Labor Council

Friday, October 9, 2020
The labor movement continues to lead the response to the COVID-19 pandemic and to fight for economic opportunity and social justice for America’s workers.
"Your president has given up on you."
A Statement from AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka
To every single working person out there: Your president has given up on you. America’s labor movement never will. Donald Trump has ordered everyone to stop negotiations on the HEROES Act, which would extend unemployment benefits to millions, implement a strong federal workplace infectious disease standard and provide money to states for critical services. Donald Trump’s ship is sinking. And he wants to take the rest of the country down with him. Working people deserve leaders who will fight for us in the toughest of times; and the entire Trump administration, every Republican in the Senate and all their anti-worker allies have shown us exactly how they feel about working families. They’re willing to let us suffer for political theater. I have never seen such dereliction of duty in my life.
Join Elizabeth Warren and Working Women For Biden
Dear Sisters, Brothers and Friends,

Voting has already begun in Ohio as we work to elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris so we can begin to Build Back Better for all working people.

This coming Monday, October 12, Senator Elizabeth Warren will join Ohio's working and union women to ensure we get out to vote and encourage our friends and family do the same. We have a real opportunity to elect a team in Joe Biden and Kamala Harris that understands working people, and in particular, working women, need strong advocates in the White House.

Please join Senator Warren, Ohio AFL-CIO Secretary Treasurer Melissa Cropper, Ohio Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW) President Davida Russell, and working women from across Ohio for a virtual Early Vote Rally. Hear what's at stake in this election for Ohio’s working women and how to help elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Register here and let your contacts in your social media circles know about the event as well. Let's give Senator Warren and Ohio welcome and show that Ohio is ready to end this Presidency on Election Night when we vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
We are excited to have Senator Warren join us for the Working Women for Biden Virtual Rally this Monday, Oct 12. And while this event is calls Working Women for Biden, anyone is welcome to attend and hear from the Senator.

In solidarity,

Tim Burga, President
Ohio Working Women Early Vote Rally with Elizabeth Warren
Monday, October 12
7pm EDT
Virtual event - Join from anywhere
Hosted in Columbus, OH 43215
About this event
Join Elizabeth Warren, Ohio AFL-CIO Secretary Treasurer Melissa Cropper, Ohio Coalition of Labor Union Women President Davida Russell, and working women from across Ohio for a virtual Early Vote Rally. Hear about what is at stake in this election for Ohio’s working women and how to help elect Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and candidates up and down the ticket who will fight for Ohio's working families.
Labor News From a True Friend of Labor:
Senator Sherrod Brown
EDITOR'S NOTE: At a time when far too few of our political leaders are listening to the rising voices of working families, it is all too easy to overlook the very good work that is being done by some every day. So, we have decided to dedicate a little of our space to provide a view into some of that very good work Senator Sherrod Brown is doing with us and for us. The following represent just some of what's been accomplished already this month:

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) announced that the United States Economic Development Administration (EDA) has awarded a $3.6 million grant to the City of Dayton. These funds will be used to add new electric generators to Dayton’s water infrastructure to ensure continued business operations are provided to Montgomery and... READ MORE

Washington, D.C.— Senator Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) and Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) today hosted a press call to highlight Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s anti-worker record and how, with Judge Barrett’s confirmation, the Supreme Court could further undermine workers’ rights. Brown and Warren were joined by Dale Kleber, an attorney and plaintiff in... READ MORE

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) hosted a news conference call to discuss landmark legislation he introduced this fall to protect workers as corporations increasingly classify them as independent contractors and use sub-contractors, temporary (temp) agencies, and corporate franchises to avoid labor laws. Brown’s legislation,... READ MORE

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) – ranking member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), ranking member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee, Congressman Bobby Scott (D-VA), chair of the House Education and Labor Committee, and... READ MORE

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH), along with U.S. Representatives Marcy Kaptur (D-OH-9), Joyce Beatty (D-OH-3), Tim Ryan (D-OH-13), and Marcia Fudge (D-OH-11), Chairwoman of the House Subcommittee on Elections, penned a letter to Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose urging him to immediately take action to protect the... READ MORE

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Kamala D. Harris (D-CA) on Thursday introduced legislation to ensure the safety and health of workers who are exposed to dangerous heat conditions in the workplace. The bill, the Asunción Valdivia Heat Illness and Fatality Prevention Act, is named in honor of Asunción Valdivia who died in... READ MORE

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) joined nine Senate colleagues in sending a letter to Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Alex Azar, urging him to expand the integration of community health workers within existing programs at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Centers for Medicare and... READ MORE

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Mazie Hirono (D-HI), Robert Casey (D-PA), Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), and Jack Reed (D-RI) released a new report outlining the threat that President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee poses to labor and workers’ rights. As part... READ MORE
"We need COVID-19 relief. Now."
A Statement from Randi Weingarten, AFT president

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats haven’t stopped fighting for economic relief to help us all weather the coronavirus pandemic. Last night, the House of Representatives again voted to pass a comprehensive COVID-19 relief package—an updated version of the HEROES Act—that would help fund our states and schools, preserve the U.S. Postal Service, save jobs, help struggling families, protect frontline workers and more.

It’s been more than four months since the House passed the original HEROES Act, but Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and President Donald Trump refused to act. They let unemployment benefits run out. They let more layoffs happen. They left schools, educators, parents and students on their own to figure out how to get school started this year.

And while Trump and McConnell find every excuse not to help Americans who have suffered from COVID-19 and its consequences, they are moving at breakneck speed to confirm a Supreme Court justice to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg. The public wants the next president to choose the next justice, but Trump and McConnell are making a power play, ramming a lifetime appointment of a justice through the process, while telling families their needs can wait. 

The priorities of the president and the GOP-led Senate are way off.

This new bill provides:
  • $436 billion to assist state, local, territorial and tribal governments to pay vital workers, like the first responders and healthcare workers who keep us safe and are in danger of losing their jobs.
  • $182 billion for K-12 schools, nearly $39 billion for postsecondary education, and $57 billion to support child care for families. This is a significant increase over the original HEROES bill, reflecting that the crisis has gotten worse for schools since May.
  • $75 billion for coronavirus testing, contact tracing and isolation measures, so every American can access free coronavirus treatment.
  • $15 billion to expand internet service and provide connected devices to families, students and libraries, especially in rural and low-income communities.
  • Healthcare access for unemployed workers, and emergency and family sick leave through February 2021.
  • A requirement that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration issue a strong, enforceable standard for all workplaces to develop and implement infection-control plans based on Centers for Disease Control and Prevention expertise.
  • A restoration of the weekly $600 federal unemployment payments through January 2021.
  • An increase to the maximum Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefit, and additional funding for nutrition programs that help families put food on the table.
  • New resources to ensure safe elections and an accurate census, and to preserve the U.S. Postal Service.

In unity,
Randi Weingarten
AFT president
An Important Statement From Our Friends and Community Partners at Butler Tech
  • More than half of students in the U.S. go to segregated or "racially concentrated" schools. Those are schools in which more than three-quarters of students are white, or more than three-quarters are nonwhite.

  • School Districts where the majority of students enrolled are students of color receive $23 billion less in education funding than predominantly white school districts nationally despite serving the same number of students.

  • Nationally, for every student enrolled, the average nonwhite school district receives $2,226 less than a white school district.

Statement from Jon Graft, Superintendent/CEO at the June 16, 2020, Butler Tech Board of Education Meeting

First and foremost, this has burdened my heart for some time now. My faith as a Christian continues to work in me and continues to be in me. It does not and cannot leave me when I enter the doors of my workplace; Butler Tech. My faith pushes my human fear aside to share these words with you and the audience today. I am nothing without my faith. So I share these words with the hope for an inspirational push for collective action.

I stand with the protesters, police, elected officials, government officials, business leaders, essential workers, first responders, churches, schools, organizations, businesses, and Americans that have love in their hearts and reconciliation as their primary goal.

While others can speak to other systems of government, it is long overdue that we recognize the systemic inequality in our American Education System.  [READ ENTIRE STATEMENT]
Jon Graft
Thurs. 10/8 | Day of Action to Protect Health Care for Grocery Supply Chain Workers!
Dear Allies,
Grocery warehouse workers and truck drivers have been working 12-14 hours days, 7 days a week, to meet the public’s demand for stocked shelves during the pandemic so it’s no wonder that the Wall Street Journal has called the grocery industry a “privileged group of retailers.” Nevertheless, more than 4,000 Teamster warehouse workers and truck drivers employed by So. California Albertsons (includes Vons and Pavilions) and Kroger (includes Ralphs and Food4Less) are preparing to strike to protect affordable family healthcare.
Please help hardworking families today!
  1. Sign a petition to protect healthcare for grocery supply chain workers.
  1. Share a link to the petition on your social media account(s) with one of the memes here:

Here’s a sample meme:
Thank you in advance for your support!
Barb Maynard
On behalf of Teamsters Joint Council 42
(323) 351-9321
The Nation Festival: Bernie Sanders, Alicia Garza, Michael Bennett...

Dear Friend,
We are so excited for The Nation Festival: Reimagining America from Nov. 18 - 21, our first-ever virtual festival. You won't want to miss these four days of wide-ranging conversations, timely briefing sessions, intimate interviews, and interactive panel discussions in the aftermath of an election marked by disorder and uncertainty. Sign up now!
Sen. Bernie Sanders will join John Nichols for a vital discussion about next steps for the progressive movement. In a deep-dive interview, Sen. Sanders. will talk about what we can do to push for radical legislation that has the power to change everyday lives. From Medicare for All, the Green New Deal, raising the minimum wage to $15, to a progressive foreign policy.
Historic protests swept the country this year demanding justice for the extrajudicial killings of Black men and women like George Floyd and Breonna Taylor along with fundamental police reform. Black Lives Matter co-founder Alicia Garza will speak about where we go from here in the wake of the most divisive national election in recent memory.
You won’t want to miss this urgent conversation with football legend Michael Bennett and Nation Sports Editor Dave Zirin talking about the culture of protest in sports. Join the two co-authors of the book Things that Make White People Uncomfortable in a galvanizing and timely look back at the history of protest and social justice.
Vote. Your Life Depends On It
Be a Part of the Change We All Seek!
Labor 2020: Get Ready to Vote
Workers are essential voters—and our votes are needed this fall more than ever. As we rise to meet the challenges COVID-19 presents to our nation, we know that registering and making sure we can vote—by mail or in person—will be critical to making sure working people’s voices are heard and that our values win on Election Day. The AFL-CIO is releasing our latest “Get Out the Word” toolkit, complete with graphics and sample social media posts. 

Click here to view the toolkit and be sure to visit for more resources and information about our Labor 2020 campaign.
Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council
2020 Endorsed Candidates and Issues
Labor Invitation to Premiere Stand! Dec. 1st
"Stand! tells the important story of the power of collective action. Workers should see this film to learn not only about labor history but the important value of fighting for our rights and greater justice."
-Richard Trumka, President, AFL-CIO
Hello. It's Danny Schur, composer/producer/co-writer of the new Hollywood, labor movie musical Stand! - premiering at a special one-night-only screening across the United States on December 1st, 2020.  AFL-CIO president, Richard Trumka, was instrumental in the movie's production.
Union Made for a Union Audience!
Stand! is a union production, made in partnership with unions across North America. It tells a riveting labor story (the 1919 Winnipeg General Strike) with a diverse cast of working-class heroes and an inspiring ode to solidarity. In its Canadian debut, the movie was #1 at the Canadian box office.
Union Movement Theater Take-Overs Dec 1st

December 1, unions across America will take over theaters for the premiere of Stand! in a national show of solidarity. Check out this personal invitation from director Robert Adetuyi and me:
Book Your Union Group Now!
My colleagues and I will follow up this e-mail with a list of participating theaters in your area. We would be pleased to book your union group into the theater of your choice. Call 204-227-1167 or e-mail to arrange for your group tickets.

In solidarity,

Danny Schur
CAA's 56th Annual Luncheon
Featuring Dr. Bernice King
Help us Build a Bridge!

This year, we have had to come together in ways that we never envisioned to remain strong as a community. We are building bridges for those seeking help during this pandemic, who have never had to seek help before. We’ve built a bridge to ensure that our children are not left behind as well as a bridge to support parents, providing them with the tools they need to succeed. 
Your support helps us build this bridge for our community. 

NKU Haile - US Bank College of Business Seminars
38th Annual Labor-Management Conference
Labor-Management Relations: The Pandemic and Beyond

Join us at this year's 38th Annual Labor-Management Conference on "Labor-Management Relations: The Pandemic and Beyond" - but this time in a virtual format. Our panel of experts will discuss their experiences in negotiating and implementing changes to deal with one of the largest labor/management obstacles, the COVID-19 pandemic. They will provide a timely examination of issues that have arose in the immediate aftermath and those that have arisen as employers are allowed to resume business and the new workplace that labor unions are operating within.

The Labor-Management Conference has always focused on finding effective approaches for collaboration and partnerships through education for employers, unions and employees - and this year is no exception! We hope to see you virtually on October 13, 2020 and in-person on May 12, 2021 as we return bigger and better than ever for our 39th Annual Labor-Management Conference.
October 13, 2020
11:45 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. EDT
Delivered in a webinar format with allotted time for questions

Past attendee rate: FREE*

New attendee rate: $20
*Attendance lists from years past will be used to verify free registrations

SHRM Credits Approved
(1.5 hours)

CLE Credits Pending for OH and KY (1.5 hours)

COVID - 19 By The Numbers

Global Confirmed: 36,265,982

Global Deaths: 1,057,625

U.S. Confirmed: 7,564,279

U.S. Deaths: 212,103

(As of 2:00 PM, Thursday, October 8, 2020)

Ohio COVID-19 Dashboard
Current Trends
Below are the current reporting trends for key indicators calculated from data reported to the Ohio Department of Health. These trends are updated daily and are presented by report date.
Hamilton County


Clermont County


Brown County


Butler County


Warren County


Other Important Headlines and Information:
Take Action!