Labor Council
Friday, February 26, 2021
The labor movement continues to lead the response to the COVID-19 pandemic and to fight for economic opportunity and social justice for America’s workers.
AFL-CIO Mourns the Death of 500,000 Americans from COVID-19

The United States reached a tragic milestone this week in our fight against COVID-19: More than half a million Americans have succumbed to the coronavirus. Many of those lost were our union brothers, sisters and friends. The AFL-CIO mourns their passing, and in their memory, we will fight every day to overcome this pandemic.
Statement from President Richard Trumka

We passed a tragic milestone Monday with half a million Americans lost to COVID-19. So many of them our sisters, brothers and friends. But as we mourn, we must harden our resolve. We’re America’s labor movement. We’re at our best during difficult times like these. Our communities across the country are relying on us to do our part to keep our country going and defeat the coronavirus. We won’t let them down.
Watch & Listen!
Thursday morning, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka (UMWA) joined CNN International to discuss the COVID-19 relief package, the power of unions and the importance of passing the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act.
Earlier this week, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka (UMWA) joined MSNBC to discuss President Biden’s first 100 days and why we need to update and increase the federal minimum wage.
AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka (UMWA) joined Bloomberg Radio today to discuss how important it is to rebuild our infrastructure with good-paying union jobs and how that will benefit our communities.
Across America, Workers Hold Day of Action to Save Union Jobs
Braving bitter cold temperatures across the country, hundreds of union members, environmental activists and community groups turned out for a national day of action on to raise awareness of the IUE-CWA’s campaign to save union jobs at the GE-Savant lighting plant in Bucyrus, Ohio, and help the environment. According to IUE-CWA, GE-Savant intends to transfer its LED lightbulb product line to China, permanently laying off more than 80 workers, possibly closing the plant. “People are saying that if these jobs go, then it’s only a matter of time before the plant closes,” IUE-CWA Local 81201 President Adam Kaszynski told The Daily Item. “The hypocrisy of the situation is glaring because they’re going to have to send these back from China to sell them in the United States, increasing the carbon footprint. Walmart certainly has the power to demand that these lightbulbs are manufactured in Bucyrus.” Kaszynski led rallies with the North Shore Labor Council at Walmart stores in Lynn and Salem, Massachusetts.
American Federation of Teachers (AFT) President Randi Weingarten On Reopening Schools
American Federation of Teachers (AFT) President Randi Weingarten appeared Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” She began by debunking the myth that teachers unions don’t want their members to go back to the classroom. “Teachers know that in-person education is really important. Eighty-five percent of my membership have said that they would be comfortable being in school if they had the testing, layered mitigation and vaccine prioritization.” She added: “If the NFL could figure out how to do this in terms of testing and the protocols, if schools are that important, let's do it. My members want it. They just want to be safe.”
The Ohio AFL-CIO Legislative Agenda!
The Ohio AFL CIO has released its legislative agenda for the 2021-2022 calendar year. The Agenda focuses on: the Pandemic, Worker safety, Jobs, Racial justice, Education equity, Tax Fairness and fair districting. Many of these priorities impact a not just our membership but all Ohio citizens. These key issues will be the guide this year as we fight for Labor and working people across the state. With the collaboration with our CLC’s and Local unions, we can be a positive force that can pass effective legislation and give security to all Ohioans.
The Ohio AFL-CIO is waiting on an infrastructure Bill to be announced from the Federal Level, Pres. Biden has vowed to push for a revitalization of Americas infrastructure with backing from the House and Senate. There will be a bill in the near future and will be shared with our CLC and members when available.

IUE-CWA Walmart Action:
This past Saturday the Cincinnati AFL-CIO held a 2 location action in support of the GE-Savant light bulb plant in Bucyrus Ohio. The Actions have garner national attention from the National AFL-CIO and even the Wal-Mart Cooperation. Actions containing to go on around the nation every Saturday from 12-1pm. The Next Walmart Action in Cincinnati will be March 6th (details TBD)
COVID Relief:
The COVID relief bill will be introduced on the House floor within the next week, After a passing vote the Bill will be sent to the Senate for a final vote. As we’ve seen in in the recent past the vote may fall by party lines. The COVID relief bill will cover minimum wage, stimulus checks and the PRO Act.
Pro Act Summary: 
The pro Act (H.R. 842) has recently been introduced by the 117th congress. The bill currently has 200 co-sponsors in the House of Representatives and has been referred to the Education & labor committee for further review. The resolution would still need to pass the Senate without a filibuster or possibly vote by party lines with Vice President Harris as the tiebreaker. President Biden has express support for the PRO Act as apart of his “Build Back better” plan and his support for Labor. The Passage of the Pro Act would strengthen unions, penalize employers for violating labor laws and eliminate ALL Right to Work laws. Pro Act will be introduced to senate around March 8thPlease review and participate in our Pro Act Campaign Actions! 
PRO Act Actions 
Call In: We are mobilizing and organizing members to participate in the Pro- Act campaign by calling in our Legislators and Urging them to Support the Pro-Act. Please Call your Legislator and urge them to PASS THE PRO ACT.                
 To Participate,  Please Call 866-832-1560 and tell Congress to PASS THE PRO ACT! 
Letter to the Editor (LTE): We are mobilizing and organizing members to participate in the Pro- Act campaign by submitting Letters to the Editors to local Newspapers across the State. If interested please see attached file for Letter templates! 
PRO Act Informational meetings: We are mobilizing and organizing members through education. If you would like to organize a PRO Act Informational or want a short Pro Act presentation at your next Local union meeting, Please Contact me to set up the event.
Follow the Bill: If you are interested in following the PRO Act (HR 842) through Congress, Please Click the link! 
So, What's in the "Workers First" Agenda?
Ohio AFL-CIO Mobilizing in Support of Workers First Agenda
Working people across the United States have stepped up to help out our friends, neighbors and communities during these trying times. In our regular Service + Solidarity Spotlight series, we’ll showcase one of these stories every day. Here’s today’s story.

The Ohio AFL-CIO has begun immediately mobilizing to make sure the Workers First Agenda is at the forefront of the first 100 days of the Biden administration as the state federation rolls out its legislative platform for 2021. It has coordinated with Sen. Sherrod Brown to do a series of virtual town halls with his staff in the state. These town halls give front-line workers a chance to provide direct input to Brown about what Ohio's working people, their families and their communities need to be successful. Workers in these forums have demanded immediate additional COVID relief that supports workers, investment in our communities through massive investment in infrastructure, and the right to organize through the immediate passage of the PRO Act. By the time these forums are finished, Brown’s office will have direct input from workers in all of our major industries, and from Ohio communities large and small, rural and urban, and everywhere in between.
President Biden – Strengthening Registered Apprenticeship Programs, Protecting Union Jobs And Workers
Due in large part to the hard work of North America’s Building Trades Unions and other unions, registered apprenticeships have been a reliable pathway to the middle class for decades – including for workers who don’t go to college – by training workers for good jobs and allowing them to earn while they learn. A Mathematica study shows workers can earn $240,000 more over the course of their lifetime – $300,000 when including benefits – by participating in these programs. Registered apprenticeships are especially important as we recover from the pandemic, allowing workers who have lost their jobs or young people who are entering a weak job market to train for the jobs of the future while earning a decent income.
To this end, President Biden took the bold step to end the Trump-era program by reversing industry recognized apprenticeship programs (IRAPs), which threaten to undermine registered apprenticeship programs. Industry-recognized apprenticeship programs have fewer quality standards than registered apprenticeship programs – for example, they fail to require the wage progression that reflects increasing apprentice skills and they lack the standardized training rigor that ensures employers know they are hiring a worker with high-quality training.
In an Executive Order, President Biden rescinded Donald Trump's Executive Order 13801, which spurred the creation of these programs. He is also asking DOL to consider new rulemaking to reverse these programs and to immediately slow support for industry recognized apprenticeship programs by pausing approval of new Standards Recognition Entities and ending new funding for existing Standards Recognition Entities.
IUE-CWA Walmart Action
Paul Breidenbach (SEIU Local 1) and Julien Johnson (Ohio AFL-CIO) brave the cold of a Southwest Ohio February afternoon at the recent IUE-CWA Walmart action at the Walmart on Smiley Avenue in Cincinnati, OH.
Dan Berger (DSA) and Paul Breidenbach (SEIU L1) chatting with Walmart Shoppers about the Outsourcing of GE-Savant jobs. (Walmart on Smiley Avenue in Cincinnati, OH)
Lee Larkins (IUE-CWA), (IUE-CWA) and DSA activists in the fight with labor. These activists took a group picture before leafletting at the Colerain Avenue Walmart. 
Fred Lampe (Greater Cincinnati Building Trades) Holding a sign and passing out flyers near the employee entrance to educate Walmart workers about GE-Savant being outsourcing. (Walmart on Smiley Avenue in Cincinnati, OH)
"Working for a Living" Weekly News Update thanks Phil Bovard (IBEW Local 212) for these images.
Pro Act Summary: The pro Act (H.R. 842) has recently been introduced by the 117th congress. The bill currently has 200 cosponsors in the House of Representatives and has been referred to the Education & labor committee for further review. The resolution would still need to pass the Senate without a filibuster or possibly vote by party lines and Vice President Harris as the tie breaker. President Biden has express support for the PRO Act as apart of his “Build Back better” plan and his support for Labor. The Passage of the Pro Act would strengthen unions, penalize employers for violating labor laws and eliminate ALL Right to Work laws. Please participate in our Pro Act Campaign Actions.

For additional information please refer to the Language from Education and Labor Committee HERE  or Follow the Pro act in Congress HERE.
 Sen. Sherrod Brown
Working for Working People
FEBRUARY 25, 2021– Brown Reintroduces Legislation to Prevent Seizure of Patients’ Bank Accounts, Wages During Covid-19 Pandemic – WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) reintroduced the COVID-19 Medical Debt Collection Relief Act, legislation to prevent healthcare providers from taking drastic steps to collect medical debts from patients – including seizing bank accounts and garnishing wages – during the COVID-19 pandemic. “Ohioans... READ MORE

FEBRUARY 25, 2021– Brown: It is Time to Invest in Workers and Main Street – WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) –Chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs – delivered the following opening statement at today’s hearing entitled “The Coronavirus Crisis: Next Steps for Rebuilding Main Street. Sen. Brown’s remarks, as prepared for delivery, follow: One of the most important things... READ MORE

FEBRUARY 24, 2021– Brown, Gillibrand, Van Hollen, Jones Introduce Bicameral Legislation to Expand Community Schools, Support Students, Families & Communities – WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Sens. Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), and Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) reintroduced The Full-Service Community School Expansion Act, a comprehensive bill to assist schools and districts in bringing in wraparound supports - including medical, mental, and nutrition health services, mentoring and youth development... READ MORE

FEBRUARY 24, 2021 – Sens. Menendez, Brown Introduce Housing Counseling Bill to Support Homeowners, Renters Struggling to Stay in Homes Amid Continuing COVID-19 Crisis and Economic Fallout – WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Bob Menendez (D- N.J.), senior member of the Banking Committee, and Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), Chairman of the Banking Committee, today introduced legislation to expand access to housing counseling and assistance services for millions of families still struggling to remain in their homes because of the economic crisis... READ MORE

FEBRUARY 23, 2021– Brown, Portman, Ryan and Joyce Reintroduce Bipartisan Legislation to Extend Funding for Ohio & Erie Canalway National Heritage Area – WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sens. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Rob Portman (R-OH) have reintroduced their bipartisan legislation to increase investment in the Ohio & Erie Canalway National Heritage Area by extending funding reauthorization 15 years, to 2036, and increasing the funding cap by $10 million. The Ohio & Erie Canalway National Heritage Area... READ MORE

FEBRUARY 23, 2021– Brown Writes to Walmart, Urges Company to Get Involved in Push to Save Bucyrus Lighting Jobs at Ge-Savant – WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) wrote to Walmart leadership, asking the company to get involved in local efforts to save high-efficiency lighting jobs at the GE-Savant plant in Bucyrus. In his letter, Brown outlines the company’s previous commitments to purchase Bucyrus-made LED light bulbs from GE-Savant and asks about... READ MORE
AFL-CIO Celebrates Black History Month
This February, the labor movement celebrates Black History Month and everything that our Black sisters, brothers and friends have contributed to our country. And as we celebrate Black achievements, Black aspirations and Black lives, we know that there is more work to be done. In the past year, we have continued to witness attacks on Black people from a system that was designed to perpetuate white supremacy. Indeed, “right to work” laws are one of the last vestiges of Jim Crow. Attacks on voting rights continue as well. In our best hours, the labor movement has welcomed into our family people of all backgrounds and races while standing shoulder to shoulder with our Black allies fighting for equality. We honor this year’s Black History Month by recommitting ourselves to the cause of racial justice.
Remembering Rep. Elijah Cummings
Throughout his more than two decades in Congress, Rep. Elijah Cummings was a champion for social justice and economic opportunity. He was first elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1996 by his constituents in portions of Baltimore and the surrounding areas. Cummings rose through the House ranks to become chair of the House Oversight and Reform Committee. He used his fiery and passionate voice to advocate on behalf of people of color and inner-city communities across the country. He passed away in 2019. Click here to read more about Rep. Elijah Cummings.
Honoring Myrlie Evers-Williams
Myrlie Evers-Williams turned her grief into action. Her husband, Medgar Evers, was assassinated in 1963 because of his steadfast leadership in the fight to end segregation in America. His murder caused an outpouring of grief across the country, and Evers-Williams’ strength in the face of tragedy is what has made her a national figure of dignity. She redoubled her civil rights efforts and became a leader of the movement in her own right. Evers-Williams served for a time as chair of the NAACP, helping to improve the organization’s financial footing. Click here to read more about the life of Myrlie Evers-Williams.
Remembering Julian Bond
Julian Bond’s aptitude and quick wit helped him become a central figure of the civil rights movement, starting in the 1960s as a leader of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. Later, he co-founded the Southern Poverty Law Center. Bond served for decades as a member of the Georgia General Assembly, where he was initially shunned by his White counterparts due to his opposition to the Vietnam War. In the 1980s, he lost a bitterly fought primary against fellow civil rights icon John Lewis. Bond once said, “The civil rights movement didn’t begin in Montgomery [Alabama] and it didn’t end in the 1960s. It continues on to this very minute.” For 11 years, he served as chairman of the NAACP. He died in 2015. Click here to read more about Julian Bond.
Honoring Kweisi Mifume
Rep. Kweisi Mfume has fought for the advancement of people of color throughout his long and dedicated career. He currently serves in the House of Representatives, representing half of the city of Baltimore and surrounding areas. This is Mfume’s second stint in Congress, having served previously for 10 years starting in 1986. During that time, he chaired the Congressional Black Caucus and co-authored groundbreaking civil rights legislation. Mfume left Congress in 1996 to become president and CEO of the NAACP. He went on to lead the National Medical Association, an organization representing some 50,000 African American physicians and their patients. In 2020, Mfume was re-elected to his congressional district seat in the Baltimore area. Click here to read more about Rep. Kweisi Mfume.
Remembering Fannie Lou Hamer
Fannie Lou Hamer, the daughter of sharecroppers, rose from an impoverished childhood to become one of the most passionate and eloquent voices for racial justice in the 20th century. In 1964, she co-founded the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party to challenge the local Democratic Party’s segregationist platform. That summer, she delivered a famous speech before the Democratic National Convention’s Credentials Committee, arguing that she and other Black members of the party should be given a voice and a vote at their convention. Hamer went on to refocus her efforts on economic justice, founding the community-based Freedom Farm CooperativeClick here to read more about Fannie Lou Hamer.
Top 10 Ways to Celebrate Black History Month with CHPL - See NOW
USW Says "Tell Congress to pass the PRO Act!"
Tell Congress to Pass the PRO Act!

A lot has happened since you received our ActionCall on January 25, when we were happy to report that the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act would again be introduced in Congress. Because of your hard work, on February 4, the PRO Act was introduced into both the House and the Senate. In the House, 195 Representatives signed on as original cosponsors, and since then, 14 more have joined them. In the Senate, the bill had 41 original cosponsors. That list is growing too. We can’t stop now!

We know that the PRO Act is the most transformative, worker-centric piece of legislation since the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA). It promotes organizing and collective bargaining while at the same time establishes strong and swift penalties for companies who break the law.

The PRO Act would also eliminate so-called right to work laws which have proven time and time again to be wrong for all working people. Right now, our union and our allies are in battles in New Hampshire, Montana, Missouri, and Tennessee regarding right to work. Instead of focusing on legislative action to help working people, these states are choosing to focus on weakening workers’ rights. It’s just one of\
the reasons we need to ensure the PRO Act is passed.

The PRO Act’s elimination of right to work would level a playing field for unions and increase our ability to organize and fight for our members. It would ensure that everyone who receives the wages and benefits provided in a collective bargaining agreement contributes to the cost of negotiating it. Local unions would finally be free of the financial burden of representing freeloaders; everyone would would pay their fair share!
We Need Continued Action!

Click HERE to send an email to your legislators to ask them to support the PRO Act or thank them for cosponsoring the bill.
Call your legislators offices! Ask them where they stand on the PRO Act and either thank them or ask them for their support. 
To call your Representative dial 866-202-5409.
To call your Senators dial 877-607-0785, make sure to call twice.
Click HERE for a printable version to distribute in your workplace.
(412) 562-2291
Register this weekend for the 56th Annual Selma Bridge Crossing Jubilee Activities
Dear colleagues,

The historic 56th Annual Selma Bridge Crossing Jubilee has released its official schedule of activities for the virtual event taking place March 5-7, 2021. While the event typically takes place in Selma, Alabama, all of this year’s activities will be broadcast virtually, making it a truly global event that will be seen around the world. The star-studded lineup is a fitting way to share the commemoration of equity and justice with the world.

“When planning the schedule of activities for the 56th Annual Selma Bridge Crossing Jubilee, we knew we wanted to have activities that could be enjoyed virtually,” explained Drew Glover, Principal Coordinator of the event. “We also knew that we’d have a bigger audience than ever before, from all parts of the world, so that’s why we made sure we have the variety of activities that we do. We have music, speeches, photography, panels, films and of course, the actual bridge crossing. No matter who you are, there’s an activity here that will help you celebrate the important history behind the Selma Bridge Crossing Jubilee.”

The event kicks off on Friday, March 5 with the following activities:
• 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.: Children’s Sojourn
• 6:30 – 7 p.m.: Mass Meeting
• 7 – 9 p.m.: Freedom Flame Awards

Saturday, March 6 is the main day of the event, featuring the following performances:
• 9:45 – 10:05 a.m.: 15-Minute Countdown + Welcome
• 10:05 – 11:50 a.m.: Foot Soldier’s Breakfast
• 11:50 a.m. – 1 p.m.: Step Show/Battle of the Bands
• 1:00 – 2:55 p.m.: Black Music Experience and Screening of John Lewis
• 2:55 – 3:00 p.m.: Regina Belle Performance
• 3:00 – 4:00 p.m.: Legacy Panel
• 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.: Virtual Music Festival

Additionally on Saturday, there will be the following breakout room events:
• 11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m./1:30 – 3:00 p.m.: Symposium for Social Change
• 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m./1:30 – 3:00 p.m./3:30 – 5:00 p.m.: Film Festival
• All Day: Storytelling
• All Day: Jim Gavenus Photography Event

The event wraps up on Sunday, March 7 with the virtual bridge crossing:
• 1:00 – 2:00 p.m.: Pre-March Rally + Speeches
• 2:00 – 2:30 p.m.: Virtual Bridge Crossing
• 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.: Gospel Concert
• 5:00 p.m.: Closing

Selma Bridge Crossing Jubilee activities are educational, inspirational and entertaining for people of all ages. Pre-register for free at Help finance the Jubilee’s global reach by donating at Email Drew Glover at for media inquiries, advertising and sponsorship information.
Pride At Work: Unions Support the Equality Act
In June, unions joined the celebration when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that LGBTQ people cannot be fired for their sexual orientation or gender identity due to the protections against discrimination on the basis of sex found in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The Equality Act (H.R. 5) takes those protections confirmed by the Supreme Court and applies the same standard to other places where LGBTQ people face discrimination in their daily lives. With the reintroduction of the Equality Act (H.R. 5) in the U.S. House of Representatives, the legislation is drawing more support than ever from the labor movement. According to Pride At Work, nearly 95% of all union members belong to a union that supports the Equality Act and the number continues to grow.
Faith Community Alliance (FCA)
Moral Monday- Fair Districts?
Monday, March 1, 2021 10:00 AM
This year, after census data has been shared, it will be crucial for Ohioans to understand the process of redrawing district lines and how those lines affect us.

What is Redistricting?
Why does it matter to Ohioans?
What are the new Rules?
What is the timeline for a new map?
What do we know about Hamilton County?
How can you help ensure that Ohio gets a fair map?

Presented by:

Mia Lewis: Common Cause & Fair Districts
Jean Henderson: Fair Districts & LWV Cincinnati

FCA Moral Monday --Fair Districts
Mon, Mar 1, 2021 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM (EST)

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (786) 535-3211

Access Code:638-390-389

New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:
Ohio Department of Health COVID-19 Update - Feb. 22, 2021
COVID-19 Update: Nursing Home Visitation, Progression of Vaccine Eligibility

(COLUMBUS, Ohio)—Ohio Governor Mike DeWine and Lt. Governor Jon Husted today provided the following updates on Ohio's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Due to last week's winter weather, the delivery of some Pfizer vaccines and all Moderna vaccines were delayed. Some providers used second doses that they had already received to avoid clinic cancelations. Those second doses will be backfilled with the shipments they receive this week.

Additional delayed shipments of Pfizer and Moderna will arrive between today and Wednesday.

For providers who canceled appointments last week, Governor DeWine is urging them to expand their appointment schedules to include evening and weekend hours to catch up.

The number of new COVID-19 cases in Ohio's nursing homes has dropped significantly to 343 new cases last week compared to the peak of 2,832 new cases in December.

As the number of nursing-home cases continues to drop due to vaccinations in long-term facilities, Governor DeWine today reminded nursing home staff and families of nursing home residents about the status of visitation in Ohio's nursing homes. Visitation is permitted at nursing homes in Ohio if the facilities meet the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) criteria to allow visits:
  • No new onset of COVID-19 cases in the last 14 days;
  • The facility is not currently conducting outbreak testing; and
  • CMS reports the COVID-19 county positivity rate at less than 10 percent.

Compassionate care visits, which are special visits in which a family member or other visitor provides comfort, support, and assistance to a resident whose well-being is suffering or at risk, are always permitted regardless of the criteria above.

Governor DeWine sent a letter today to all nursing homes in Ohio reminding them to check their county positivity rate every week to determine their visitation status and to remind them to allow for compassionate care visits. 

Ohio’s nursing home facilities are required to report their visitation status to Ohio's Long-Term Care Visitation Dashboard.

If you have a loved one in need of a compassionate care visit but are having trouble scheduling a visit, contact Ohio's Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman at or 1-800-282-1206.

Governor DeWine provided information on the progression of vaccine eligibility in Ohio. Because those ages 65 and older make up approximately 87 percent of all COVID-19 deaths in Ohio, no additional age groups are eligible for the vaccine at this time. Once the demand for the vaccine has been met for those 65 and older, those ages 60 and older will become eligible. After a period of vaccination for this age group, those ages 55 and older will become eligible, followed by those ages 50 and up.

Individuals in specific small groups that could have an increased risk of exposure to the virus may also potentially be included in the 60 and older vaccination phase.

Last week, vaccine eligibility opened up to those Ohioans born with or who have early childhood conditions that are carried into adulthood, which put them at higher risk for adverse outcomes due to COVID-19. Today, Governor DeWine asked Ohio hospitals and doctors with access to the vaccine to begin to proactively reach out to these patients with the specific medical conditions outlined in Phase 1B to schedule vaccination. 

In Ohio’s eight state-operated developmental centers, more than 91 percent of residents have accepted their first vaccine. 

More than 14,000 Ohioans living with developmental and intellectual disabilities who also have a certain health condition they were born with or developed in childhood and carried into adulthood have also received their first dose of vaccine.

Ohio is working to complete the vaccination of residents and staff in congregate settings for residential treatment facilities, mental health residential care facilities, and recovery housing.

Lt. Governor Jon Husted relayed the news that Rocket Mortgage has moved another step forward in its downtown Cleveland expansion plans, as the Ohio Tax Credit Authority approved the project for tax credit assistance at its meeting this morning. The company plans to bring 630 new jobs to the Northeast Ohio region, adding to its current workforce of 721.

Rocket Mortgage considered several cities for its expansion and ultimately chose Cleveland. 

Partners on the project include the Ohio Development Services Agency, JobsOhio, the city of Cleveland, Team NEO, and the Greater Cleveland Partnership.

In total, there are 955,378 confirmed and probable cases of COVID-19 reported in Ohio and 16,874 confirmed and probable COVID-19 deaths. A total of 49,492 people have been hospitalized throughout the pandemic, including 7,044 admissions to intensive care units. In-depth data can be accessed by visiting 
Ohio Department of Health Halfway Through Series of Town Hall Meetings Focused on Specific Minority Communities
As part of Ohio's continuing efforts to ensure equity in Ohio's vaccination program, ODH is holding virtual town hall meetings focused on specific minority communities. These virtual meetings will involve local medical professionals and community leaders who will guide these conversations to discuss the safety and efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine.

The meetings are intended to jumpstart conversations and give local leaders and attendees the tools they need to better inform members of their communities about vaccine facts, enhance access to trusted resources, and drive conversations in their own communities about why vaccinations are important. 

The town halls will be streamed on Facebook and YouTube. More details are available at
Ohio COVID-19 Dashboard
Current Trends
Below are the current reporting trends for key indicators calculated from data reported to the Ohio Department of Health. The graphics and information were taken from the Ohio Department of Health Coronavirus (COVID-19) website Thursday, February 25.
Questions and Answers
COVID-19 Vaccination: Ohio's Phased Approach

Questions about COVID-19
Ohio Department of Health call center is ready to answer your questions about COVID-19

Call 1-833-4-ASK-ODH (1-833-427-5634)
The Call Center is staffed from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. each day, including weekends.
COVID-19 By The Numbers
Global Confirmed - 110,027,369
Global Deaths - 2,432,976
U.S. Confirmed - 27,829,771
U.S. Deaths - 490,775

Hamilton County
Clermont County
Brown County
Butler County
Warren County
Just The Facts:

  • An estimated 11.4 million unemployed workers will lose their unemployment benefits between mid-March and mid-April unless Congress passes the next coronavirus relief package before then.Since the pandemic started, 2.5 million women in America have left the workforce.
  • Two in five jobless Americans—or more than 4 million people—are now classified as long-term unemployed, which the Department of Labor defines as being out of work for six months or more.
  • Black Americans’ life expectancy declined almost three years to an average of 72 years in the first half of 2020.
  • Raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour would lift 900,000 people out of poverty.
Other Important Headlines: