3 years of ministry experience in a parish or chaplaincy setting

Part time music director

Dreisbach UCC, Lewisburg, is looking for a music director beginning in January 2023. Dreisbach enjoys a diverse collection of music in its services including both contemporary and traditional. We have a small adult choir, a bell choir, and a praise band. We are looking for someone who can work approximately 3-6 hours per week. Position responsibilities include leading and directing the adult choir in rehearsal and worship, leading the praise band, directing the bell choir, and picking music for all ensembles.

Appropriate clearances are required. Qualified applicants should send their resume, cover letter, and references to: Dreisbach United Church of Christ, 875 Dreisbach Church Road, Lewisburg, PA. 17837, or email to

Organist and piano accompanist

Dreisbach UCC, Lewisburg, is looking for an organist and piano accompanist beginning in January 2023. Dreisbach enjoys a diverse collection of music in its services including both contemporary and traditional. Dreisbach has an Allen digital organ that was installed in 1997. The organ has 2 manuals, a midi system, and a recording system. We are looking for someone who can work approximately 3-6 hours per week. Position responsibilities include accompanying the worship service and the choir, working with the pastor to choose music for the worship services, and reporting organ and piano repair and tuning needs to the consistory.

Appropriate clearances are required. Qualified applicants should send their resume, cover letter, and references to: Dreisbach United Church of Christ, 875 Dreisbach Church Road, Lewisurg, PA. 17837, or email to

Starview United Church of Christ has a Director of Music position open. This position involves 1 Sunday morning worship service, special liturgical services throughout the year, and direction of the church choirs. The estimated time per week is a 6 hours, which naturally, will vary depending on the church season and number of services planned. Compensation is negotiable. Resumes may be emailed to: or mailed to 4832 N. Sherman St. Ext., Mount Wolf, PA 17347.

For additional contact information to address specific questions with the Worship Committee Chairperson or the pastor, please call 717-266-4248.

Starview United Church of Christ is located approximately 6 miles off of I-83 at Exit 24 and 6 miles north of the Galleria Mall on Rt. 24 (Mt. Zion Exit off of Rt. 30).

UCC National Positions:

Global Ministries

Area Executive, Southern Asia Office Extended Search: Open Until Filled

Shiloh UCC, York
Family and Children Ministry Coordinator

Part-time Position Summary: Nurture and develop a caring Christian community where children and youth have a meaningful and fun relationship with other youth and adults; have an opportunity to grow in God’s grace; develop the spiritual and personal resources necessary for life’s journey and develop a loving relationship with God, themselves and others. Learn more here.
Accompanist Position Available
We are searching for an Accompanist to bring their gifts to our church where we appreciate a blend of contemporary and traditional music.

General Responsibilities:
In support of the vision of the church, this year-round, part time, salaried position will provide music for worship and other events in a manner that enhances the spirit of worship and enriches the congregation's appreciation of music.

The current music ministry of HPUCC consists of one volunteer choir, as well as instrumental and vocal soloists.

For more information, please call the church at 717-397-9791 or email: If interested, please mail or email resume to: Hamilton Park United Church of Christ, Attn: Search, 1210 Maple Ave., Lancaster, PA 17603


Rev. Dr. Carrie Call, Ph.D.

Conference Minister


Phone: 717-433-3196

Rev. Dr. Nora Driver Foust

Associate Conference Minister 


Phone: 717-433-2587

Rev. Rick Luciotti

Coordinator of Care to Clergy & Clergy Families


Phone: 717-433-6306


C. Paul Keller

Office Manager


Phone: 717-652-1560

If you have future eNews stories, please send them to C. Paul Keller
Contact information: C. Paul Keller | email: | phone: 717-652-1560
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