Labor Council

Friday, July 30, 2021
A Statement from President Trumka
Over the course of the past week, we've unleashed the immense power of an organized, unified and strategic labor movement. It was felt by all 100 U.S. senators. In all 50 states. From in-person rallies and livestreams to panels and online actions—you drove this PRO Act Week of Action. Together, you hosted 350 actions nationwide.
More powerful than any statistic are the stories and pictures from our week of action. Brothers, sisters and friends, that is why we are running a national campaign, organizing actions and educating America. We need the votes for the PRO Act, and we need Sen. Schumer to bring the PRO Act to the Senate floor for a vote. We have waited long enough. No more excuses. No more reasons why it can’t happen. This is our moment.
Our lawmakers are starting to understand what we’ve long known to be true: The PRO Act is not just good policy, it’s also good politics. A new poll found 69% of voters in nine key battleground states support legislation that would strengthen the right to form a union. Brothers, sisters and friends, do you feel that? It's momentum. You generated it. You fought for it. Today, we are on the cusp of reforming our nearly 100-year-old labor laws.
"I’m asking the Biden administration to cancel student debt"
Today [Jul 27, 2021], I’m testifying in front of the Senate Banking Committee and asking the Biden administration to cancel borrowers’ student debt up to $50,000. But I could use your help.

Our union represents 1.7 million educators, nurses, healthcare workers, higher education faculty and staff, and public employees. In other words, AFT members work in professions that make a difference in the lives of others—professions that require college degrees, which means our members have been increasingly burdened by unsustainable college debt.

Over the last year and a half, our members have done heroic work, keeping our communities up and running, caring for patients in COVID-19 wards, getting people vaccinated, and educating our children during a school year like no other. They’ve worked to keep their communities safe and healthy amid the myriad crises facing our nation, and they have experienced higher job stress than ever before. And now, for many, the looming restart of student loan payments in the fall is deeply concerning and potentially ruinous financially.

Borrowers need real relief, not a mirage. If the administration does not cancel student debt for public service workers before the fall, millions of working Americans will be forced to transfer the loans currently serviced by PHEAA/FedLoan to new servicers that will inherit loans with paper trails that can never be untangled.

In unity,

Randi Weingarten
AFT president
Ohio AFL-CIO President Tim Burga on Infrastructure and PRO Act!
Wednesday of this week, on a vote of 67-32 the U.S. Senate moved to begin consideration of the bipartisan infrastructure deal. This is a significant step in realizing a major plank of President Biden’s Build Back Better agenda.  A summary of where the major funding would be directed includes:
  • $110 billion for roads and bridges. The $40 billion for bridges is the single largest dedicated bridge investment since the construction of the Interstate highway system
  • $39 billion for public transit. The money would be used to modernize bus and subway fleets and bring new service to communities. That's about $10 billion less than senators negotiating the agreement had originally designated.
  • $66 billion for passenger and freight rail. The money would be used to reduce Amtrak's maintenance backlog, improve Amtrak's 457-mile-long Northeast Corridor as well as other routes and make safety improvements to rail grade crossings.
  • $7.5 billion for electric vehicle charging stations, which the administration says is critical to accelerating the use of electric vehicles to curb climate change.
  • $5 billion for the purchase of electric school buses and hybrids, reducing reliance on school buses that run on diesel fuel.
  • $17 billion for ports and $25 billion for airports to reduce congestion and address maintenance backlogs.
  • $55 billion for water and wastewater infrastructure, including funding to replace all of the nation's service lines using lead pipe.
  • $65 billion to expand broadband access, a particular problem for rural areas and tribal communities. Most of the money would be made available through grants to states.
  • $21 billion for cleaning up superfund and brownfield sites, reclaim abandoned mine land and cap obsolete gas wells.
  • $73 billion for modernizing the nation's electric grid and expanding the use of renewable energy.
Momentum is building to usher in a new era, one that puts working people first. To level the playing field for workers from decades of corporate and CEO excesses we must continue to advocate for passage of the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act.
President Biden Visits IBEW Local 212 Training Facility Ahead Of His CNN Town Hall
 Last week, CNN hosted a town hall event in Cincinnati with President Joe Biden, where he made sure to meet with union members. His first stop was at the IBEW/NECA Electrical Training Center, where he talked about his Build Back Better agenda that he said will create "good-paying union jobs."
President Biden got to see job training up close as Rick Fisher, Business Manager of Local 212 provided a tour of the facilities and the various electrical workstations with a specialized instructor and apprentice. Biden praised IBEW and union apprenticeship programs saying, “unions are the best” when it comes to training workers and that unions “built the middle class.”
Biden touted his economic agenda and commitment to deliver on his promise of major, long-overdue investments in America’s infrastructure.  A cornerstone of his infrastructure plans is to rebuild America’s roads, bridges, ports, water systems and broadband services with union labor that will revitalize the working middle class. Watch the visit here.
Poll: 69% of Voters Support the PRO Act
A new poll released Tuesday found that a whopping 69% of voters in nine battleground states support legislation that would strengthen workers’ right to form a union. The poll, conducted by Hart Research Associates, found only 20% opposed to the bill after receiving an explanation of what the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act does. The poll shows that 87% of Democrats and 60% of independents favor the PRO Act. Among Republicans, 45% support the PRO Act while only 40% oppose it. This poll is another demonstration of the wide bipartisan support the PRO Act is receiving across the country, thanks to our positive message-driven campaign for workers’ rights.
Sisters and Brothers,
The Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act is the labor law reform we need to protect workers and democracy. If the PRO Act passes in the Senate, President Biden will sign it into law.
Tell your senators that you support unions, working people and the PRO Act!

Workers’ rights are under attack.
Our outdated labor laws have been chipped away and weakened by anti-worker legislators. Every day, we hear about corporations openly union-busting and retaliating against workers without consequence.
That’s why we need the PRO Act, the most significant worker empowerment legislation since the Great Depression. If it passes, it would:
  • Empower workers to form unions and bargain over wages and work conditions.
  • Hold corporations accountable for union-busting.
  • Repeal “right to work” laws, which were created during the Jim Crow era to divide Black and White workers.
When we have strong unions, we have higher wages, safer working conditions and dignity for all people who work. Passing the PRO Act is our first step to getting there.
Whether your senators support the PRO Act or not, help us keep up the pressure and make it clear to them that the PRO Act is a priority for working people. Add your name today.
In Solidarity,
U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown Joined Us On VO Studio to Speaks with Cincinnati Labor
This past Tuesday, July 27, Senator Sherrod Brown shared a part of his busy morning speaking with a number of Cincinnati Labor Leaders. The discussion included Passing the PRO Act, Child Tax Credits and Infrastructure and include the following individuals: US Senator Sherrod Brown, Bill Froehle - President, Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council and Business Manager, Plumbers, Pipefitters & MES Local 392, Fred Lampe - Executive Secretary, Greater Cincinnati Building & Construction Trades Council, Paige Stephens - Representative, UFCW Local 75, Matt Alter - President, Cincinnati Fire Fighters Union Local 48, Rick Fischer - Business Manager, IBEW Local 212, and Michelle Thoman - President, RNA of UCMC

Watch that discussion HERE!
U.S Senator Sherrod Brown: Working For Working People!
Keep up with Sherrod:
Ohio Democratic Party Veterans Caucus Event
To My Brother and Sisters in Labor:

Veteran & Military Community Caucus Convention
The Veteran & Military Community Caucus of the Ohio Democratic Party invites you to attend our first official convention! This convention will be a space to discuss our mission, establish our bylaws, elect officers, and plan actions for the remainder of 2021.
Date: Saturday, August 7, 2021
Time: 12 noon - 2:00 PM
Location: Carpenters Local 200 Hall
1545 Alum Creek Drive
Columbus, OH  43209 
Speakers: Tim Ryan, Democratic candidate for the US Senate
                 Liz Walters, Chair of the Ohio Democratic Party
                 Ken Harbaugh, 2020 Hooah Award winner
                 Maj Gen Dennis Laich, US Army (Ret.)
Jerry Hultin, former Undersecretary of the United States Navy

Register:    Please fill out the registration form at this link.
Our caucus mission is to engage and mobilize veterans and members of the military community to be more active and vocal within our Democratic Party. We hope you can join us on August 7th! For more information, contact

Connie Pillich
Chair, Veteran & Military Community Caucus
Ohio Democratic Party
Join Us For Our Labor Day Picnic at Coney Island Park!
Dear Sisters, Brothers and Friends,
We’re pleased to inform you that the 2021 Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Day Picnic will be held once again this year on September 6th at Coney Island.
As you know, this is the largest event of its kind in the country. The picnic celebrates union working men and women and draws approximately 20,000 people each year. The 2021 Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Day Picnic program book helps to finance the event, which highlights local unions, union employers, and affiliated businesses and services, and it is an excellent way to introduce your organization to union members and working families.
I am writing to ask you to consider purchasing ad space in our 2021 program book.

A rate sheet/order form is enclosed for your review as well as sample ads from last year’s program book. You may submit your artwork to the Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council, 1385 Tennessee Avenue, 2nd floor, Cincinnati, Ohio 45229 and electronically to Checks should be made payable to the Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council.
We also invite you to attend and participate in our Labor Day festivities. I hope you, your family, and your friends are able to join us to celebrate working families. Thank you for your consideration and support with the Labor Day picnic. If you have any questions, please email Brian Griffin at or call him at (513) 421-1846 x5.
In unity and solidarity…
Bill Froehle,
President, Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council
Business Manager, Plumbers, Pipefitters, & MES Local 392
Below are two important Labor Day 2021 UPDATED Informational Flyers. Please take the time to read each.
Here are your Labor Day Forms
Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council C.O.P.E. Dinner 2021 Will Be at UAW LOCAL 863
Save the Date!


10708 Reading Rd
Cincinnati, OH 45241

6:00 pm Reception and
7:00 pm Dinner and Program.

Details of Program and Keynote Speaker Coming SOON!!!
Brother Jon Skirvin Needs A Kidney!
Sisters, Brothers, and Friends:
As some of you are aware, one of our Brothers here in Cincinnati, Jon Skirvin (Plumbers, Pipefitters and MES, Local 392) suffers from Polycystic kidney disease (PKD). PKD is an inherited disorder in which clusters of cysts develop primarily within your kidneys, causing your kidneys to enlarge and lose function over time. Jon's kidneys were at 7% functionality at the time of the taping of the video we're presenting to you here today. 
As you will learn from the story, Jon has a wife, a family and much to live for. So, now we are asking that you use the bully pulpit of the AFL-CIO to spread this important information to the 12.5 million Sisters and Brothers in the movement. One of them may just be the solution to Jon's challenge, but certainly many of them can and will learn what it means to be a kidney or other organ and tissue donor and how that very important, life-giving act works.
Below are two links that take you to a short, intro or teaser video that sets the stage for the longer interview that provides the story as well as a wealth of information on the who, what, when, where and why of organ and tissue donation. It is a massive issue that faces tens of thousands of American each and every day. What's more, the answer to every single case is readily available and could be solved in any single day. 
Please take the time to watch this video and more importantly, use your vast network to share this video with all our Sisters and Brothers. Without meaning to be melodramatic, a man's life depends on it, as do the lives of tens of thousands more that are in the very same life-threatening situation in which our Brother Jon Skirvin now finds himself. So, take a moment -- or maybe a little longer -- and listen to our story and how you can help...
Thank you in advance for helping with this very, very important work. If we Sisters and Brothers in Labor are not perfectly suited to rise to this challenge, no one is. If there is a truer illustration of "Unity and Solidarity," I have not seen it. So please, spread the word. And please, share!
Unity and Solidarity forever!

(Brian Griffin is Director of Communication & Technology, Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council)
Ohio AFL-CIO: Southwest Field Rep Update
Redistricting yard signs
Brothers and Sisters, as you all know, the key to a thriving democracy is fair districts and fair representation. As new district lines get drafted we have to inform our neighbors! Help raise awareness for fair districting by placing and sharing yard signs! 

HB 294: Ohio Anti-Voter Bill

On May 6, 2021, Cong. Bill Seitz (R-30) introduced HB 294, a new voter bill meant to harm the democratic process in Ohio by making drastic changes to Ohio election Law. According to the Ohio Democratic Caucus, HB 294 would:

  • Limits counties to one ballot drop box location for 10 days before an election—regardless of how large or populated a county is.
  • Eliminates one of the busiest final three days of early voting - Monday.
  • Two forms of ID would be required to apply online for a mail ballot and vote-by-mail voters would be subject to a new three-tier ID rule with strict photo ID as the preference
  • If a vote-by-mail ballot is not inside TWO envelopes--the inner envelope and the outer return envelope—it will be thrown out. 
  • The bill doesn’t add any automated voter registration to the voters’ experience. It continues the same Motor Voter policy in place since 1995. In fact, it explicitly excludes online BMV customers from the opportunity to register to vote.
  • Keeps large numbers of young people from the requesting mail ballots online by requiring 2 forms of ID, (incl. photo ID).
  • Makes ban on public offices paying return postage even stricter than current law. Paying voters’ return postage would remove a barrier to voting by mail.

For more information go HERE.

To track the Bill go HERE.

To read official language (as introduced) go HERE
Pro Act

Pro Act Summary: The Pro Act (H.R. 842) passed the House of Representatives with a vote of 225-206 by the 117th congress On March 9, 2021. The bill is at a stand still in the Senate. The National AFL-CIO has revamped their efforts to fight for the key bill by asking affiliates to contact all 100 Senators to Pass the Pro Act. In Ohio specifically, we are targeting Sen. Rob Portman and Sen. Sherrod Brown. The Passage of the Pro Act would strengthen unions, penalize employers for violating labor laws and eliminate ALL Right to Work laws. National AFL-CIO is wrapping up the Pro Act week of action ny having numerous online events and asking afflatus to participate in available actions.

Brothers and Sisters, Thank you for participating in our Pro Act Week of Action! Thanks to you, we knocked doors, made calls and sent postcards to Senators Sherrod Brown and Rob Portman! As we follow the bill in the Senate, We will continue to contact our elected officials and educate members until THE PRO ACT IS PASSED! Look out for updates with new actions and volunteer opportunities!

  • Pro Act Postcards: PRO ACT POSTCARDS ARE IN! We have added a new action for the Pro act campaign. We have a postcard campaign geared toward our Ohio senators. The paid postage postcards are available at the CLC or you can order at any time! Every Postcard order made will contain half Sen. Portman postcard and half Sen. Brown post cards. Follow the link to request postcards today!:
  • Call In: We are mobilizing and organizing members to participate in the Pro Act campaign by calling our Senators and telling them to Support the Pro Act. Please Call your Legislator and urge them to PASS THE PRO ACT.                
  •  To Participate, Please Call 866-832-1560 and tell your Senators to PASS THE PRO ACT! 
  • PRO Act Informational meetings: We are mobilizing and organizing members through education. If you would like to organize a Pro Act Informational or want a short Pro Act presentation at your next Local union meeting, Please Contact me to set up the event.
  • Follow the Bill: If you are interested in following the PRO Act (HR 842) through Congress, Please Click the link! 

1-on-1 Affiliate meetings

Leaders, Local Union Coordinators, Political Coordinators, Please remember to schedule 1-on-1 meetings with Me to discuss your Union’s needs, receive new updates, and review CLC and State Federation Campaigns as they come in. This is one of the most effective tools to share information and build a broader coalition!

Labor 2021

Every day we get closer to Election Day 2021. As we progress toward that day, we must continue to build and strengthen our Labor 2021 program. In order to build that program, we need to hit 2 big objectives by August. We must….

1.) Get members registered to Vote: With the end of the first phase of Labor 2021, I wanted to take the opportunity to encourage Leaders, Members and Activists to distribute voter registration forms and links to their unions and communities. As you know, the key to winning elections is voter power! Lets build that power by getting our friends and family registered. Please download voter registration or request forms from the CLC today! 
2.) Educate members about our endorsed candidates: After endorsements have completed, we will have actions and flyers with our slate of Labor endorsed candidates. I will also have a campaign plan submitted for the CLC to follow through out the Labor 2021 campaign!
Plumbers, Pipefitters, & MES Local 392 Celebrate Unity, Solidarity and Family at Annual Picnic
A Great Day For Working Families!
Leadership-Risk Management Training with Gordon Graham
Please consider joining us on September 16th for a day with Mr. Gordon Graham, internationally renowned public safety risk management expert. Mr. Graham will present on many of his topics related to risk reduction and leadership for modern police and fire agencies. This class is designed for the public safety leader in your organization including the Chief, Major, Captain, Lieutenant and those persons in your organization who may be responsible for shaping the future of your agency and your industry.
The training will take place at Great Oaks Career Campuses/Scarlet Campus, ASPIRE Auditorium, 100 Scarlet Oaks Dr., Sharonville, Ohio 45241. Let me know if you have any questions!
Paul Hartinger
Supervisor, Firing Range  
Great Oaks Career Campuses
(Paul Hartinger oversees Public Safety Training at Great Oaks Career Campuses. He has been teaching for 17 years. He was a police officer for 33 years at the City of Blue Ash and retired as the Chief of Police. He's been an instructor in the Ohio Peace Officer Academy for many years)
Entertainment Unions and Producers Agree to Changes to COVID-19 Protocols
With the ongoing goal of keeping casts, crews and all set workers safe, the Directors Guild of America (DGA), Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE), Teamsters (IBT) and the Basic Crafts, and SAG-AFTRA, together with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP), announced last week they have a tentative agreement on adjustments to the COVID-19 Safety Agreement reflecting vaccines and other scientific advances.
The modifications center on workplace practices for fully vaccinated cast and crew, including changes to outdoor masking requirements and updated mealtime protocols. Additional changes, such as adjustments to testing frequency, are included for certain areas in the United States and Canada where COVID-19 incidence is, and remains, very low.
COVID-19 Dashboard
COVID-19 Vaccination Dashboard


ODH is making COVID-19 data available for public review while also protecting patient privacy.

Below are the current reporting trends from Thursday, July 29 for key indicators calculated from data reported to the Ohio Department of Health. These trends are updated daily and are presented by report date.
Below is a snapshot of key metrics pulled Thursday, July 29 from daily data reporting to the Ohio Department of Health. These metrics are updated daily.
Hamilton County
Clermont County
Brown County
Butler County
Warren County
Other News For and About Working People: