Labor Council

Special Labor Day 2020 Edition
Friday, September 4, 2020
The labor movement continues to lead the response to the COVID-19 pandemic and to fight for economic opportunity and social justice for America’s workers.
What Has My Union Done For Me?
by Bill Froehle
As we fire up the barbecue, snap up bargains, or head for the beach this Labor Day, remember to give a big fat thank you to our labor unions. We celebrated our first Labor Day on September 5th, 1882 after Union Leader Peter McGuire persuaded the Central Labor Union of New York to organize a parade in New York City’s Union Square. In 1894, Congress voted to make this celebration of the American worker’s contributions to society a national holiday.

Fast forward 138 years later. We now take union-led innovations, like 8-hour work days, minimum wage, safe work environments, paid vacations, and childhood for granted. Workers and union organizers fought, sacrificed, and sometimes died in an ongoing struggle that lasted over a century to wrest these victories from the clenched jaws of a ferociously greedy and inhumane 1%. Thanks to an ongoing decline of labor unions and 50 years of regressive policies, we’re slowly but surely losing these rights. Why have unions declined since the late 1960′s?

There are many theories as to why Labor Unions have waned and if you ask every member you are willing to get just as many opinions. The one reason that I personally believe labor unions have suffered has very little to do with the government and big business and much more to do with member involvement.

If you have been to any of our union meetings in the past 15 years you would quickly realize that many of the decisions that are being made for the entire body are being made by a small group of dedicated members. As leaders of this local union we appreciate and respect these men and women who take the time out of their busy schedules to come down once a month at 7 P.M. to ensure that their voices are heard and respected. Imagine the problems here at Local 392 and also in society as a whole that could be solved if we were able to get our members, neighbors, friends and family to actively engage in the running of our union, towns, cities, states and federal government. As an eternal optimist I refuse to buy into the never ending discussion revolving around the decline of labor unions. I choose instead to focus on what I believe can be brighter days for our members and their families as we work to educate, agitate and organize moving forward to better the lives of all workers. I hope you will join us.

Here are just a few of the benefits that our pesky labor movement has secured for working Americans over the past 138 years.

Labor Unions Gave Us Our Childhoods
  • Most of us idealize childhood and have fond memories of our youth. But our concept of “childhood” is a surprisingly recent one, made possible by your friendly, neighborhood labor union. Child labor was common for much of our history, partly through indentured servitude and slavery, and partly because children helped with their families’ farms or businesses. During the industrial revolution of the 1800’s, as work moved out of the home and into factories and coal mines, so did men, women, and their children. According to the Child Labor Education Project, children were particularly valued by factory owners (though not paid accordingly), because they were considered “manageable, cheaper, and less likely to strike.”

TGIF! Labor Unions Gave Us Weekends and Leisure Time
  • Labor unions also deserve a heartfelt thanks you every time we say “Thank God it’s Friday.” The idea of setting aside a day of rest is at least as old as God himself, who reportedly created the world in six days, rested on the seventh, and commanded via Moses that believers all do the same. But God didn’t give us weekends, 8-hour workdays, the 40-hour work week, and overtime pay. Unions did that.

Labor Unions Gave Us Safe Working Environments
  • You might hate your job and your pointy-haired boss, but chances are, you don’t fear for your life when you go to work. Unregulated countries with weak unions and worker protections like India and China don’t have luxuries like breathable air, safe factories, and child-free work environments. No wonder Walmart, the Gap, and other U.S. companies want to do all their manufacturing overseas instead of dealing with ‘entitled’ American workers. So next time you work a full day and your building doesn’t collapse and kill you, please thank unions and labor activists from past generations for your safe, up-to-code working environment.

  • We can also thank the National Labor Relations Act of 1935 for establishing workers’ and unions’ right to collective bargaining, and the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) — where unionized and non-unionized workers alike can take disputes over wages and working conditions at their jobs.

Labor Unions Gave Us Health Insurance, Paid Vacations, And Fringe Benefits
  • Pressure from Labor Unions also set the standards for work-related benefits like health insurance, paid vacations, pensions, sick time, family leave, and other benefits a majority of American workers once received from their jobs. That, and a full employment economy established by the Military Keynesianism of the massive mobilization for the American war effort during World War II (1939-1945). With the U.S. government footing the bill for manufacturing massive amounts of wartime weapons and supplies, companies were eager to hire just about everyone and produce as much as possible, as quickly as possible, with little regard for efficiency. This lifted many U.S. families out of poverty and created a new middle class, although due to wartime rationing most Americans still lived modestly. With demand for workers so high, unions gained more power, and had the power to negotiate more benefits for employees.

As you and your family enjoy the long Labor Day weekend I ask you to take a moment and say “Thank you” to a retired labor union member for the sacrifices they made that helped to pave the way for us and for future generations of UNION members.

(Bill Froehle is the Business Manager for Plumbers, Pipefitters & Mechanical Equipment Service Local Union No. 392 and President of Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council)
Celebrating the Freedom to Join Together on Labor Day
By Pete McLinden
On Labor Day, we recognize and honor the achievements of America’s working people, and this annual celebration comes at a critical time for our nation. Collective action is on the rise—yet so are the attacks on our pay, health care, retirement security and rights on the job.

As we enjoy the fellowship of our loved ones at a barbecue, fireworks or other community event, it also is important to reflect on the best ways working people can come together to build an economy that works for all of us.

In growing numbers, working families across the country are taking action to win the freedom to negotiate a fair return on our work so we can provide for our families. As a result of our unity at the bargaining table and the ballot box, working people in 2016 won the largest pay increase in years. A strong majority of Americans have a positive view of unions. Working people are organizing, from traditional manufacturing to higher education to the digital economy.

All of this organizing is happening for one very simple reason: unions help lift the national economy for all of us. In a report by the Economic Policy Institute (EPI), a number of tangible economic benefits were outlined on how unions continue to push progress. The report found that unions strengthen democracy by giving workers a political voice, reduce inequality and are essential for low and middle-wage workers’ ability to obtain a fair share of economic growth. It found that unions raise wages for both union and nonunion workers and significantly boost wages for women and lessen racial wage gaps. Unions improve the health and safety practices of their workplaces and support strong families and retirement security with better benefits and due process, EPI found. It is clear that unions are a driver of economic growth and are the last thing any pro-growth policymaker should be attacking. 

Still, here in Ohio, we continue to fight back against attacks on our freedom to join together in the fight against income inequality and all of the social imbalances that come with it. Out of state corporate interests continue to push for so called right to work laws that hurt Ohio economically and would lower wages for working people. Whether it’s the expansion of misleading “right to work” laws, rollbacks on workplace safety or the assault on our pay and benefits by Congress and the White House, it is critical that we continue to organize and mobilize around an agenda that would do us all harm. 

Today, even as we ride a wave of pro-worker momentum, our economy remains badly out of balance. The CEO-to-worker pay ratio in 2016 was an obscene 347 to 1. Meanwhile, many corporations are shipping our jobs overseas and stashing profits offshore to avoid paying taxes. To add insult to injury, corporate-backed politicians continue to try to take away the freedoms unions have won for all of us.

Yet inequality is not inevitable. Our economy is nothing more than a set of rules. We can, and we must, elect leaders who will rewrite those rules so wages are high, benefits are strong, work is safe, retirement is secure and the freedom to negotiate is universal.

This Labor Day, as we celebrate the contributions of working families, let’s also pledge to do the hard work of transforming our economy so every single American can work for a better life.

(Pete McLinden is Executive Secretary-Treasurer of the Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council)
Watch Live: Worker Panels Now Through Labor Day
Every year we celebrate the hard work and dedication of America’s workers on Labor Day. And this year, more than ever, we celebrate the sacrifices working people are making to provide for our families and for America, even during this pandemic. Workers are making this country run right now, and Americans know it.
And that’s why new research from Gallup released just this morning puts our approval rating at 65%, the highest since 2003. And it’s why we’re excited to announce five Labor Live panels we’ll be hosting throughout the Labor Day weekend, starting today and ending on Monday.
Join us for these panels at
These panels will feature front-line workers, workers suffering from the economic fallout of COVID-19 and postal workers, and will highlight important issues like the HEROES Act, safety for workers during a pandemic and more.
You can find more information about the panels and RSVP to attend here:
Please join us in celebrating America’s workers this Labor Day.
In Solidarity,
AFL-CIO Launches Am I Safe at Work Tool
A Statement from AFL-CIO President, Richard Trumka: Far too many employers are putting the lives of working people at risk. We are being asked to work without the adequate protections and protocols that help keep us safe from becoming infected with the coronavirus. The AFL-CIO is launching the Am I Safe at Work online resource to help union members and all workers find out if employers are doing enough to keep us safe.

Visit to get started.
As the COVID-19 pandemic ravages the country, working people are looking for ways to join together to form a union in our workplaces and negotiate for strong health and safety protections. Today, the AFL-CIO is launching a new web tool to raise awareness of what a safe workplace should look like and how a union can help achieve these goals.

The Am I Safe At Work website contains fundamental information to empower workers to identify key COVID-19 risks in our workplaces, provides tools to join together with co-workers for better safety protections, and guides workers on how to contact a union to help negotiate with an employer for safer working conditions. Will you take a look?

This pandemic has particularly affected women and people of color. From nurses who take care of the sick to teachers and meat processing and transit workers, every day working people are risking our lives. A key goal of the web tool is to provide information that can save lives.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the AFL-CIO has been at the forefront of fighting for safer workplaces across our country. Once again the labor movement is stepping up, sharing key tools and resources to help working people come together and demand change during the pandemic. This website is a critical tool that empowers workers to fight for COVID-19 safety protections and prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

In Solidarity,
Far too many employers are putting the lives of working people at risk. We are being asked to work without the adequate protections and protocols that help keep us safe from becoming infected with the coronavirus. The AFL-CIO is launching the Am I Safe at Work online resource to help union members and all workers find out if employers are doing enough to keep us safe.
Visit to get started.
“Fifty Years of Solidarity!"
The Cincinnati AFL-CIO 2020 COPE Dinner Takes to the Air!
Dear Sisters, Brothers and Friends,

I hope this letter finds you safe and well. Hard to believe that I write this to you the last day of August. 2020 will certainly be remembered for all the changes and challenges it posed, but like most changes and challenges, I have confidence in our ability to adapt, adjust and overcome.

I’m asking you personally to support our upcoming COPE 2020 Event and Fundraiser. As you are probably aware, Cincinnati AFL-CIO annually hosts an evening of food and drink, featured speakers and plenty of solidarity and fellowship. However, due to COVID 19, we’ve made a major change for this, our 50th Anniversary COPE Celebration.

Instead of our regular dinner event, we are taking to the air and doing a broadcast production that will feature great messages from Labor and Political leaders and a private showing of ‘9-5: The Story of a Movement,’ a new movie about the challenging experience of the union organizing movement of women office workers in the 1970s, by Academy Award Winning Directors, Steven Bognar and Julia Reichert, who most recently directed the Oscar-winning Netflix doc 'American Factory'.
Take a moment now to download the flyer for this event, which is scheduled on Friday evening, September 25. The Annual COPE dinner is an extremely important event for Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council in as much as it provides the means whereby our Committee On Political Education, or COPE, is funded so it can do the good work we are able to do to sponsors voter registration, voter education, candidate screenings and endorsements, Meet-the-candidate events and more.

So, I’m asking you personally to support this event which we believe will be an excellent evening of powerful speakers and plenty of solidarity and fellowship. Despite the necessary changes, we fully expect that this new format will provide even greater opportunity to elevate the entire affair, so please contribute generously and join us on September 25 to help us celebrate “Fifty Years of Solidarity!

Thank you in advance and please let us know if you have any questions or require any further information.
In Unity and Solidarity,
Peter M. McLinden, Esq.
Executive Secretary-Treasurer
Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council
Ohio CLUW 2020
Calling All Women!
Save The Date 
Thursday September 17, 2020 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm

Join Us For The Ohio Coalition of the Labor Union Women's 
Power Of The Women's Vote Statewide Rally! Together We Can Make Anything Happen!

With Top National and State Labor and Political Leaders, you are not going to want to miss this special event. 

The Power Of The Women's Vote is in Ohio!

We're asking all women who register to wear white and pearls in celebration of the 100 years of the women's suffrage. All who register will be featured in our statewide zoom rally! 

Registration Details will be sent soon! 
AFT Announces Election of Union Officers
The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) announced the results of its biennial officer elections today, with delegates to the union’s convention—held virtually in July—voting overwhelmingly to re-elect President Randi Weingarten, elect Fedrick Ingram as secretary-treasurer and elect Executive Vice President Evelyn DeJesus to her first full term. The ballots were cast by mail and counted over the past several weeks.

The election marks the seventh term for Weingarten, who taught social studies and civics at Clara Barton High School in Brooklyn, New York. Ingram, the outgoing president of the Florida Education Association, is a former Miami-Dade teacher of the year, music educator and band director. He assumes the secretary-treasurer role vacated by Lorretta Johnson’s (AFT) retirement. DeJesus, a United Federation of Teachers-AFT (UFT-AFT) vice president, early childhood educator and reading specialist, was elected to a full term after serving in the position since July 2019, when the AFT Executive Council voted her into office to carry out the remainder of a term. Said Weingarten:
“I am so honored to represent this country’s educators, health care professionals and public employees alongside Evelyn DeJesus and Fed Ingram. This is a moment without precedent, as the country faces a pandemic, an economic crisis and a long overdue reckoning with racism. It is the union movement that is built to confront these crises, and because of our members’ work and activism, we will pave the way toward opportunity, equality, justice and creating a better life for all Americans....That’s who we are as a union. We care, we fight, we show up and we vote. Together, we can accomplish things that would be impossible on our own.”
OPEIU Endorses Biden
The Office and Professional Employees (OPEIU) yesterday announced its endorsement of Joe Biden for president of the United States. The endorsement reflects a democratic process to capture the interests of the working people the union represents. “Joe Biden has spent his life fighting for working people, and he is someone who understands and prioritizes the needs of working families,” said OPEIU President Richard Lanigan. “OPEIU is committed to advancing the interests of our members by rebuilding the middle class, improving the economy and providing opportunity for everyone and not just the wealthy, to protecting working people’s right to join unions and collectively bargain, and in the fight for racial justice and equality for all Americans.”
The union cited President Trump’s inept response to the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as his attempts to undermine our democratic institutions and worker protections in making its endorsement of Biden. This year’s endorsement was guided by an open, member-driven process that resulted in 70% of respondents supporting Biden to be the next president. This is the first time OPEIU has conducted a unionwide survey of its members to determine its endorsement for president.
 Brackett: ‘We Need a President Who Will Do His Job’
New Hampshire AFL-CIO President Glenn Brackett (IBEW) released a scathing statement last Friday, reacting to President Donald Trump’s campaign stop in the Granite State after the Republican National Convention:
“After four days of bashing unions and trying to rewrite the history of his drastically mishandled COVID-19 response, President Trump is continuing his political tour with a campaign rally in Manchester tonight. Given that it's only been 24 hours since the Department of Labor reported a million new national unemployment claims and COVID-19 cases continue to rise in New Hampshire, his time would be better spent actively working to fix the triple threat of crises.
“Rather than trying to make Granite Staters forget the crises confronting this country—coronavirus, natural disasters in the Gulf and in California, over 30 million Americans unemployed—Trump shouldn’t be at a self-promoting campaign stop or a golf course. He should be at his desk doing his job.”
Lunch With Your Legislators Today at 11:00 AM
A Celebration of Labor Day
After a short break, your legislators are back for another engaging Lunch with your Legislators. This week, we are celebrating Labor Day by speaking with number of local labor leaders. If you have not registered for our upcoming Lunch with your Legislators event yet, the time is now!
I hope you will join us again, this Friday, September 4th, at 11:00 am on Facebook Live and Zoom to virtually celebrate the holiday and hear from representatives from labor unions. Please sign up here or by clicking the invitation below.
Come enjoy Lunch with your Legislators while we answer your questions and discuss what the future holds for all of us. We work for you and want to make sure we do so in the best way possible.

I hope to see you this week. Please sign up here to enjoy another conversation with your legislators, and be sure to pass this link along as well! As long as we continue to work together and stay strong, I know we can get through this!

Jessica E. Miranda
State Representative, OH-28
Labor Day Weekend "Essential Worker Tribute"
Sunday @ 8 PM ET
Essential Worker Tribute coming up on Sunday night @ 8 PM ET at

This live-streamed tribute will center the voices of essential workers across the country, and feature performances, artist reveals, tributes and more. The event will be hosted by Heather McGhee and we hope to have special appearances from Alicia Garza, Tarana Burke, Senator Elizabeth Warren, Ben Cohen & Jerry Greenfield, Meryl Streep, Lucy Liu, Aloe Blacc, Nia Sioux, and more.


This Labor Day weekend — with the pandemic still raging out of control and essential workers, who are disproportionately Black, people of color, immigrants, women and members of other communities living in the margins, continuing to be asked to sacrifice for our communities’ safety and wellbeing — we’re bringing together a coalition effort to pay tribute to the lives and work of essential workers.

Our purpose will be to issue a clarion call for transformation in honor of the working people who have always been essential to our economy and society. We have a responsibility and opportunity to create an inclusive future that ensures that everyone is treated with dignity and respect —through raising pay and workplace standards, improving safety, and increasing worker power in the workplace.

Generations of systemic barriers — from lack of adequate housing and child care to food insecurity — have created a perfect storm of racial oppression that means Black people in America are particularly suffering from the health and economic crisis caused by COVID-19.

Breonna Taylor, an essential worker, was killed by Louisville police. She worked daily to save the lives of others. The Breonna Taylors of the world are often expected to keep America safe. America should commit to keeping them safe, too. 


On Sunday night, Sept 6th we’ll host a Tribute to Essential Workers for the country to watch performances, hear stories, and honor the lives of working people who have lost their lives to Covid-19 and those who sacrifice daily so the rest of America can stay home.

On a weekend when many Americans won’t be able to experience beloved parades and family picnics, this will be a chance for the country to come together to watch performances, hear stories, and honor the working people who have lost their lives to Covid-19 -- and those who are still sacrificing daily so the rest of America can stay home.
The event will feature a highly produced mix of live performances and recorded content. There will be musical and comedic performances, live events in cities across the country, and special celebrity guests.Together we’ll issue a powerful call for transformation in how we truly honor and respect essential and low-wage workers, who are disproportionately Black, immigrant, women, and other workers of color, by ensuring all are treated with dignity and respect—through raising standards and pay, improving safety, and increasing worker power in the workplace.

In solidarity. 

Ilya Sheyman
Executive Director Political Action
Labor 2020: Get Ready to Vote
Workers are essential voters—and our votes are needed this fall more than ever. As we rise to meet the challenges COVID-19 presents to our nation, we know that registering and making sure we can vote—by mail or in person—will be critical to making sure working people’s voices are heard and that our values win on Election Day. The AFL-CIO is releasing our latest “Get Out the Word” toolkit, complete with graphics and sample social media posts. 

Click here to view the toolkit and be sure to visit for more resources and information about our Labor 2020 campaign.
Important Upcoming Action Information from
Our Ohio AFL-CIO Southwest Ohio Field Rep
Upcoming Actions: 

Worksite Flyers Available to distribute:
Sept 1-Oct 1

Biden Comparison #1 will be sent
Sept 1- Sept 13

Digital Ads will be released starting
Sept 1, 2020

Virtual Phone Banking will be available the week of Sept 8 for volunteers 

Neighborhood/Community Literature Drops start Saturday, Sept 26, 2020
11am-12:30 pm 

Yard signs are on order and will be delivered soon! 

If you have any questions or need a contact person for volunteering opportunities, please contact:

Julien Johnson 
Southwest State Representative
Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council
2020 Endorsed Candidates and Issues
Register to Vote ~ Change Address ~ Check Registration ~ Voting Options

Kentucky @
Vote Smart's mission is to provide free, factual, unbiased information on candidates and elected officials to ALL Americans. Citizens come together, not in selfish interest or to support one candidate over another, but to defend democracy.

Fact-checking journalism is the heart of PolitiFact. Our core principles are independence, transparency, fairness, thorough reporting and clear writing. The reason we publish is to give citizens the information they need to govern themselves in a democracy.

We are a nonpartisan, nonprofit “consumer advocate” for voters that aims to reduce the level of deception and confusion in U.S. politics. We monitor the factual accuracy of what is said by major U.S. political players in the form of TV ads, debates, speeches, interviews and news releases. Our goal is to apply the best practices of both journalism and scholarship, and to increase public knowledge and understanding.

We believe that American government should be “of the people, by the people, and for the people” and that an informed electorate is essential for a thriving democracy. We therefore seek to inform and educate voters by producing and posting comprehensive non-partisan voter information covering national and state elections and some local elections.

League of Woman Voters
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.

The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.
Ohio AFL-CIO Letter and Flyer for Affiliated Union Members
Just A Few Days Left to Get Your Ducks!
We’re celebrating 26 years of the Rubber Duck Regatta this Sunday, September 6—and it will be 100% virtual.

Due to COVID-19, the event will be a “digital duck drop” aired on Local 12 during the 6 p.m. news broadcast. The team at Local 12 will also announce the prize winners during this time, so be sure to watch!

Much of our event is different this year, but the important parts are still the same—100% of your duck purchase will continue to feed tristate kids and there will still be PRIZES!

Yes, this is not our normal event—but this is definitely not a normal year. The pandemic has upended every aspect of our lives and brought hardship to so many—and that’s why your support this year is more vital than ever before.

As one of our valued volunteers, I hope you’ll join us! Remember, with every duck you purchase, you can provide 15 meals for hungry children AND increase your chance to win amazing prizes—including a 2020 Honda HR-V LX, courtesy of Cincinnati-Northern Kentucky Honda Dealers, a year’s worth of groceries from Kroger and several $500 cash prizes!

I hope you’ll join me—buy your ducks and then grab your spot on the couch for our 26th annual—and first ever—virtual Rubber Duck Regatta.

Many thanks,
Kurt L. Reiber
President & CEO
Freestore Foodbank

1141 Central Parkway, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Phone: 513-482-4500
© 2020 Freestore Foodbank, All rights reserved.

New FMCS Institute Courses Available!
Registration Open Now
We have a variety of new virtual training opportunities! Sharpen your skills with live, web-based courses
Emotional Intelligence
Cynthia Pyle and Shane Davis
(2 Session series)
9/9 & 9/11

Leading Mindfully
Cynthia Pyle
(3 session series)
9/16, 9/23 & 9/30

Art of Inquiry
(3 session series)
Heather Brown and Valerie Harragin
10/1, 10/8 & 10/15

 Own Your Outcome - Grievance Mediation
Barbara Lichtman

Consensus in the Virtual World
Steve Kessler and Gemma Lopresti

Understanding Implicit Bias and Microaggressions
Ligia Velasquez and Tom Melancon

Value Creation in Negotiation
Andrew Hasty

Moving Your Practice to the Virtual World
To Be Announced

Gathering Input & Fostering Engagement in the Virtual World
Shane Davis, Rachel Lev & Moira Caruso
(2 session series)
12/1 & 12/3
 For additional details, contact FMCS at 202-606-FMCS (3627) or
To learn about custom-tailored courses for your organization taught by seasoned labor-relations practitioners, or to inquire about discounted group rates, contact Valerie Harragin at
The FMCS Institute for Conflict Management delivers practical, experience-based, conflict resolution training for individuals and groups. Institute training is specifically designed to meet the real-world challenges of labor-management relations and organizational change. Programs provide participants the opportunity to interact with and learn from experienced practitioners. The Institute staff is comprised of FMCS Mediators, FMCS Office of Strategy and Development staff, and private-sector arbitrators. Sessions are held at locations nationwide.
FMCS Institute is a SHRM Re-certification Provider.
NKU Haile - US Bank College of Business Seminars
Covid Checklist to Relaunch
What you need to know to reopen your doors amidst the pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic drove a majority of organizations to close office locations and facilities worldwide. Leaders are now developing steps to take to bring their employees back to work safely and efficiently. Discover who should be involved in the returning to work process, the varying perspectives involved, and how organizations are preparing their facilities, leaders, employees, and policies for an effective return to work. This complimentary webinar brings together a cross-functional panel of academic and industry professional to address return-to-work challenges and how to solve them collaboratively.
September 10, 2020
11:45 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. EDT
Delivered in a webinar format with time for questions from participants.

FREE Webinar

1.5 hours of SHRM Credit
38th Annual Labor-Management Conference
Labor-Management Relations: The Pandemic and Beyond

Join us at this year's 38th Annual Labor-Management Conference on "Labor-Management Relations: The Pandemic and Beyond" - but this time in a virtual format. Our panel of experts will discuss their experiences in negotiating and implementing changes to deal with one of the largest labor/management obstacles, the COVID-19 pandemic. They will provide a timely examination of issues that have arose in the immediate aftermath and those that have arisen as employers are allowed to resume business and the new workplace that labor unions are operating within.

The Labor-Management Conference has always focused on finding effective approaches for collaboration and partnerships through education for employers, unions and employees - and this year is no exception! We hope to see you virtually on October 13, 2020 and in-person on May 12, 2021 as we return bigger and better than ever for our 39th Annual Labor-Management Conference.
October 13, 2020
11:45 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. EDT
Delivered in a webinar format with allotted time for questions

Past attendee rate: FREE*

New attendee rate: $20
*Attendance lists from years past will be used to verify free registrations

SHRM Credits Approved
(1.5 hours)

CLE Credits Pending for OH and KY (1.5 hours)

Sterling Research Group is seeking participants age 18-85 for COVID-19 vaccine studies. These studies will help determine the safety and efficacy of investigational vaccines intended to protect against SARS-Cov-2 (the coronavirus that causes COVID-19). Eligible participants will receive compensation for participation and do not need health insurance to join. Download and review the COVID 19 Testing FAQ HERE!

Call (513) 621-5112 for more information or CLICK HERE to have someone contact you. 
COVID - 19 By The Numbers

Global Confirmed: 26,118,288

Global Deaths: 864,801

U.S. Confirmed: 6,131,344

U.S. Deaths: 186,293

(As of 3:00 PM, Thursday, Sep 3, 2020)

Hamilton County


Clermont County


Brown County


Butler County


Warren County


Other Important Headlines:
Take Action!