Labor Council

Friday, June 4, 2021
"Pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act"
A Statement from President Trumka
One year ago, George Floyd was murdered by a police officer in Minneapolis. Working people throughout America—from large urban cities to small rural towns—protested peacefully, marching down streets and declaring three words: Black lives matter. Today, we continue to demand action to root out systemic racism in all forms. On the anniversary of his murder last week, the labor movement joined our allies in calling on Congress to pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act. This bill is not only a legislative priority; it’s our nation’s moral obligation. Elected leaders should work together with all stakeholders, including America’s unions, to finally make police reform a reality.
"Tell your members of Congress: Reduce child poverty"
Liz Shuler - Secretary-Treasurer, AFL-CIO
Sisters and Brothers,
Tell Congress to pass legislation that prioritizes children and families. Click here to send a letter to your members of Congress.

The American Rescue Plan made substantial investments in children and families―cutting child poverty in half. But these investments only last one year.
President Biden proposed a package that invests in education, health care, housing, child care and more. And it raises taxes on corporations and the wealthy to make them pay their fair share.
Congress is deciding which policies to keep for the long-term plan. We need to make sure children and families are its top priority.
We call on Congress to include policies that help families and invest in children that: 

  • Permanently keep the increased child tax credit and earned-income tax credit.
  • Provide universal preschool for three- and four-year-olds and free community college.
  • Develop comprehensive paid family and medical leave and sick leave.

In Solidarity,
Liz Shuler
Secretary-Treasurer, AFL-CIO
Notice of Nominations and Special Election for Executive Secretary - Treasurer
Whereas Peter M. McLinden, Executive Secretary-Treasurer of Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council has submitted his intent to resign, effective July 31, 2021.

And whereas the Constitution of Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council, Article 15 - Section 13, “Election of officers” states that “at least 15 days’ notice will be given to all delegates before the nominations will be held to fulfill an unexpired term of the office of President or Executive Secretary-Treasurer. Election shall be held at the next regular council meeting and at least 15 days’ notice shall be given to all delegates before such election…”

Therefore William Froehle, President of the Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council, hereby gives notice to all delegates that nominations for candidates to fulfill the unexpired term of office of Executive Secretary-Treasurer for the Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council will be held at the next regular monthly Delegate Meeting, July 7, 7:00 PM to be held in person at the NALC Branch 43 Union Hall located at 4100 Colerain Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45223.

After nominations have closed and candidate qualifications are certified, if there is more than one certified candidate, the CLC Elections committee (to be elected by at the July 7th Delegate meeting), will then hold a day long election on Wednesday, August 4th. Pursuant to the CLC Constitution, a written notice of the location and times for this election will be mailed out to all delegates at least 15 days prior to the election date.

Questions are to be directed, in writing, to
7 Days of Solidarity - The New Strategic Campaign Weekly Report
Click HERE to find out more about:

  • The Labor Movement mourns the loss of San Jose workers
  • Have you Registered for a District Meeting in your region?
  • District Meeting highlights
  • 70 Local Union Coordinators added this week
  • All regional highlights
  • SF/CLC in the news
  • Union member elected
  • Economic, Power & Growth - Organizing Institute
  • Communications
  • The power of the AFL-CIO Investment Trust Corporation 

Office of the President
815 16th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20006
Support RNA/AFT: Stand In Solidarity and show your support for Safe Staffing Ratios
The Registered Nurses Association (RNA) is a local affiliate of the Ohio Nurses Association(ONA) and represents 1700 union nurses at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center. We are also affiliated with the American Federation of Teachers (AFT).

Currently the nurses are in contract negotiations with UC Medical Center. UCMC is the only Level 1 Trauma and Comprehensive Stroke Center in the Tri-state area. The Medical Center provides access to care for all, regardless of patients' ability to pay and receives Hamilton County levy money to provide care. UCMC has one of only seven dedicated psychiatric emergency rooms in the country and nurses routinely treat victims of gun violence and traumas from around the area. UCMC is the only area hospital to treat adult patients with significant burns and leads the way in the city's transplant program - performing liver, kidney, pancreas, and heart transplants. Other area hospitals routinely transfer their sickest patients to UCMC for life-saving care. RNA nurses make all of this possible. 
After a grueling 15-month global pandemic record numbers of nurses are leaving the industry due to moral injury or leaving to take on subcontracting travel assignments as those are now paying double the current hourly rate at UCMC. This could leave the greater Cincinnati community without the quality care our neighbors, family and friends deserve.
RNAs comprehensive proposals seek to address the need for nurses in our community, focusing on safe staffing by retaining, and recruiting skilled nurses.
Stand In Solidarity and show your support for Safe Staffing Ratios.

RNA is asking our friends and neighbors to show support for nurses during negotiations by placing a sign in their yard or business. Contact or *CLC email to pick up your sign today!
Take a picture with or of your yard sign and post it on social media!
   -Tag RNA on Facebook or Twitter @cincynurses
   -Use the following contract campaign hashtags with your post:
#safestaffingsaveslives #nurseconditionsarepatientconditions #heroesnotzeros #1u 
-Sample text for post with your sign: 
I’m standing in solidarity with the #proudunionnurses @cincynurses fighting for nurse-to-patient ratios at UC Medical Center. #safestaffingsaveslives #1u #heroesnotzeros
Supporting @cincynurses and patients in the Tri-state area in getting the care they deserve through nurse-to-patient ratios. It’s time to make short-staffing a never event! #safestaffingsaveslives #nurseconditionsarepatientconditions 
The #proudunionnurses with @cicnynurses at UC Medical Center are Leading the Way to ensure they can provide the best care to our community with nurse-to-patient ratios! #safestaffingsaveslives. Like and share this post to show your support.

Contract Objectives:
  • Cincinnati and Tri-State area patients deserve established nurse-to-patient ratios. ONA/RNA is proposing that UCMC make a contractual commitment to these nationally recognized ratios. Whether a nurse splits their time between 4 patients or 6 patients, the patient’s insurance is still billed for nursing care. As the ratio increases that nurse’s ability to provide care goes down as his/her workload increases, sometimes over 50%. Patients deserve to receive the care they are paying for and nurse staffing ratios are proven to create better patient outcomes.
  • The Medical Center is currently contractually limited to subcontracting bargaining unit work for up to 1 year. UCMC wants to increase their ability to subcontract up to 3 years as “a tool to help with staffing.” Subcontractors cannot perform the same quality of work as UCMC nurses, due to the specialization and complexity of care at UCMC. Subcontracting lowers the bar on quality of care to the community and outsources good paying jobs away from the Cincinnati and the Tri-state area.  
  • Over the past year, UCMC has made part-time nurses, for the first time ever, pay more for health insurance than full-time nurses. Part-time nurses with a spouse or family plan have seen premiums nearly double while caring for a record number of patients during a global pandemic. The Union seeks to remedy this injustice.
  • The Union contract obligates UCMC to pay 3% of a nurse’s compensation into their 401K each year. The Medical Center is only paying 3% of a nurse’s base rate of pay. Nurses this year alone have been shorted thousands of dollars from their 401Ks, especially for those nurses who worked overtime to protect the community during the height of the pandemic.
  •  Violence in the workplace has always been an issue, but incidents at UCMC have increased with the stressors of COVID. UCMC had an active shooter incident in 2017 in the psych emergency services department. Nurses want signs posted that violence, threats, and abusive language towards staff will not be tolerated, and may result in a felony.
  •  The Nurses have contract language stating that nurses who contract communicable diseases and cannot work are to be placed on paid leave and not lose PTO. UCMC has not been following this language. Front line care providers shouldn’t lose their earned paid off for contracting COVID when their job is to care for the sick.
It has been a difficult year for transit workers. But today hit especially hard. The ATU suffered an incredible loss at a Santa Clara VTA rail yard where our Local 265-San Jose, CA members work. There were multiple fatalities and injuries. Nobody should ever have to worry about walking into their jobs and fear for their safety. Survivors of this horrific shooting will be dealing with the aftermath for a very long time.

Our members have always supported our brothers and sisters in dire need, and now it’s time we show our support again. We call on all ATU Locals and members to help our San Jose brothers and sisters impacted by this tragic shooting by contributing through the ATU Disaster Relief Fund.

Donations can be made online here or by mailing a check to:

Amalgamated Transit Union
Disaster Relief Fund
10000 New Hampshire Avenue
Silver Spring, MD 20903
Attn: John A. Costa
Ohio AFL-CIO Turns Their Spotlight on Our Very Own Nicole Leporati
Nicole Leporati is a dedicated Cincinnati activist and proud member of AFGE Local 2031. Nicole works for the Cincinnati V.A. Medical Center and has helped Ohio Veterans for 20 years. She also serves as the "Local Union Coordinator" for her local.

Nicole serves as her AFGE Local 2031's Legislative Political Coordinator (L.P.C) and played a vital role in organizing members during the 2017 government shutdown, and assisting in the Labor 2020 Presidential Election campaign. Nicole is on the frontlines of women’s rights as an active Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW) member and was a lead organizer of the 2018 Cincinnati Women’s March that took place at the National Underground Railroad Museum.

Nicole uses her passion for good as an active Girl Scout mom and fosters kittens as they are prepared for adoption to their forever home. As a leader in the United We Stand – Cincinnati movement, Nicole continues her fight for dignity and respect for every working person. She championed COVID vaccination efforts, joined fellow activists to protect our democracy, and is helping to distribute meals to hundreds of those in need. Nicole truly lives by the word “Solidarity,” both at her job and in her community. Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council

Congratulations Nicole!
An Update From Our Ohio AFL-CIO Field Rep
Brothers and Sister, 

Here's a few items we all need to keep on our radar going forward:

RNA Yard Signs Action
Brothers and Sisters, as many know contract negotiation are not easy, especially when companies refuse to acknowledge the value of their Workers. ONA is currently in contract negotiations with the University of Cincinnati fighting for a fair contract that acknowledges their value and all the hard work they've provided during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Our frontlines nurses deserve dignity for their work and sacrifices. Help bring awareness by sharing yard signs and participating in their
Social media action. Please follow the directions below to participate!
Stand In Solidarity and show your support for Safe Staffing Ratios.
  • Take a picture with or of your yard sign and post it on social media!
  • Tag RNA on Facebook or Twitter @cincynurses
  • Use the following contract campaign hashtags with your post:
  • #safestaffingsaveslives #nurseconditionsarepatientconditions #heroesnotzeros #1u
Contact the ONA directly: or Ohio AFL-CIO Southwest State Rep: Julien Johnson to pick up your sign! Signs will be available for pick at the Cincinnati AFL-CIO office starting Monday June 7, 2021
1-on-1s meetings
Leaders, Local Union Coordinators, Political Coordinators, Please remember to schedule 1-on-1 meetings with me to discuss your Union’s needs, receive new updates, and review CLC and State Federation Campaigns as they come in. This is one of the most effective tools to share information and build a broader coalition!
Labor 2021
Everyday we get closer to Election Day 2021. As we progress toward that day, we must continue to build and strengthen our Labor 2021 program. In order to build that program, we need to hit 3 big objectives in order to win for Working families. 

We must….
1. Update our L.U.C Database
 Identifying local union coordinators (L.U.C’s), Political coordinators and organizers willing to learn and organize their communities and unions. This comes as a follow-up after our most robust L.U.C campaign to date, that contributed to the big Presidential win last November. We can continue this trend of successful elections as long as we continue to build our Local Union Coordinator Database. If your Union has a new or existing: political director(s), LPC(s) or Political organize(s), please Email or contact me!
2. Get members registered to Vote!
 Leaders, Members and Activists should distribute voter registration forms and links to their unions and communities. As you know, the key to winning elections is voter power! Lets build that power by getting our friends and family registered. Please download voter registration or request forms from the CLC today! 

3. Educate members about our endorsed candidates.
 After endorsements have completed, we will have Actions and Flyers with our slate of Labor endorsed candidates. I will also have a campaign plan submitted for the CLC to follow through out the Labor 2021 campaign!

FBI investigating Postmaster General Louis DeJoy in connection with political fundraising
From The Washington Post - by Matt Zapotosky and Jacob Bogage
June 3, 2021 at 12:00 p.m. EDT
Postmaster General Louis DeJoy testifies in August before the House Oversight and Reform Committee about mail delivery slowdowns ahead of last year’s election. (Tom Williams/POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

The FBI is investigating Postmaster General Louis DeJoy in connection with campaign fundraising activity involving his former business, according to people familiar with the matter and a spokesman for DeJoy.

FBI agents in recent weeks interviewed current and former employees of DeJoy and the business, asking questions about political contributions and company activities, these people said. Prosecutors also issued a subpoena to DeJoy himself for information, one of the people said. [READ ARTICLE]
Sen. Sherrod Brown: Working For Working People!
REGISTER NOW!! Cincinnati Labor Council 34th Annual Golf Tournament Friday, August 6

The Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council’s 34th Annual Golf Tournament is Friday, August 6, 2021, once again on the Grizzly Course at the City of Mason Golf Center! This nationally renowned course was designed by Jack Nicklaus, 18-time Major Champion and Ohio native, and has been host to several PGA, LPGA, and Senior PGA tournaments.
The entry fee is $150 per individual golfer or $500 for a four-person team. The fees include greens fees, carts, coffee, donuts, lunch, and prizes. Individuals and/or organizations may also purchase hole sponsorship ($150), lunch-only tickets ($35), our VIP Package, which includes a four-person team plus hole sponsorship ($600). We also gratefully accept donated items for door prizes at this fun event!
The above flyer lists all relevant details, including directions and a registration form with payment information. Just fill it out and send it along with your check made payable to Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council to Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council, 1385 Tennessee Avenue, 2nd Floor, Cincinnati OH 45229 and you are done.
The Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council Annual Golf Tournament helps provide the Council with the resources it needs to strengthen the Labor movement and continue providing valuable resources and services to working families in the greater Cincinnati area.
On behalf of over one-hundred-plus union affiliates, our union members, and all working families, I thank you for your continued support. We look forward to seeing you Friday, August 6!
June Webinar information
Medicare isn't just for retirees—in fact, many people over age 65 receive more benefits and coverage by enrolling in a Medicare plan while they are still working.

Click the links below to Join RetireMEDiQ at one of their webinars where they will cover Medicare topics, including:
Medicare A&B, Coverage and cost, Supplements and Advantage Plans and more!
Thursday, June 3, at 12 p.m. (noon) EST

Mistakes to avoid when enrolling in Medicare
Tuesday, June 8, at 12 p.m. (noon) EST
Mistakes to avoid if working past 65
Tuesday, June 15, at 6 p.m. EST
COBRA, ACA Marketplace Plans and More!
Tuesday, June 22, at 12 p.m. (noon) EST
Strategies for recruiting and retaining top talent
Did you know 67% of job seekers consider diversity when assessing a job offer? The hiring process is a pivotal first step in finding and retaining diverse talent. According to Francesca Gina, a professor at Harvard Business School, our unconscious biases “cause us to make decisions in favor of one person or group to the detriment of others.” Unstructured interviews, although common, are not a good predictor of a candidate’s success—they are subjective, often providing irrelevant information that can impact our decision-making. In fact, the University of Texas compared the performance of medical students that were initially rejected from their program but later admitted, to those that had been top-ranked. 72% of the difference in the initial student ranking was related to the Admissions Committee interviews. After one year of postgraduate training, they found no meaningful differences between the performance or attrition of the groups. It turns out, structured interviews are a much better predictor of performance and can lead to far more equitable outcomes.

Join LISC for discussion on health and housing!
Please join us for an upcoming discussion with national experts from Bethesda Inc.'s bi3, Bon Secours Mercy Health, Nationwide Children's Hospital and Caresource on the critical connections between healthcare and housing.
Housing Our Future: Health and Housing Connections

There is a growing body of evidence that connects health outcomes to housing stability, quality and safety, affordability, and neighborhood characteristics. By focusing on these four pathways, health care systems and other partners are investing in housing in ways that both improve housing conditions for residents and communities while also improving health outcomes and health care costs. In this session, we will share examples of how health care systems are expanding their reach beyond their hospital walls into communities and how housing providers are focusing on improving the health of their residents.

Housing Our Future: Health and Housing Connections

Thursday, June 10th
10:00am - 11:30am
virtual (webex); registration required

10:00am Welcome and Introduction
10:05am Framing the Discussion: Social Determinants of Health Overview 
10:10am Panelist Introduction
10:20am Discussion Topic 1: Establishing the Connection
10:35am Discussion Topic 2: Policy Implications
10:50am Q&A
11:00am Post-webinar Conversation
Our Panelists
Kiana Trabue
Vice President of Strategic Partnerships, bi3

Kiana R. Trabue currently serves as Vice President, Strategic Partnerships for bi3, a grantmaking initiative of Bethesda Inc. In this role she works with partners to co-design innovative initiatives to improve health in Greater Cincinnati.
Kendra Smith
Vice President, Community Health, Bon Secours Mercy Health

Kendra Smith oversees community health strategy for Mercy Health in the Ohio and Kentucky markets. Her work focuses on evaluating the health and well-being of patients as well as the communities surrounding our facilities.
George Kleb
Executive Director, Housing and Community Development, Bon Secours Baltimore Health System

George Kleb is Director for Housing and Community Development at Bon Secours Mercy Health (BSMH). Employed at Bon Secours since 1987, he is responsible for all housing programs for Bon Secours in Baltimore including rental housing, management and new housing development. He also serves as a key member of BSMH’s Community Health team where he participates in the creation of strategies that address the social determinants and influencers of health in the seven (7) states served by the health system.
Gretchen West, MCRP
Executive Director, Healthy Homes, Nationwide Children's Hospital

Gretchen West serves as the Executive Director of Healthy Homes, a nonprofit housing organization and innovative collaboration between Community Development for All People and Nationwide Children’s Hospital. The mission of Healthy Homes is to provide and preserve affordable housing through the provision of homeownership, rental and home repair services in two Columbus communities.
Diane Alecusan
Social Determinants of Health Strategy Lead – Housing, Ohio Market, CareSource

Diane Alecusan is the Housing Strategy Lead for Ohio at CareSource. In this role, she focuses on driving and implementing affordable housing strategies throughout CareSource’s Ohio market that ultimately improve the health and well-being of CareSource’s members.
Global Confirm ─ 171,776,210

Global Deaths ─ 3,693,623

U.S. Confirmed ─ 33,309,356

U.S. Deaths ─ 595,888

Global Map        U.S. Map
COVID-19 Dashboard

ODH is making COVID-19 data available for public review while also protecting patient privacy.

The State of Ohio COVID-19 Dashboard displays the most recent preliminary data reported to the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) about cases, hospitalizations and deaths in Ohio by selected demographics and county of residence. Data for cases and hospitalizations is reported to ODH via the Ohio Disease Reporting System (ODRS), and verified mortality data is reported via the Electronic Death Registration System (EDRS).

Below are the current reporting trends from Thursday, June 3 for key indicators calculated from data reported to the Ohio Department of Health. These trends are updated daily and are presented by report date.
Below is a snapshot of key metrics pulled Thursday, June 3 from daily data reporting to the Ohio Department of Health. These metrics are updated daily.
Hamilton County
Clermont County
Brown County
Butler County
Warren County
Other News For and About Working People: