Labor Council

Friday, April 16 2021
April 26 - May 2, 2021
73% of Voters Support Collective Bargaining
In the latest Politico/Morning Consult poll, 73% of voters said they support employees’ right to collectively bargain.
This shows there’s support across the country and across party lines. So why aren’t more senators supporting the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act?
Elected officials are sent to Washington, D.C., to be the voice of their constituents. Let’s make sure they’re actually voting for the legislation we need. Call your senators and tell them to vote YES on the PRO Act.

Taking action is especially important as the anti-worker smear campaign ramps up.
We just found out that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce paid for fake “interview” segments on local news stations, thereby spreading misinformation about the PRO Act.
The senators in some of these states where the segments are running are still undecided on whether to support the PRO Act. So we need to keep the pressure on.
Call your senators (or you can write a letter) and tell them to pass the PRO Act.
In Solidarity,
Amazon workers in Bessemer Made History!
Amazon workers in Bessemer, Alabama, made history. They organized, fought for a voice in their workplace and elevated unions to the national stage. That is a win.
Their fight showed that people support unions across the country and across party lines. More than three-fourths of Americans supported their organizing drive. That is a win.
We won’t lie, this isn’t the outcome we wanted. But we know that our future fights will build on the courage of these workers and the RWDSU-UFCW.
And let’s be clear: Amazon union-busted. Amazon blatantly intimidated and threatened workers without facing consequences.
Every week, we heard appalling stories of Amazon’s tactics. Here’s a noncomprehensive list of the company’s union-busting tactics, with a fuller list here:

  • Posted anti-union flyers and banners throughout the facility—even in bathroom stalls.
  • Required weekly meetings to show anti-union propaganda.
  • Shamed and documented any worker who spoke up or countered propaganda.
  • Implied it wouldn’t bargain in good faith.
  • Tried to force an in-person election during a pandemic.

If you think this shouldn’t be allowed: You’re right. If you think Amazon shouldn’t be able to threaten people to stop a union drive: You’re right. If you think we need to make sure corporations can’t do this again: You’re right.
If you’re angry that Amazon did this without facing consequences, we have an action for you. Under the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act, Amazon wouldn’t have been able to do this. Call your senators and tell them to vote YES on the PRO Act.

The PRO Act passed in the House with bipartisan support. President Biden has urged Congress to send it to his desk. Before that can happen, we have to pass it through the Senate.
The PRO Act would change the power dynamics in America for generations. Working people would be protected when we try to organize and corporations would be held accountable for union-busting.
Thank you for paving the way, Bessemer.
In Solidarity,
A Fair Shot—How the PRO Act Would’ve Changed the Amazon Organizing Landscape
Heroic Amazon workers in Bessemer, Alabama, came together to claim their right to form a union, but antiquated federal labor law and a virulently anti-union company stood in their way. We all benefit from broad and accessible union membership. Organizing a union should not be a trial by combat. The Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act will make it easier for working people to organize if we so choose. 

Here’s how the campaign unfolded in Bessemer, Alabama, and how it would be different under the PRO Act.
Tell Your Senators to Pass the PRO Act and Stand Up for Workers Rights!
In early March, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Protecting the Right to Organize Act, or PRO Act, with bipartisan support. Now, we are calling on the Senate to stand up for working Americans and pass the PRO Act.

The PRO Act is the most significant piece of legislation for empowering workers since the National Labor Relations Act of 1935 (NLRA) and among the highest and longest held priorities for the U.S. labor movement. In the time since the NLRA’s enactment, workers have endured an ongoing assault on their rights to organize a union in their workplace. The PRO Act levels the playing field between workers who want to form unions and employers who exploit weaknesses in the current law to frustrate union organizing drives and interfere with workers’ legal rights to organize and bargain collectively.

President Biden has repeatedly stated his strong support and intention of signing the PRO Act and urged Congress to pass it and send the legislation to his desk. The Senate bill, S.420, is sponsored by Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA), Chair of the Health, Employment, Labor, and Pension Committee. With 45 cosponsors (including sponsor Sen. Murray), it is incumbent upon supporters of the PRO Act to request Senators to cosponsor and commit to voting for the bill and also talk to their Senate colleagues to do the same. See if your Senators are cosponsoring the PRO Act here.

During the week of April 26, supporters will join the AFL-CIO and other unions, allies, and community partners for the PRO Act Week of Action. We ask you to call your Senators and urge them to Pass the PRO Act! Throughout the month IFPTE will be advocating for Senate passage and join in the PRO ACT Week of Action on April 26th.

TELL YOUR SENATORS TO VOTE YES ON THE PRO ACTCall your Senators here or dial 866-832-1560.
"Just the facts, ma'am."
Everything You Need To Know About The PRO Act
Civil Rights, Labor History, and Your Rights!
Dear Sisters, Brothers, and Friends,

We are so excited to announce the last of four free webinars we are hosting to educate and inspire diverse working people and the movements that support them across Central Ohio. 

We hope to "see" you there.
When: Monday April 26th at 6:30 PM ET
Where: Online via Zoom and Facebook Live
What: Join COWC and community panelists for a webinar on the connections between the child labor reform, union, and civil rights movements. Hear from our experts and participate in a question and answer session about the issues most relevant to you!
Panelists include Petee Talley, former Secretary-Treasurer of the Ohio AFL-CIO, Jocelyn Woodards, Popular Education Coordinator at national AFL-CIO, Andrea Canini, Field Coordinator for Ohio Federation of Teachers, and Gavin Strassel, archivist for the UAW/Walter Reuther collection at Wayne State University’s library.
(Samantha Trueblood is Senior Field Representative, AFL-CIO -
Working For Working People!
Senator Sherrod Brown takes to the floor on Amazon's union-busting tactics and why we need to pass the PRO Act.
IBEW Local 212 Back to Regular Meetings! 
Our Local started regular meetings Tuesday April 6th. The last time we met was the first week in November. There was alot on the agenda. Business Manager Fischer gave a Manpower report, Eboard caught us up on their meeting minutes and we heard from committee chairs as well. 

Training Director Charlie Kenser from the JATC also addressed the body concerning upcoming electrical vehicle infrastructure training program or EVITP. This certification could prove key to be involved with President Biden's Build Back Better plan. 

We also heard reports on our various funds which will help make decisions on our upcoming raise allocation. Its important to hear this info in advance, but it will be repeated at the May 4th meeting. 

More important dates: 
  •  212 Softball season starts April 19th. K of C Fields , 3144 Blue Rock road
  •  Blood drive / Tye Dye shirt sale with the Women's committee at the JATC June 5th. 
  •  Booth at the Dearborn County fair. Volunteers needed June 21-27 contact Joe Bulach

Congratulations to the class of 2021!

John Akers, Jonathan Andres, Trey Atwood, Nicholas Belfiore, Garrett Bradley, David Brock, Bradlee Bruns, Zach Clark, Brian Clay, Dalton Craig, Joshua Daffron, Colton Downs, Tim Ell, Niko Ferrarelli, Dylan Foley, Nathaniel Gries, Ryan Harrison, Daniel Hildebrant, Andrew Hogue, Joseph Hollstegge, Eric Janzen, Henry Johnson, Kendra Justis, Pierce Kain, Mark Keller, Joseph Kraus, James Krauser, Maxwell Lappin, Jacob Lauch, Kactus Lewis, Brandon Lillie, David Lott, John McComas, Eric McCrossin, Tyler Milam, Juan Montoya, Shane Naegele, Sean Ortman-Tomlin, Russell Owens, Ramses Piper, Matthew Pittman, Cody Riggs, Phil Senters, Jacob Wesley. 

Phil Bovard P.S.

(Phil Bovard is a proud member and an Executive Board Member of IBEW Local 212 and a Delegate to Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council -
Join LISC for a Discussion on the Basics of Affordable Housing!
Please join us for an upcoming discussion with local experts in affordable housing to review the basics of determining housing affordability, fair housing practices and the current resources available for development.
Housing Our Future: Affordable Housing Basics

As a housing strategy for Cincinnati and Hamilton County, Housing Our Future recommends a variety of policies, programs and initiatives to produce and preserve affordable housing, protect vulnerable residents from housing insecurity and implement systems changes to increase housing affordability. In this webinar session, panelists will provide context on housing affordability in Cincinnati and Hamilton County by revisiting an understanding of the current housing need, reviewing resources available to develop affordable housing and discussing the lasting effects of systemic racism in housing. 

Panelists include: Liz Blume, Executive Director, Community Building Institute - Jeniece Jones, Executive Director, Housing Opportunities Made Equal - Bobby Maly, CEO/Principal, Model Group - Robert Killins, Jr., Director, Special Initiatives, Greater Cincinnati Foundation

(Virtual (webex) - Registration required)
Issue Three Action Opportunities!
Freestore Foodbank: Virtual Hunger Walk Volunteer Opportunity
Greetings Freestore Foodbank Volunteers!

We hope this email finds you doing well and staying healthy!
We have a brand new virtual volunteer opportunity that may be of interest to you! This year, our 18th Annual Hunger Walk 5K Run will be virtual and we need your help to get the word out. 

What is Hunger Walk and How Does it Contribute to the Community:

Since its inception in 2004, the Hunger Walk and 5K Run has raised more than $2,000,000.00, the equivalent of 6,000,000 meals, for Freestore Foodbank community partners serving 20 counties in Greater Cincinnati, Northern Kentucky and Southeast Indiana. With each step you are taking you are directly impacting lives of those in our community.

Your participation will help support the Freestore Foodbank's network of 540 partner food pantries, soup kitchens, shelters and community centers. Through this network, we are able to provide 37.7 million meals each year to hungry children and families in 20 counties in Southwest Ohio, Southeast Indiana and Northern Kentucky. One step a time, one dollar at a time, together we can solve hunger.

Here's the scope:

  • Since we cannot have a physical event we'd like volunteers to help by sharing awareness about the event on their social media platform(s).
  • Create a post at least once per week (video or text content).
  • Then sponsor a local pantry that is part of the FSFB's network during the campaign. In order to sponsor a pantry, the volunteer will create a team of up to 15 members, these members will register to walk/run during the campaign. Fees: $20 per registration or $25 to receive a t-shirt. 
  • The timeframe will be from Monday, 4/26 - Wednesday, June 30th. The biggest focus will be during the main event on Memorial Day, Monday, May 31st (We'd like to see a lot of posts on this day).
  • Volunteers can earn up to 35 hours of community service for this event!

How To Get Started:

  • Contact me via email or phone (513) 482-7557 if you're interested in this virtual volunteer opportunity.
  • I will send you a packet and schedule a meeting with you to review the packet (if needed). 
  • Once you've received your packet you can begin.

Let me know if you have additional questions.

Thank you in advance for your consideration!

(Tawanda Rollins is Manager of Customer Connection Center Volunteer Operations at Freestore FoodBank -

Freestore Foodbank
1141 Central Parkway
Cincinnati, OH 45202
What a great night with MUSE!

Thank you for joining us for Still I Rise!
Monday's event, Still I Rise, was fantastic, filled with great conversations with the MUSE Founding Mothers along with past and current directors. Thank you to everyone who was able to join us for this incredible evening of music and inspiration. Please share our wonderful program with your friends and family! We appreciate your support.
Cincinnati Women's Political Caucus 2021 Outstanding Achievement Awards Reception
Dear Members & Friends:
It is a new year. Last year we won some important races in Hamilton County, but the war on women is still on, nowhere as strongly as here in Ohio. Cincinnati Women’s Political Caucus and its members continue to work hard to get pro-choice, progressive women elected at all levels of government. In order to accomplish that, CWPC raises money to support our candidates. Our Thirty Fifth Annual Outstanding Achievement Awards Reception, the proceeds of which go to our endorsed candidates, will be held this year virtually on Tuesday, May 25, 2021 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. via ZOOM. At this event we honor extraordinary women who, through their life’s work and efforts, have contributed to the advancement of women’s rights and to the furtherance of the growth of the community. 
There are several ways to contribute. You can buy a ticket for $50, be a Donor for $100a Sponsor for $150.00, a Patron for $250.00, a Benefactor for $500.00, or an Underwriter for $1,000.00 and above. A gift in any category above ticket only includes your name in the program. You can send a check payable to CWPC-PAC to Barbara Myers, 2392 Dana Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45208. The attached form has all the information re contributions.  Please make sure you include your email so that the Zoom link can be sent to you. That link will be sent to all who register shortly before the event. Or you can register and pay through Eventbrite. The link to register is included below:
Since you are donating to a PAC, by law we are required to disclose the names of donors and the value of their donations in our financial filing statement. Corporate donations/checks are prohibited. 
We look forward to seeing you on Zoom on May 25th. Your support of and contribution to CWPC is vital and much appreciated.
Barbara K. Myers, Chair
Important Information for Retirees from RetireMEDiQ
For Workers Coming off Employer Coverage
Follow this list of steps, created by your local advisors in Medicare—whether you are retiring, switching to Medicare, or seeking out other coverage options. Read what you need to know on our blog.

Employers: Is Individual Health Insurance Right for Your Retirees?
If your employees plan to retire before age 65 (that is, before they are eligible for Medicare), enrolling in an individual health insurance plan could bridge the gap. Do you have workers who have been recently furloughed or lost their spousal coverage? Individual insurance may also be right for them.

April Medicare Must-Knows
We want you to stay informed about the latest in the Medicare industry. This month, we recap COVID-19 vaccinations, changes to nursing home visits, and more
Global Confirmed - 138,489,227

Global Deaths - 2,976,972

U.S. Confirmed - 31,439,683

U.S. Deaths - 564,557

Global Map        U.S. Map

Ohio COVID-19 Dashboard

ODH is making COVID-19 data available for public review while also protecting patient privacy.

The State of Ohio COVID-19 Dashboard displays the most recent preliminary data reported to the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) about cases, hospitalizations and deaths in Ohio by selected demographics and county of residence. Data for cases and hospitalizations is reported to ODH via the Ohio Disease Reporting System (ODRS), and verified mortality data is reported via the Electronic Death Registration System (EDRS).

Hamilton County
Clermont County
Brown County
Butler County
Warren County
Other News For and About Working Americans: