Labor Council

Friday, May 7, 2021
Add Your Name to Support Working Families
The American Families Plan will make it easier for working people to care for our loved ones. It invests and builds better infrastructure for child care, education and paid leave. Add your name to support working families.
Hi Brian,
Few households in America aren’t struggling with a caregiver crisis during the pandemic. The burden is falling disproportionately on the shoulders of women—and without paid family leave, it has been devastating.
Last week, the Biden administration released the American Families Plan to invest in working people and our families. It provides direct relief through child care subsidies, free education and by extending tax credits from the American Rescue Plan.
By also setting policies and building a system that’s better than what we had before, it:
  • Makes a plan to guarantee 12 weeks of paid leave.
  • Adds two years of universal preschool and two years of free community college for all.
  • Supports child care workers.
  • Caps child care costs at 7% for families making 1.5 times their state’s median income.
And it does all that without raising taxes on those making less than $400,000. It’s funded by closing tax loopholes and making sure the wealthiest Americans are paying their fair share.
The American Families Plan provides relief to working families and invests in our future. If you support working people and our families, add your name to show your support.

In Solidarity,
Liz Shuler 
Secretary-Treasurer, AFL-CIO
Workplace Activity relating to National Nurses Week and the PRO Act
Yesterday was the first day of National Nurses Week, a longstanding week of recognition for the nursing profession. The COVID19 crisis in particular has made it a matter of life and death that nurses and other essential workers enjoy the right to collectively bargain with their employers -- a right that is not really real unless we pass the PRO Act.
As we build on last week’s successful National Week of Action for the PRO Act, we are asking state and local bodies to work with their affiliates and their Local Union Coordinators to encourage worksite leafletting and discussion about what the PRO Act would mean for the power of working people-- our power to organize and our power to bargain. During National Nurses Week (May 6-12) we are asking in particular that our local unions that represent nurses engage in this type of workplace activity connecting the PRO Act with nurses' rights and safety on the job.
Attached to this article is a leaflet you can use in worksite actions by nurses and their unions. Additional materials are available as part of the PRO Act toolkit, and leaflets can be ordered from the Working Families Toolkit
The workplace activity around nurses and the PRO Act is the first of what will be a series of industry sector based activity promoting discussion and action around the PRO Act in the coming weeks.
If you have questions about the nurses' actions or the broader program, please contact your National AFL-CIO Field Staff.
We have made huge progress in our efforts to pass the PRO Act and Build Back Better with Unions. We will need all of your help and engagement to win. 
Thank you.
Office of the President
815 16th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20006
New AFL-CIO Report Shows 275 U.S. Workers Killed Daily
In 2019, 5,333 working people were killed on the job and an estimated 95,000 died from occupational diseases, according to the 30th edition of the report released today. That means every day, on average, 275 U.S. workers die from hazardous working conditions. And this was before the devastating COVID-19 pandemic that has been responsible for far too many worker infections and deaths in our country.

“This year, we commemorate 50 years of OSHA and the lives saved by ensuring workers are protected on the job,” said AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer Liz Shuler. “COVID-19 has been a stark reminder that workplace safety protections are absolutely critical, and we still have a long way to go. As a country, we must renew our commitment to safe jobs for all workers and invest the resources to make that happen.”

One of the most disturbing statistics is the increase in the death rate for workers of color. The fatality rate for Latino workers increased 14% from 2018 and is the highest rate since 2008. In 2019, there were 1,088 Latino worker deaths, compared with 961 Latino worker deaths in 2018. The majority (66%) of Latino workers who died on the job in 2019 were immigrants. Black workers are also at an increased risk of work-related deaths. In 2019, 634 Black workers died—the highest number in more than two decades.

Another alarming trend is growing workplace violence. It is the third-leading cause of workplace death. In 2019, deaths increased to 841, while more than 30,000 violence-related lost-time injuries were reported.

Older workers have a higher risk of dying on the job. More than one-third of workplace fatalities occurred among workers 55 and older. And workers 65 or older have nearly three times the risk of dying on the job as other workers.

As we’ve learned over the past 50 years of worker protections under the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), oversight keeps workers safe. Due in part to the irresponsible anti-worker policies of the previous administration, OSHA’s meager resources have severely declined. Federal OSHA has only 774 safety and health inspectors and state OSHA plans have a combined 1,024 inspectors—near the lowest total since the creation of the agency. Renewed attention and dedicated resources to getting inspectors back on the job is crucial to fulfilling the promise of safe jobs for all workers.
Tell OSHA: "Protect workers now!"

About 275 U.S. workers die each day because of hazardous working conditions. Each year, working people report nearly 3.5 million work-related injuries and illnesses.
With the pandemic, those numbers are now even higher. Tell OSHA: Protect workers now.

Fifty years ago, Congress established the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Every worker was promised the right to a safe job.
We’ve made a lot of progress on worker safety since then, but COVID-19 is a devastating reminder that we need even more protection, investment and resources.
There are only 1,798 OSHA inspectors who are responsible for inspecting the 10.1 million workplaces. The average penalty for a serious violation is a mere $3,923 for federal OSHA.
We need more staff and resources dedicated to protecting working people. We need to fully penalize and hold employers accountable for workplace safety violations.
If you believe everyone has the right to a safe job and workplace, tell OSHA to protect working people.
In Solidarity,
Week of Action Livestreams
The PRO Act and Freelancers Town Hall
The PRO Act and Systemic Racism
A Pathway to the American Dream
ATU Local 627 President Troy Miller Joins Public Transit Roundtable with VP Kamala Harris
Local 627 President Troy Miller joined Vice President Kamala Harris, Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown, and Transit and community leaders for a spirited round table discussion on how public transit will create jobs, spur economic development, and Foster healthier communities. “Let's continue to invest in public transit in America understanding that it is about supporting working families it's about supporting our infrastructure our economy our public health,” Vice President Harris opened the round table by pointing to the 85 billion dollars for public transit in the American jobs plan. Senator Brown introduced Miller by applauding the work that ATU members have done throughout the pandemic, calling them the definition of essential workers. Senator Brown asked Miller about the dangers ATU members have, and continue to face, on the job during the pandemic. “Over 4,700 members were infected in the United States over 3,000 are currently laid off. At one time we had 20,000 laid off in the United States. It's devastating. This whole virus has been devastating for us,” said Miller. Vice President Harris also talked about the American jobs plan investment of 174 billion dollars in the electrification of buses. Miller praise the Biden/Harris administration for including union members in the American Jobs Plan to train mechanics and drivers on the new technology of zero emissions buses. “I would love to see the ATU be one of the leaders in training across the United States because this is very important for protecting our people, protecting our jobs,” said Miller.
WATCH: Vice President Harris and ATU Local 627 President Troy Miller participate in a Roundtable Discussion on How the Administration’s Investments in Public Transit will Create Jobs, Spur Economic Development, and Foster Healthier Communities
Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council's New Streaming Studio Open For Business
Cincinnati Labor Council and UAW Local 647 Take to the Web With Workers' Memorial Tribute Program
Wednesday, April 28, Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council had its maiden voyage of Vox Operántium ― “The Voice of the Worker!” with this year’s Workers' Memorial Day Tribute. The CLC’s new streaming Media Studio welcomed Host, Pete McLinden, Executive Secretary-Treasurer, Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council, who was joined by Bill Froehle, President, Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council and Business Manager, Plumbers, Pipefitters, & MES Local 392, Brian Strunk, Vice President, UAW Local 647, Tim Burga, President, Ohio AFL-CIO, Deacon Royce Winters, IAFF Local 48 and our special guest, Ken Montgomery, OSHA Cincinnati Area Office Director. The Springboro HS JROTC Color Guard provided the Presentation of the colors along with the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by Shon Estee Hubble who shared her immense talents singing The National Anthem and “Lift Every Voice And Sing.” Deacon Royce Winters, IAFF Local 48 Chaplain provided our Invocation and Benediction to both welcome us and send us on our way. Watch this excellent tribute to those Sisters and Brothers who left us in 2020 after having given so much to their families, communities and this nation. Watch the entire tribute here.
Bill Froehle reminds us that "...summer brings with it many hazards to construction workers."
As I write this article summer break is approaching quickly for our members and their families. Summer always signals many things to working men and women and our families. Summer break is a time when the kids are finally out of school for a few month’s and we are able to enjoy precious time with our loved ones.

Please keep in mind also that summer brings with it many hazards to construction workers. Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke are just 2 of many issues we face on a daily basis as the temperatures start to climb into the 90’s and beyond. Always make sure to drink plenty of fluids and keep an eye on your fellow co-workers for signs of distress.

Summer can be a time when we make many memories with families, friends and co-workers as we enjoy cook-outs, ball games and socials. Summer can also be a time when we renew our commitment to the Labor Movement and ask ourselves “What can I give back to my Local Union to make it stronger for generations to come”. 

In Solidarity,
Bill Froehle

(Bill Froehle is the President of Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council and Business Manager for Plumbers, Pipefitters and Mechanical Equipment Service Local 392 -
Billboard Features IBEW Local 212 Third Year Apprentice Vince McCarty
This billboard features Vince McCarty, a 3rd year apprentice with IBEW Local 212 working for ESI. "I used to spend my weekends partying and getting high. Now, I've been sober for 5 years and spend weekends distributing Narcan and helping other people stay off drugs."
Photo Credit: Phil Bovard, IBEW Local 212
"No on Issue 3" Campaign Summary
Brothers and Sisters, as the week wraps up and campaign break down beings, I wanted to take the opportunity to report about the amazing effort taken during the 2021 May Primary. As many know, this May primary involved the all-important Mayors race, which featured a plethora of candidates and Issues from across the city. Ironically enough, this election had an even more pressing matter, Issue 3. The Proposed amendment would gravely impact city worker, first responders and other vital services in Cincinnati. A “No” on Issue 3 campaign rooted in solidarity, was created and ran a 6 week campaign that involved Democrats, Republicans, Labor and Business. Thanks to the efforts of our coalition, Issue 3 was defeated 70%-30% thus saving thousands of jobs across the city. Thank you to AFSCME Council 8, IAFF local 48, Cincinnati Building Trades, CODE, and all our partners in this fight. We look forward to the next steps in creating a fair and equitable solution to affordable housing in Cincinnati.
Campaign Metrics:
Robo-Calls: 10,000+
Mailers: 10,000+
Digital: 69,805 (display impressions)
Doors lit dropped: 4526
Yard signs distributed: 650+
Shifts completed: 90+ 
 Election Results: Issue 3
24,524 (No)- 9,067 (Yes) 
REGISTER NOW!! Cincinnati Labor Council 34th Annual Golf Tournament Friday, August 6
Brothers, Sisters, and Friends of Cincinnati working families:
The Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council’s 34th Annual Golf Tournament is Friday, August 6, 2021, once again on the Grizzly Course at the City of Mason Golf Center! This nationally renowned course was designed by Jack Nicklaus, 18-time Major Champion and Ohio native, and has been host to several PGA, LPGA, and Senior PGA tournaments.
The entry fee is $150 per individual golfer or $500 for a four-person team. The fees include greens fees, carts, coffee, donuts, lunch, and prizes. Individuals and/or organizations may also purchase hole sponsorship ($150), lunch-only tickets ($35), our VIP Package, which includes a four-person team plus hole sponsorship ($600). We also gratefully accept donated items for door prizes at this fun event!
The flyer attached to this email lists all relevant details, including directions and a registration form with payment information. Just fill it out and send it along with your check made payable to Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council to Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council, 1385 Tennessee Avenue, 2nd Floor, Cincinnati OH 45229 and you are done.
The Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council Annual Golf Tournament helps provide the Council with the resources it needs to strengthen the Labor movement and continue providing valuable resources and services to working families in the greater Cincinnati area.
On behalf of over one-hundred-plus union affiliates, our union members, and all working families, I thank you for your continued support. We look forward to seeing you Friday, August 6!
In Solidarity, U and I…
Peter McLinden, Esq.
Executive Secretary - Treasurer
Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council
513.421.1846 ext. 1 Office
513.417.9500 Cell
Registration for the 2021 AFL-CIO District Meeting Is Open
Registration for the six AFL-CIO District Meeting is now live, including the Great Lakes District meeting on June 3 and the Midwest District meeting on June 8.
Each of the 2021 District Meetings will be one-day sessions held virtually in May and June. The centerpiece of these meetings is the PRO Act, and the full agendas for each meeting are forthcoming.
We encourage leaders and staff from local unions, state and local federated bodies, and constituency groups to participate, so please feel free to share the registration links with anyone who may be interested.
To register for the Great Lakes District meeting, click here.
To register for the Midwest District meeting, click here.
Sen. Sherrod Brown: Working For Working People!
Senator Sherrod Brown Visits Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council
Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown recently dropped by Cincinnati Labor Council and met with a few Labor leaders for a chat. Pictured here are (back row let to right) Fred Lampe, President of GCB&CTC, Jim Sizemore, President, APWU Local 164, Senator Sherrod Brown, Rick Fischer, Business Manager, IBEW Local 212, Brian Griffin, Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council, Director, Communication & Technology (front row, left to right) Pete Harkins, Steward, APWU Local 164, Renita Jones-Street, Cincinnati Regional Director, AFSCME Ohio Council 8, Mary McLinden, Daughter of Pete McLinden, and Pete McLinden, Executive Secretary-Treasurer, Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council.

MAY 02, 2021 — by Camri Nelson — She was joined by Sen. Sherrod Brown and public transportation leaders. The roundtable discussion was centered around infrastructure and public transportation. “I think about good transit equals vibrant communities,” Harris said. “So, if we think about it in terms of an investment in public transit it is an investment in job creation. It is an... READ MORE

MAY 01, 2021 — by Kyle Shaner — Brown’s Build America, Buy America Act would implement Buy America rules across the board – ensuring that American taxpayer dollars are used to buy American-made iron, steel and manufactured products for any federally funded infrastructure projects. Brown introduced the bill with Sens. Rob Portman (R-OH), Gary Peters (D-MI) and Mike Braun (R-IN)... READ MORE

Freestore Foodbank Volunteer Availability
Hello Volunteer!

Freestore Foodbank Mayerson Distribution Center, 1250 Tennessee Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio 45229 has available volunteer shifts in the morning, from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and afternoon from 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.. We look forward to having you, or your team, come and help to pack Emergency Boxes, Senior boxes and Power Packs. Volunteer shifts accommodate up to 10 volunteers for the morning shift and up to 25 volunteers for the afternoon shift. Please click on the link below to view our available volunteer shift dates:

We look forward to scheduling a volunteer shift for you and/or your team!

Please contact me if you need more assistance.

Carolyn Frank

Freestore Foodbank COVID-19 Volunteer Guidelines
  • All volunteers will be given a  no-touch temp check upon arrival. 
  • Arrive 10 to 15 minutes before the start of the shift to allow for COVID-19 procedures.
  • Hand Washing Stations provided throughout our volunteer areas – Please wash your hands upon arrival. Hand washing should last at least 20 seconds under warm water.
  • Deep Cleaning – Freestore Foodbank staff are continuously doing deep cleanings at all of our volunteer locations.
  • Eliminating Handshakes and Hugs – Sorry. Elbow bumps are welcomed!
  • Social Distancing: accommodations are in place to allow volunteers to perform their duties with reasonable social distancing.
  • Providing Protective Gear – We have hand sanitizer located throughout our various facilities. We also have masks and gloves available for volunteers during their shift. (If volunteer has their own mask, please bring, we will have masks/gloves as needed.) Proper disposal of mask/gloves at the end of each shift.
  • Stay Healthy – If you are feeling under the weather we ask that you cancel your registration and come back and visit us when you feel better.
  • If you have been in contact with someone who has COVID-19 prior to 2 weeks of your volunteer event, you will not be allowed to volunteer.
  • All volunteers Must be registered before entering the building for a volunteer shift.
  • If you have been in contact with someone who has COVID-19 prior to 2 weeks of your volunteer event, you will not be allowed to volunteer.
May Webinar Info From Our Friends at RetireMEDiQ
Are You Approaching Retirement? 
Here’s What You need to Know About Medicare!

If you are approaching age 65 (or retirement past age 65), you likely have questions about how your health coverage will change once you retire. The Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council has partnered with RetireMEDiQ who offers health insurance resources to simplify your transition to Medicare.

To learn more about your eligibility, enrollment, and options with Medicare, we invite you to attend an educational webinar: Medicare 101: Understanding Medicare.

Please click the link to join us on Tuesday, May 11 at 6:00 PM for this informative webinar.

During this webinar, we will introduce the basics of Medicare and answer your questions directly. That way, you can start planning ahead as you look forward to retirement. Register today!

For Early Retirees

Retiring Before Age 65
What Are My Health Insurance Options?

Are you an Early Retiree -or would you like to be one?  Are you no longer on an Employer Group health plan, but not yet eligible for Medicare?

We know the value of getting simple answers to your health insurance questions. To lessen the confusion around pre- Medicare health insurance, the Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council and RetireMEDiQ have partnered to communicate the latest options for Early Retirees.

If you’d like to learn more about your health care options, we invite you to attend our upcoming webinar: Retiring Before Age 65 – Your Health coverage Options.

Please click the link to join us on Tuesday May 25 at 12:00 Noon for this informative webinar.

This webinar will provide a resource for reviewing your COBRA, ACA Marketplace and other Early Retiree Health insurance options. 
Global Confirmed ─ 155,314,752

Global Deaths ─ 3,244,926

U.S. Confirmed ─ 32,558,384

U.S. Deaths ─ 579,282

Global Map        U.S. Map
Ohio COVID-19 Dashboard

ODH is making COVID-19 data available for public review while also protecting patient privacy.

The State of Ohio COVID-19 Dashboard displays the most recent preliminary data reported to the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) about cases, hospitalizations and deaths in Ohio by selected demographics and county of residence. Data for cases and hospitalizations is reported to ODH via the Ohio Disease Reporting System (ODRS), and verified mortality data is reported via the Electronic Death Registration System (EDRS).

Note: A full screen option for this dashboard can be found on the lower right corner. To exit full screen mode press the 'Esc' key.
Hamilton County
Clermont County
Brown County
Butler County
Warren County
Other News For and About Working Americans: