Labor Council

Friday, June 18, 2021
USTR Shows Dedication to Worker-Centered Trade
A Message from President Trumka
Last week’s announcement that the U.S. trade representative (USTR) accepted the Tridonex petition—the first formal submission under the rapid response mechanism of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA)—is an important step toward building a more worker-centered trade model. It will formally trigger an investigation into well-documented serious labor violations at the Tridonex factory in Matamoros, Mexico.

We hope the process will result in justice for the many workers whose jobs and livelihoods were affected by attempting to exercise their basic workers’ rights, as well as hold their employer accountable for violating their commitments under the USMCA.

Employers need to be deterred from engaging with sham “protection unions,” whose leaders often receive kickbacks and negotiate secret deals with company bosses that undermine workers. The results of this case can send a clear message to other employers that respecting workers’ rights is an imperative.
Immigration and Labor Law Reform: Pass the PRO Act
Every person who lives and works in this country deserves a job where they have a voice and earn living wages. Tell your senators to pass the PRO Act and create a broad path to citizenship.

The best way to strengthen our democracy and our economy is by empowering workers—and this should not have any exclusions.
Immigrants and refugees have always helped build, serve and feed our nation. Today is no different. Our Workers First Agenda is about expanding rights and opportunities for all working families, with no exclusions.
We need a just recovery for all, including our union family members who have temporary protected status or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. We need labor law reform, a bold jobs plan and a pathway to citizenship.
Building back better and passing the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act are the labor movement’s top priorities. Working families can’t wait any longer. We all need to be able to access good jobs, rather than continuing to be misclassified and forced into the informal economy.
Now is the time to get immigration and labor law reform done. So tell your senators to pass the PRO Act and create a broad path to citizenship.

In Solidarity,
Richard Trumka 
President, AFL-CIO
Shuler: The American Rescue Plan Delivers
Through the worst public health crisis in a century, through the worst economy since the Great Depression—with no leadership from the last administration—working people stepped up.

We elected the most pro-worker administration since FDR. And we worked closely with Speaker Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Schumer and pro-labor stalwarts to deliver a rescue plan that's going to help all of us. With economic impact payments, tens of billions to facilitate vaccination. And child care tax credits, funding for schools and states and anti-poverty programs.

The labor movement organized and mobilized on pension relief for decades to make sure, as we always say, that promises made are promises kept. The American Rescue Plan finally delivers. That’s America’s Rescue Plan. What’s next is America’s Recovery Plan.

And the foundation is the Protecting the Right to Organize Act—PRO Act for short.

We need it to remove barriers to organizing, so we can turn low-wage jobs into good, union careers.
We need it to restore our rights to stand together with co-workers and negotiate better pay, safety and more.
The PRO Act would empower the 60 million people who say they want to join a union to do so without fear of retaliation or getting fired.

You see, this isn’t just about union members. This bill will help workers from every sector, in every state, including essential frontline workers living on poverty wages. As it is, more than half of workers in the U.S. are threatened with job loss if they vote for workplace representation. One in five are fired.

And yet, despite all this, in Bessemer, Alabama thousands of workers at the Amazon warehouse are voting to join the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union. Right now. We stand with them in solidarity. But it just shouldn’t take an act of heroism to join a union. No one should have to risk their job to stand together with their co-workers. So everyone watching, do me a favor? Call your senators. Tell them to pass the PRO Act. And let’s keep calling until they do.
AFL-CIO Strategic Campaign Center News
Click HERE to find out more about...  

  • Send a Postcard for the PRO Act
  • AFL-CIO District Meeting Update
  • Union Member Elected
  • AFL-CIO Housing Investment Trust

Thank you.

Office of the President
815 16th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20006NW
Washington, DC 20006
Ohio AFL-CIO Endorses Tim Ryan for U.S. Senate

A Message from Timothy Burga
(Columbus, Ohio) – The Ohio AFL-CIO announced that it has unanimously endorsed Congressman Tim Ryan to be the next U.S. senator from Ohio. “We are proud to announce our endorsement of Tim Ryan to be our next senator,” said Ohio AFL-CIO President Tim Burga. “Tim has spent his career fighting for working people in Ohio and we know he will continue that work in the Senate,” he said. “It is a common sight to see Tim Ryan at a union hall, or at a rally or on a picket line— he is always standing at our side, no matter what the circumstances are,” Burga said. “That’s why we are standing with him in this race, and that’s why we are committed to helping him win the seat,” he said. 
This is our shot. Let’s all get vaccinated.
Sisters and Brothers,

Get vaccinated for yourself, your friends and your family. Add your name saying you got vaccinated, and we’ll send you a sticker. Union-made, obviously!

COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective. Clinical trials show that the vaccines are safe and help protect people from COVID-19.
If we all get vaccinated and continue wearing masks and social distancing, we can slow the spread. Together, we can end this pandemic.

Working people also need strong health and safety protections in the workplace to prevent exposure to COVID-19. The workplace is a high-risk setting because we’re breathing the same air for long periods of time. That’s why vaccines for workers are even more important.
Add your name saying you got vaccinated and get your sticker. Show that you’re a proud union member who is doing your part to end this pandemic.
In Solidarity,
Tim Burga
President, Ohio AFL-CIO
Ohio AFL-CIO Launches Postcard Writing Campaign In Support Of The PRO Act
The Ohio AFL-CIO has launched a statewide postcard writing campaign aimed at urging Senators Rob Portman and Sherrod Brown to pass the PRO Act, which will reshape labor law to reflect today's economy and help end illegal unionbusting.
President Joe Biden has publicly said on several occasions, including his first joint session of Congress speech, that he wants Congress to pass the PRO Act so he can sign it into law. "That’s why I’m calling on Congress to pass the Protect the Right to Organize Act, the PRO Act, and send it to my desk to support the right to unionize," Biden said.
The PRO Act has passed the House of Representatives, but is currently stalled in Congress. While Senator Brown has already come out strongly in support of the PRO Act, Rob Portman has yet to show is support for the pro-worker bill.
You can help us pass the PRO Act by ordering pre-paid postcards to have your friends, family and coworkers sign and send to the Senators. The postcards will be shipped to your union hall or house and will already have the proper postage attached.
U.S. Senator, Sherrod Brown said it best, "More American workers today want to join unions - Millennials are the most pro-union generation since WWII. But corporations like Amazon use their power to crush their workers' union drives. We need to pass the #PROAct to finally give workers a fighting chance against corporations."
Ohio AFL-CIO: Southwest Field Rep Update
 ONA Yard Signs Action
Brothers and Sisters, as many know contract negotiation are not easy, especially when companies refuse to acknowledge the value of their Workers. ONA is currently in contract negotiations with the University of Cincinnati fighting for a fair contract that acknowledges their value and all the hard work they've provided during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Our frontlines nurses deserve dignity for their work and sacrifices. Help bring awareness by sharing yard signs and participating in their
Social media action.  Please follow the directions below to participate!
Stand In Solidarity and show your support for Safe Staffing Ratios.
Take a picture with or of your yard sign and post it on social media!
  • Tag RNA on Facebook or Twitter @cincynurses
  • Use the following contract campaign hashtags with your post:
#safestaffingsaveslives #nurseconditionsarepatientconditions #heroesnotzeros #1u
Contact the ONA directly: or Ohio AFL-CIO Southwest State Rep: Julien Johnson to pick up your sign! Signs will be available for pick at the Cincinnati AFL-CIO office starting Monday June 7, 2021
1-on-1s meetings
Leaders, Local Union Coordinators, Political Coordinators, Please remember to schedule 1-on-1 meetings with Me to discuss your Union’s needs, receive new updates, and review CLC and State Federation Campaigns as they come in. This is one of the most effective tools to share information and build a broader coalition!
Pro Act Updates
Pro Act Summary: The Pro Act (H.R. 842) passed the House of Representatives with a vote of 225-206 by the 117th congress On March 9 2021. The bill is at a stand still in the Senate with support slowly coming in. President Biden has vocally express support for the Pro Act verbally  in his 100day address. The Passage of the Pro Act would strengthen unions, penalize employers for violating labor laws and eliminate ALL Right to Work laws. The National AFL-CIO has pushed for a Pro Act week of Action which will begin July 17-July 25.
PRO Act Actions 
Pro Act Post Cards: We have added a new action for the Pro act campaign. We have a post card campaign geared toward our Ohio senators. The paid postage postcards are available for order at any time. Every Postcard order made will contain half Sen. Portman cards and half Sen. Brown.  You can also order form the link:
Call In: We are mobilizing and organizing members to participate in the Pro Act campaign by calling our Senators and telling them to Support the Pro Act. Please Call your Legislator and urge them to PASS THE PRO ACT.                
 To Participate, Please Call 866-832-1560 and tell your Senators to PASS THE PRO ACT! 
PRO Act  Community Canvass: On Saturday July 17, 2021 the Cincinnati AFL-CIO will be kicking off the Pro act week of action with a massive community  wide canvass to educate our union households and neighbors about the importance of the Pro Act. This is our opportunity to increase awareness and support for this pivotal bill. 
PRO Act Week of Action: From July 17- July 25, the Ohio AFL-CIO and the all the Central Labor Councils from around the state will be hosting PRO Act events through out the week! Look out for weekly updates on the upcoming Cincinnati AFL-CIO Actions!
Letter to the Editor (LTE): We are mobilizing and organizing members to participate in the Pro Act campaign by submitting Letters to the Editors to local Newspapers across the State. If interested please see attached file for Letter templates! 
PRO Act Informational meetings: We are mobilizing and organizing members through education. If you would like to organize a Pro Act Informational or want a short Pro Act presentation at your next Local union meeting, Please Contact me to set up the event.
Follow the Bill: If you are interested in following the PRO Act (HR 842) through Congress, Please Click the link!
Labor 2021
Everyday we get closer to Election Day 2021. As we progress toward that day, we must continue to build and strengthen our Labor 2021 program. In order to build that program, we need to hit 3 big objectives by August. We must….
1. Update our L.U.C Database
We can start this process by identify local union coordinators (L.U.C’s), Political coordinators and organizers willing to learn and organize their communities and unions. This comes as a follow-up after our most robust L.U.C round up last year that contributed to the big Presidential win last November.

We can continue this trend of successful elections as long as we continue to build our Local Union Coordinator Database. If your Union has a new or existing: political director(s), LPC(s) or Political organize(s), please Email or contact me!
2. Get members registered to Vote!
With the end of the first phase of Labor 2021, I wanted to take the opportunity to encourage Leaders, Members and Activists to distribute voter registration forms and links to their unions and communities. As you know, the key to winning elections is voter power! Lets build that power by getting our friends and family registered. Please download voter registration or request forms from the CLC today! 

3. Educate members about our endorsed candidates.
 After endorsements have completed, we will have actions and flyers with our slate of Labor endorsed candidates. I will also have a campaign plan submitted for the CLC to follow through out the Labor 2021 campaign!
Labor Day Picnic at Coney Island Park Is Back In 2021!!
Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council
 Labor Day Picnic 2021
Monday, September 6, 2021
Coney Island Park
Noon to 5:00 PM

General Admission (Ages 8-61) $12.00
Senior (Ages 62+) $10.00
Junior (Ages 2-7) $8.00
GAME ON! We’re back and getting ready for our annual Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Day Picnic, the largest Labor Council Sponsored Labor Day picnic in the country. As most of you know, it is a day packed full of fun for family and friends. Swimming, paddle boats, miniature golf, bingo, volleyball, corn hole, music, hourly raffle prizes, and a little time left over for relaxation.
LABOR DAY 2021 CONEY ISLAND PICNIC Admission Tickets include parking, admission to the 2021 event in the picnic grove area as well as full admission into Coney Island’s Sunlight Water Adventure which consist of Sunlight Pool, the paddle boats and miniature golf.

No Union Card Necessary
Everyone Is Welcome!
Bring or Buy Your Food
All Tickets MUST be ordered and picked up in advance and Locals
are responsible for distribution of tickets to their members.
For more information, email us at, or call Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council 513-421-1846.
Dear Sisters, Brothers and Friends,
We’re pleased to inform you that the 2021 Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Day Picnic will be held once again this year on September 6th at Coney Island.
As you know, this is the largest event of its kind in the country. The picnic celebrates union working men and women and draws approximately 20,000 people each year. The 2021 Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Day Picnic program book helps to finance the event, which highlights local unions, union employers, and affiliated businesses and services, and it is an excellent way to introduce your organization to union members and working families.
I am writing to ask you to consider purchasing ad space in our 2021 program book.
A rate sheet/order form is enclosed for your review as well as sample ads from last year’s program book. You may submit your artwork to the Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council, 1385 Tennessee Avenue, 2nd floor, Cincinnati, Ohio 45229 and electronically to Checks should be made payable to the Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council.
We also invite you to attend and participate in our Labor Day festivities. I hope you, your family, and your friends are able to join us to celebrate working families. Thank you for your consideration and support with the Labor Day picnic. If you have any questions, please email Brian Griffin at or call him at (513) 421-1846 x5.
In unity and solidarity…
Bill Froehle,
President, Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council
Business Manager, Plumbers, Pipefitters, & MES Local 392
Sen. Sherrod Brown: Working For Working People!
10 Ways The Pro Act Can Transform Workers Rights
ALMOST SOLD OUT!! LAST CHANCE!! Cincinnati Labor Council 34th Annual Golf Tournament Friday, August 6

The Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council’s 34th Annual Golf Tournament is Friday, August 6, 2021, once again on the Grizzly Course at the City of Mason Golf Center! This nationally renowned course was designed by Jack Nicklaus, 18-time Major Champion and Ohio native, and has been host to several PGA, LPGA, and Senior PGA tournaments.
The entry fee is $150 per individual golfer or $500 for a four-person team. The fees include greens fees, carts, coffee, donuts, lunch, and prizes. Individuals and/or organizations may also purchase hole sponsorship ($150), lunch-only tickets ($35), our VIP Package, which includes a four-person team plus hole sponsorship ($600). We also gratefully accept donated items for door prizes at this fun event!
The above flyer lists all relevant details, including directions and a registration form with payment information. Just fill it out and send it along with your check made payable to Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council to Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council, 1385 Tennessee Avenue, 2nd Floor, Cincinnati OH 45229 and you are done.
The Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council Annual Golf Tournament helps provide the Council with the resources it needs to strengthen the Labor movement and continue providing valuable resources and services to working families in the greater Cincinnati area.
On behalf of over one-hundred-plus union affiliates, our union members, and all working families, I thank you for your continued support. We look forward to seeing you Friday, August 6!
COPE 2021: Save the Date


6:00 pm Reception and
7:00 pm Dinner.

Details of Place and Keynote Speaker Coming SOON!!!
5 Ways to Get Involved This June
Dear friends,

Our office is filled with excitement around many simultaneous events and opportunities taking place in June.  

In Northern Kentucky, we are assembling college kits for first-generation college students. First-generation college students from families with insufficient resources often need more support than students whose parents have earned a degree. Thanks to a $15,000 sponsorship from candy company Perfetti Van Melle, we will assemble 136 kits containing dorm room essentials, school supplies, toiletries and cleaning products at our Northern Kentucky office in Fort Mitchell, on June 16. Learn more.

Also in Northern Kentucky, thanks to a $12,000 grant from E. W. Scripps Foundation, we are helping Hispanic children prepare for kindergarten with bilingual literacy kits. Contact Kaeli if you would like to help. 

In Cincinnati, our partnership with Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center and others to purchase, build and deliver 3,700 literacy kits to help parents prepare their preschoolers for kindergarten has been successful -- so far, we have 2,200 purchased and built. They’ll be delivered through Children’s Hospital’s neighborhood clinics. If you want to help us achieve our goal and go beyond, visit the Blue Manatee Literacy Project website.

On Thursday, we host our Higher Education Mentoring Initiative Scholars of Excellence Celebration. This recognizes foster youth who have excelled academically, graduated high school and moved on to college. We are so proud of them for overcoming barriers their peers didn’t face, and we can’t think of a better way to thank them than scholarships to continue their education. Learn more about HEMI.

Finally, we have only a few weeks left to participate in our Black Empowerment Works program. Black Empowerment Works is our partnership with Black leaders to fund ideas and projects that help Greater Cincinnati communities address poverty and systemic inequities. There are two ways to participate: (1) Apply to be a grantee and (2) Apply to serve as a Reviewer, one of the people responsible for selecting the grantees. Apply today.
Like I said, a lot is happening!


Moira Weir
United Way of Greater Cincinnati
Medicare Mistakes to Avoid and Must-Knows To Embrace
3 Medicare Mistakes to Help Your Employees Avoid in 2021

Are any of your employees or retirees nearing their 65th birthday? If so, they will soon be eligible to enroll in Medicare.
As they get closer to being Medicare-eligible, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the number of deadlines, enrollment periods, and options out there. Knowing these common Medicare mistakes can help them do things right and avoid unnecessary fees in the long run. 

Monthly Medicare Must-Knows

RetireMEDiQ wants you to be informed on the latest news in the Medicare industry. Every month, we report on recent happenings and explain how your health care may be impacted.
In June, you can read about lifted mask mandates, updates in long-term care facilities, and more! Visit our blog for the full story. 

Learn More About Medicare by Attending a Free Webinar!

Every month, RetireMEDiQ hosts a series of webinars on the latest Medicare topics. You and your loved ones can attend these virtual events to learn about Medicare, retirement, and your health plan options.
You can see all of our June webinars on our website or view a full list of upcoming sessions. 
Global Confirm ─ 177,176,595

Global Deaths ─ 3,835,504

U.S. Confirmed ─ 33,501,656

U.S. Deaths ─ 600,705

Global Map        U.S. Map
In late May, America hit a milestone: More than half of the country’s population had received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. But we still have a ways to go. Getting vaccinated is an important tool to help slow the spread of COVID-19 and put an end to the pandemic. We have lost too many co-workers, friends and family members from COVID-19. We must do everything we can to get as many vaccines into the arms of Americans as possible. Before we rush back into enjoying all of the things we used to before the pandemic—the sporting events, the nights out, the dinners at our favorite restaurants—let’s keep building vaccine confidence to make sure we never have to endure a year like 2020 again. [Read More]
COVID-19 Dashboard

ODH is making COVID-19 data available for public review while also protecting patient privacy.

The State of Ohio COVID-19 Dashboard displays the most recent preliminary data reported to the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) about cases, hospitalizations and deaths in Ohio by selected demographics and county of residence. Data for cases and hospitalizations is reported to ODH via the Ohio Disease Reporting System (ODRS), and verified mortality data is reported via the Electronic Death Registration System (EDRS).

Below are the current reporting trends from Thursday, June 17 for key indicators calculated from data reported to the Ohio Department of Health. These trends are updated daily and are presented by report date.
Below is a snapshot of key metrics pulled Thursday, June 17 from daily data reporting to the Ohio Department of Health. These metrics are updated daily.
Hamilton County
Clermont County
Brown County
Butler County
Warren County
Other News For and About Working People: