Labor Council
Friday, February 5, 2021
The labor movement has been central to the defense of our democracy and the election of the Biden–Harris administration. The AFL-CIO celebrates the inauguration of a new president and vice president, as well as the strength of our great American democracy.
AFL-CIO President Emeritus John J. Sweeney, a New York union researcher who climbed to the pinnacle of the American labor movement in the 1990s, leading the A.F.L.-C.I.O. for 14 years through an era of fading union membership but rising political influence, died Monday, February 1, 2021 at his home in Bethesda, Md. He was 86. Sweeney (SEIU) served as president of the AFL-CIO from 1995–2009, and his importance to America’s working people can’t be overstated. 

In a statement posted on the AFL-CIO.’s website President Trumka said of Mr. Sweeney: “He was guided into unionism by his Catholic faith, and not a single day passed by when he didn’t put the needs of working people first. John viewed his leadership as a spiritual calling, a divine act of solidarity in a world plagued by distance and division.”

A memorial page has been set up for anyone wishing to post a tribute to the memory of John J. Sweeney. Click HERE to access the memorial page. 
The family requests those who wish to express sympathy to consider making a donation to the "John J. Sweeney ’55, ’10H Scholarship Fund” at Iona College. To make a contribution online, click HERE, under Designation select John J. Sweeney '55, ’10H Scholarship Fund. To make a contribution by check, make it payable to Iona College, Joyce Advancement House, 715 North Ave., New Rochelle, NY 10801 (please note in the memo: Sweeney Scholarship Fund).

Click here to see what people across the labor movement and beyond are saying about Sweeney. To view tributes from Around the World, click HERE. A Memorial Service will be planned for a later date.
The Legendary Career and Spiritual Calling of John Sweeney

Statement from AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka on the passing of AFL-CIO President Emeritus John Sweeney:
John Sweeney was a legend, plain and simple. He was guided into unionism by his Catholic faith, and not a single day passed by when he didn’t put the needs of working people first. John viewed his leadership as a spiritual calling, a divine act of solidarity in a world plagued by distance and division.

The son of Irish immigrants, he used work as a way to directly apply his values, consistently exhibiting grit over flash and pursuing progress instead of posturing. He built SEIU into a powerhouse, doubling its membership, earning respect across the labor movement and in the halls of power. Throughout his storied life, John used the lessons he learned as a ground-level union leader to uphold dignity for all working people and expand human rights worldwide.

I was proud to join his insurgent ticket in 1995, which recommitted the AFL-CIO to worker organizing and collective power. As president, John was a great leader and true innovator, driving the labor movement forward. We stand on that foundation today as we take on the challenges of inequality, systemic racism and much more. Former President Bill Clinton called John “a force for inclusion and activism.”

I was blessed to call him a brother, a mentor and a friend. May God bless John’s memory, his family and the labor movement to which he devoted his life.
Trumka Calls for Urgent Passage of Landmark Worker Rights Bill
A Statement from AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka
Today, working people are one step closer to freely exercising our most fundamental rights on the job with the reintroduction of the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act. The PRO Act will strengthen workers’ ability to come together and demand a fair share of the wealth we create—boosting wages, securing better health care and rooting out discrimination.
The past year has laid bare the enormous injustices facing millions of America’s working people who keep our country afloat. We cannot allow those systemic failures to persist for another moment. Working people turned out to vote in record numbers because we urgently need structural change.
We will make our case in every state and every congressional district, to elected leaders across the political spectrum. But make no mistake, this is a test for Democrats. After decades of disappointment, it’s time for the party of FDR to finish what he started. If you stand on the side of America’s workers, you won’t just vote for the PRO Act—you’ll sponsor it, you’ll whip for it and you won’t rest until it’s signed into law.
Ohio AFL-CIO Pres. Burga Praises PRO Act Introduction with Ohio Support
On February 4, 2021, The Protecting the Right to Organize Act (PRO Act) will be introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate. On that occasion, Ohio AFL-CIO President Tim Burga issued the following statement: 
“The introduction of the PRO Act is welcome news and a very important part of the Workers First Agenda that the labor movement is pushing for in this Congress. The PRO Act is needed because our woefully outdated labor laws are no longer effective as a means for working people to have our voices heard. By empowering workers to exercise our freedom to organize and bargain, the PRO Act will hold corporations accountable by strengthening the National Labor Relations Board and allowing it to penalize employers who retaliate against working people in support of the union or collective bargaining.
Public support for unions is soaring. In a recent Gallup survey, 65 percent of Americans have a favorable view of labor unions and another study by MIT showed that nearly 60 million Americans would join a union in their workplace if they could. Here in Ohio, we are marking the 10-year anniversary of our effort to repeal SB5. By more than a margin of two-to-one, Ohioans rejected the attack on Ohio public employees’ right to collectively bargain in 2011.  
A union contract is the single best tool we have to raise wages, close racial and gender wage gaps, and to ensure safety, dignity and due process for workers, regardless of where we were born, who we are or what industry we work in.
We commend Senator Brown and Representatives Beatty, Kaptur and Ryan for signing on to the bill as co-sponsors. We will be working with our entire delegation to do the same.”

(The Ohio AFL-CIO was formed in 1958 to battle a right-to-work campaign backed by Ohio Republicans and big businesses. Since that merger of the state’s craft and industrial unions, the Ohio AFL-CIO has been at the forefront of struggles for political power and economic and social justice for working families. Our strength derives from 600,000 union men and women who are affiliated with the Ohio AFL-CIO through 41 international unions and 1,500 local unions. Along with hundreds of thousands of union retirees and members of our community affiliate Working America, these are the individuals who provide the collective power of the Ohio AFL-CIO. Contact: Jason Perlman - (614) 302-4542)
Yesterday, the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act was reintroduced in the House of Representatives. This crucial legislation will bring long-overdue labor law reform, promote union organizing and transform the lives of working people across America. It is the most significant worker empowerment legislation since the Great Depression. With the PRO Act, we are on the cusp of growing the labor movement for generations to come. The AFL-CIO is launching the “Build Back Better with Unions” toolkit, giving you the resources you need to run your own local or statewide campaign to pass the PRO Act. In the toolkit, you will find talking points, graphics, sample letters to the editor, a sample email and ways for our members to take action by calling or writing members of Congress. Together, let’s make the PRO Act the law of the land.
Judge Allen Rules Against Teachers and Student Safety
CFT was disappointed to receive Judge Lisa Allen decision denying CFT’s request to delay in-person instruction until an arbitrator could decide the union’s health and safety grievance. The Judge failed to recognize the union’s fundamental right to enforce the terms of its contract with CPS. The contract requires CPS to co-operate with CFT on safety issues and gives union members the right to file grievances contesting unsafe working conditions.

CFT will examine its legal remedies in light of the court’s decision today.

In the meantime, CFT will continue to fight for the health and safety of its members and the entire CPS community. In person instruction is scheduled to begin tomorrow for some of our students. We have advised our members that each of them must make their own personal decision on whether they should risk COVID infection by ignoring state health guidelines to minimize contacts with others while our county remains in the “Red”. They and the parents of our students must consider their own health conditions, and the conditions of their family members in making the decision on whether to report to school.

We are disappointed that unlike the Columbus School District, CPS has so far declined to extend the FFCRA COVID leave options previously available under federal law. As a result, if our members get infected or are required to quarantine because of COVID exposure while at school, they will have to take their own sick leave, if they have any left.

We know many CPS families are also concerned about whether they can safely return their children to school under these circumstances. We appreciate the support many parents have shown for wanting our members to be effectively vaccinated before returning to in person instruction.

We had hoped to collaborate with CPS so we could assure our members and the entire community that our schools are as safe as possible before children return to class. Unfortunately, the Board chose to ignore the concerns of teachers, staff and many CPS parents. As a result we cannot assure our members or parents that schools will be safe as they reopen starting tomorrow and in coming weeks.
You can write a letter of support to tell the Board of Education members to respect the UNION CONTRACT of CFT. Here are their addresses:
The Cincinnati Federation of Teachers is a union of professionals who champions the social and economic wellbeing of our members, Cincinnati’s children, families, working people and communities. We are committed to advancing these principles through community engagement, organizing, collective bargaining and political activism and especially through our members’ work.

Contact: President Julie Sellers, Cincinnati Federation of Teachers Email: Phone: (513) 961-2272
AFT President Weingarten: "Teachers Want to Be Back in School, but They Need It to Be Safe"
American Federation of Teachers (AFT) President Randi Weingarten joined CNN on Sunday to discuss the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine and how to safely reopen schools across the country. “When it comes to vaccines, what we’re saying—and frankly the CDC has said it as well—is that teachers are high on the priority list because we’re trying to reopen schools,” she explained. “We’ve said that you align the vaccine with the reopening process. That’s what Cleveland is doing. That’s what New York City is doing.” Click here to watch the full clip.
IUE-CWA, Union Members Hold Informational Pickets Across the Country to Keep Bucyrus Jobs From Going to China
On Saturday, Jan. 30, at Walmart stores at four locations in Ohio, plus countless across the country, a coalition of labor and community groups held protests as part of a national consumer awareness campaign informing the public of Walmart’s two-faced stance as a champion of “Made in America” products.
LED light bulbs that are sold at Walmart are currently made by IUE-CWA workers at the GE-Savant Systems LLC lighting plant in Bucyrus, Ohio. GE-Savant recently announced that they intend to move the LED residential light bulb product line out of the facility to China, permanently laying off 80 workers, and putting the future of the plant in jeopardy.
Congressman Tim Ryan (D-Warren) joined the picket in Cortland, Ohio and spent time talking with shoppers about the importance of Walmart living up to their slogan of supporting American jobs.
"I will always be on the front lines with workers who are getting screwed by the global corporate machine. This is still happening all over our state and country. Let’s join together with Unions leading the way," Ryan said on Twitter after the event.
The GE-Savant facility is one of the only residential lighting plants left in the USA, nearly all other residential light bulbs are now made in China.
Walmart’s website and TV ad campaign says “We are committed to American renewal. We believe we can create more American jobs by supporting more American manufacturing.” The coalition is calling on Walmart to live up to this promise. 
“This should be easy for Walmart,” said IUE-CWA International President Carl Kennebrew. “Walmart’s brand of LED Bulbs that now carry an ‘Assembled in the USA’ label are scheduled to be moved to China.
"Walmart can tell their supplier (GE-Savant) to cancel plans to ship them overseas. If Walmart is serious about supporting American manufacturing, this is how they can show it.”

Cincinnati AFL-CIO/ IUE-CWA Wal-Mart Action

We are fighting the proposed plant closing where our IUE-CWA brothers and sisters have been making lightbulbs in Bucyrus, OH for almost 80 years! We will be educating Walmart customers at 20+ stores across the country about Walmart’s two-faced stance as a champion of “Made in America” products. Walmart’s website and TV ad campaign says “We are committed to American renewal. We believe we can create more American jobs by supporting more American manufacturing.” We are calling on Walmart to live up to this promise. 
(Etana Jacobi, IUE-CWA international)
  • Workers at the GE-Savant lighting facility in Bucyrus, OH received a WARN notice, informing them the company intends to move the LED residential light bulb line out of the facility to China and permanently lay off 80 workers. 
  • The GE-Savant facility is one of the only residential lighting plants left in the USA, where workers currently make bulbs for Walmart.
  • Walmart is the exclusive customer of this line of LED bulbs, and can tell GE-Savant to keep the bulbs made in Bucyrus, Ohio USA.
  • LED lighting is the future and if that line leaves, workers are concerned it is only a matter of time before the whole plant is closed. 
  • IUE-CWA is doing actions every Saturday
 Leaflet Wal-Mart Parking lot to educate shoppers and Urge Walmart not to allow the GE-Savant Facility to outsource jobs to China.

Feb 6, 2021

Walmart Supercenter, 2801 Cunningham Dr., Cincinnati, OH 45241

Ohio AFL-CIO Southwest State Rep
 Julien Johnson

AFL-CIO Celebrates Black History Month
This February, the labor movement celebrates Black History Month and everything that our Black sisters, brothers and friends have contributed to our country. And as we celebrate Black achievements, Black aspirations and Black lives, we know that there is more work to be done. In the past year, we have continued to witness attacks on Black people from a system that was designed to perpetuate white supremacy. Indeed, “right to work” laws are one of the last vestiges of Jim Crow. Attacks on voting rights continue as well. In our best hours, the labor movement has welcomed into our family people of all backgrounds and races while standing shoulder to shoulder with our Black allies fighting for equality. We honor this year’s Black History Month by recommitting ourselves to the cause of racial justice.
Remembering Shirley Chisholm
Throughout Black History Month, the AFL-CIO will be featuring Black leaders and activists who made an enormous impact in the fight for civil and labor rights. We begin with Rep. Shirley Chisholm, a Black woman who blazed a trail through American politics. Decades before Kamala Harris was elected vice president, Chisholm in 1972 was the first African American woman to run for president. She famously said about political inclusion: “If they don’t give you a seat at the table, bring in a folding chair.” Throughout her seven terms representing New York in the U.S. House of Representatives, Chisholm was an outspoken activist for women and people of color. She passed away in 2005. Click here to read more about Chisholm and her amazing legacy.
Remembering A. Philip Randolph
A. Philip Randolph was a visionary labor organizer who brought the gospel of trade unionism to millions of African American households. In 1925, he founded the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters to fight for train porters and maids who worked for the Pullman Co. Despite Pullman’s attempts to destroy the all-Black union, Randolph and his fellow union members eventually won their first major contract in 1937. “At the banquet table of nature, there are no reserved seats,” he said. “You get what you can take, and you keep what you can hold. If you can't take anything, you won't get anything, and if you can't hold anything, you won't keep anything. And you can’t take anything without organization.” He went on to become vice president of the AFL-CIO after it merged in 1955. Randolph also helped lead the campaign to end segregation in the armed forcesClick here to read more about Randolph’s life and work.
An Economy That Puts Workers First
With a new Democratic Majority in the Senate, I am proud to assume the role of Chair of the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.

Under Repubulican Senate leaders, the Banking and Housing Committee has been all about Wall Street, at the expense of everyone else. 

The pandemic has laid bare how our economy does not deliver for workers and how corporations don’t treat workers as essential to their success. And former President Trump and Republicans in Congress have rolled over for Wall Street at every turn, giving more power to the biggest banks that have stood in the way of progress for working people.

Something has to change, and now, we have the opportunity to make it happen.

Since joining the Banking and Housing Committee, I’ve been fighting to lift up workers and recognize the dignity of ALL work, and with Joe Biden in the White House, a new Democratic Senate Majority, and the chairmanship of this critical committee, we have the opportunity to finally deliver results workers are counting on:

  • Delivering economic relief during the pandemic
  • Making housing more affordable
  • Restoring the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to full strength
  • Combating racism embedded in our banking and housing systems
  • Seizing clean energy opportunities to fight climate change

In my new position, I promise to work closely with the Biden Administration to build our economy back better, so it puts workers first -- not Wall Street.

With gratitude,
Sherrod Brown: Working For Working People!
FEBRUARY 03, 2021 — Brown to his Senate Colleagues: Let’s Deliver for the People we Serve  — WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH), incoming chair of U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, took to the Senate Floor to urge his colleagues to pass a budget resolution and provide real relief for working families. Brown’s remarks on the Senate Floor, as prepared for delivery, are... READ MORE

FEBRUARY 03, 2021 — Brown Meets with President Biden and Senate Chairmen at White House to Discuss COVID Relief Package  — WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) met with President Biden and other key Senate Chairmen at the White House to discuss efforts to move forward on the COVID relief package proposed by President Biden. As incoming Chair of the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee, Brown will help shepherd key provisions of the... READ MORE

FEBRUARY 03, 2021 — Brown Announces Democratic Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Membership for the 117th Congress — WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) – incoming chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs – issued the following statement regarding the Banking and Housing Committee membership for the 117th Congress: “For too long, the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee has only delivered for Wall... READ MORE

FEBRUARY 03, 2021 — Brown Joins Colleagues in Urging Biden Administration to Support Efforts to Help Women Return to the Workforce — WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) joined a number of his colleagues in a letter to Director of the National Economic Council, Brian Deese, asking the Biden administration to support efforts to help women return to the workforce. Throughout the pandemic, women have carried a larger burden of the economic downturn, much of... READ MORE

FEBRUARY 02, 2021 — Brown, Portman, Bipartisan Colleagues Urge Biden Administration to Address Global Semiconductor Shortage, Mitigate Impacts to U.S. Auto Manufacturing — WASHINGTON, DC  — Today, U.S. Senator and Senate Auto Caucus co-chair Portman (R-OH) and Senators Sherrod Brown (D-OH), co-chair of the Senate Auto Caucus, John Cornyn (R-TX), Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), Gary Peters (D-MI), Todd Young (R-IN), Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Mike Braun (R-IN), Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Tammy Duckworth... READ MORE

FEBRUARY 01, 2021— Brown, Colleagues Reintroduce Bipartisan Bill to Protect Miners from Covid-19 Exposure — WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) joined Sens. Joe Manchin (D-WV), Mark Warner (D-VA), Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV), Dick Durbin (D-IL), Tim Kaine (D-VA), Bob Casey (D-PA), and Representative Matt Cartwright (D-PA) in reintroducing the bipartisan, bicameral COVID-19 Mine Worker Protection Act. The legislation would require the... READ MORE

FEBRUARY 01, 2021— Brown Reintroduces Bipartisan Bill to Expand Apprenticeship Programs in Ohio, Connect Ohioans to Good-Paying Jobs — WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) has reintroduced his bipartisan legislation to help grow and develop apprenticeship programs throughout Ohio and around the country. Brown’s bill, the Apprenticeship Hubs Across America Act, would help develop new apprenticeship programs and also provide important resources to existing programs to... READ MORE

JANUARY 29, 2021 — Brown Joins Colleagues in Reintroducing Tax Credit to Encourage Revitalization of Distressed Homes — WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) joined Sens. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and Ben Cardin (D-Md.) in introducing legislation to revitalize housing in distressed neighborhoods. Currently, private development lacks in some urban and rural areas because the cost of purchasing and renovating homes is greater than the value of the sale price of... READ MORE

JANUARY 29, 2021 — Brown Seeks $130 Billion Funding Boost for Local School Infrastructure Amid Covid-19 Pandemic — WASHINGTON, D.C. — With local school districts facing increased costs, aging school infrastructure, and an urgent need for schools and classrooms to alleviate crowded classrooms and ensure adequate fresh air ventilation to help reduce COVID-19 transmission, U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) joined Sen. Jack Reed (D-RI) and Senate Democrats in... READ MORE

JANUARY 28, 2021 — Brown Convenes Roundtable with Ohio Labor Leaders from Cincinnati — CINCINNATI, OH – Today, U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown’s (D-OH) staff hosted a virtual roundtable to meet with Ohio labor leaders from Cincinnati. Brown’s office will take their priorities back to Washington, where he now serves in a Democratic majority in the Senate dedicated to working with President Biden to restore the Dignity of Work. “These... READ MORE
Keep up with Sherrod:
Together, we must save the U.S. Postal Service
The U.S. Postal Service plays a critical role in our economy and our everyday lives, connecting family and friends, helping consumers and businesses, and fostering democracy. Ensure that the Postal Service can continue to provide essential public services and good jobs; oppose privatization and outsourcing; and strengthen and safeguard our U.S. Postal Service.

Today, on National Thank a Mail Carrier Day, we’re calling on Congress to strengthen the U.S. Postal Service.
EPI’s research has found that without federal aid to states and local communities, 5.3 million workers will likely lose their jobs by the end of 2021.The USPS plays a critical role in our economy—and our democracy. Trump’s war on the Postal Service that undermined mail service in the run-up to the election, shined a light on how critical an institution it is.
The Biden administration and Congress must act swiftly to protect and strengthen this critical public service.
Here are just a few steps we’re asking Congress to take:
  • Work with the Biden administration to ensure the speedy appointment of strong public service advocates to the USPS Board of Governors.
  • Loosen constraints on the Postal Service and expand its mission to include a return to postal banking, a service that existed in the United States from 1911 until 1967 and that currently serves people in numerous countries including Brazil, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea, and the United Kingdom.

The Postal Service is bound by legislative and regulatory constraints that limit what it can charge for mail delivery, saddle it with unnecessary costs, and prevent it from expanding into new areas. Loosening these constraints would allow the Postal Service to meet unmet needs and to offset costs associated with maintaining a network of post offices and delivery routes.
The social value of the Postal Service extends beyond the economic benefits provided by its delivery operations. It connects family and friends, fosters democracy, and is a key part of our emergency and national security infrastructure.
By strengthening the U.S. Postal Service, we can continue to provide good jobs for workers, particularly Black workers, workers without bachelor’s degrees, and military veterans who especially benefit from Postal Service employment.
And, by expanding the mission of the U.S. Postal Service to include Postal Banking we can create an accessible banking option for millions of Americans who are "unbanked."  
Thank you for fighting for an economy that works for all of us, not just the wealthy few.
Monique Morrissey
Economist, EPI Policy Center

NALC Branch 43 Celebrates Dave Durban and Fifty Years of Dedicated Service!
"Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds..."
The "Last Punch Bunch" - NALC Branch 43 Celebrates Their Retiring Sisters and Brothers
Cheryl, Steve, Herb, Dallas, Matt and Jeff, from all your Sisters and Brothers here at the Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council, our 105 affiliated unions and the thirty-five-thousand-plus members we proudly serve, congratulations!

"Well done good and faithful servants!
A Word From Our Community Partners
Are You Approaching Retirement? Here’s What You need to Know About Medicare!

If you are approaching age 65 (or retirement past age 65) , you likely have questions about how your health coverage will change once you retire. The Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council has partnered with RetireMEDiQ who offers health insurance resources to simplify your transition to Medicare.

To learn more about your eligibility, enrollment, and options with Medicare, we invite you to attend an educational webinar: Navigating Medicare and Your Retirement Healthcare Costs.
Please click the link to join us at 12:00PM on Thursday February 11 for this informative webinar.
During this webinar, we will introduce the basics of Medicare and answer your questions directly. That way, you can start planning ahead as you look forward to retirement. Register today!

For Retirees

 Is your Medicare Pan right for You?

As a Medicare beneficiary, you understand the value of getting simple answers to your health insurance questions. To lessen the confusion around Medicare, the Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council and RetireMEDiQ have partnered to communicate the latest updates for Medicare in 2021.

Medicare’s Open Enrollment Period for individuals on Medicare Advantage Plans runs from January 1 through March 30, 2021. If you did not review your Medicare plan last fall, there is still time to see if there are plans with enhanced benefits or lower prescription drug prices.

If you’d like a refresh on your health care options or an update on the latest in Medicare, we invite you to attend our upcoming webinar: Is Your Medicare Plan Right for You?

Please click the link to join us at 6:00 PM on Tuesday February 23 for this informative webinar.
This webinar will provide a resource for reviewing your Medicare plan, highlight changes for 2021, and revisiting your Medicare benefit options. 

Live United For Our Communities
United Way and Truist share a vision for a better America, one in which every person is respected, every voice is heard, and every community thrives. We can’t reimagine and rebuild without a commitment to opportunity - health, education and financial stability - for all.

Now more than ever, we must come together to create positive, lasting change in our communities. We must UNITE to reimagine our communities and our world, because we know that change doesn’t happen alone.

Join the fight:
Ohio Department of Health COVID-19 Update
February 02, 2021
February 2, 2021
Dan Tierney: 614-644-0957
Breann Almos: 614-799-6480
COVID-19 Update: Vaccine Equity

(COLUMBUS, Ohio)—Ohio Governor Mike DeWine and Lt. Governor Jon Husted today provided the following updates on Ohio's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Governor DeWine today outlined steps that Ohio has taken and will take to address inequities in healthcare as they relate to vaccine accessibility. 

"There are Ohioans who simply do not have equal access to healthcare," said Governor DeWine. "We have worked hard to address these gaps, especially in our efforts to roll out the vaccine, but there is still more to do." 

Geography: Instead of offering the "mega vaccination sites" being seen in other states, Ohio's vaccination plan focuses on ensuring that there are multiple vaccine providers in every county in the state. This week, more than 700 providers across Ohio are receiving the vaccine to help ensure that Ohioans have access to vaccine close to home. 

Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs): These health centers serve highly vulnerable neighborhoods. Ohio's vaccination plan offers vaccines at these facilities for equitable distribution. More than 60 of these centers are receiving vaccine this week.  

Pop-up Vaccine Sites: Ohio is working with FQHCs, faith-based communities, and local health departments to pilot pop-up vaccination sites in at-risk communities. Two sites were hosted at an FQHC in Columbus last week and another pop-up vaccination site is scheduled this week in Cleveland.

Transportation: The Ohio Department of Health is working with the Ohio Department of Medicaid to provide transportation options for those who want to receive the vaccine but face transportation barriers.
Local Health Departments: Many local health departments are prioritizing underserved populations by partnering with organizations that work to serve African American, Hispanic and Latino, and other underserved populations to provide education and offer opportunities for vaccination when vaccine becomes available.

Education and Communication Strategies: In addition to newspaper, television, and radio advertisements focused on reaching underserved populations, Ohio will also launch a series of virtual town hall meetings to gain a better understanding of the barriers to vaccination and develop solutions. The events will be coordinated in partnership with Ohio's Minority Health Vaccine Advisory Group, whose mission is to help advise the Ohio Department of Health on how to best deliver the vaccine to underserved populations and better ensure equity. The townhalls will be live-streamed during the week of February 22. To learn how to participate in these events, visit 
Affordable Housing Vaccination Clinics: Next week, the Ohio Department of Aging, in partnership with key state and local organizations, will off­er on-site vaccination clinics at affordable senior housing communities as part of its Regional Rapid Response Program. On-site clinics will be coordinated with support from the Ohio National Guard. 

Governor DeWine and First Lady Fran DeWine both received their first dose of the coronavirus vaccine this morning from Dr. Kevin Sharrett at Kettering Health Network’s Jamestown office in Greene County. The DeWines became eligible for the vaccine this week as part of the 70 and older age group.
Those currently eligible to receive vaccine in Ohio are: 
  • Those 70 years of age and older 
  • Teachers and school personnel who are necessary for in-person learning in specified counties
  • Individuals with severe congenital, early-onset, or inherited conditions and with developmental or intellectual disabilities
Individuals with severe congenital, early-onset, or inherited conditions and developmental or intellectual disabilities should have been contacted by their local county board of developmental disabilities to schedule their vaccination. If you believe that you or a loved one falls into this category and hasn't been contacted, please contact your county board of developmental disabilities.

Of Ohio's 920 skilled nursing facilities, Ohio has administered first doses of vaccine in 100 percent of these facilities. The second dose has been given in 89 percent of facilities.  
Of Ohio's 645 assisted living facilities, Ohio has administered first doses in 86 percent of these facilities, and second doses have been administered in 48 percent of facilities.
Plans are in place to continue vaccinating in these facilities as new residents move in.

Today, Walgreens Pharmacy alerted the Ohio Department of Health that vaccines that had not been stored under the proper cold storage conditions were administered yesterday to some residents in five long-term care facilities. Following guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, residents who received these vaccines will be revaccinated. 
The impacted facilities are: 
  • Ashtabula County Residential Services Corp "The Maples" in Kingsville
  • Ashtabula Towers in Ashtabula
  • Heather Hill Care Communities in Chardon
  • Six Chimneys in Cleveland
  • Willow Park Convalescent Home in Cleveland

Lt. Governor Jon Husted today announced that the Ohio Department of Education is the latest agency to join the DataOhio portal, with seven key datasets and visualizations added on January 29, 2021

The DataOhio Portal launched in December of 2020 to the public and features more than 200 datasets and over 100 visualizations from four State of Ohio agencies. Nearly half of the datasets added to the portal are available to the public for the first time.

Users can view these newest datasets and visualizations under “Recent Datasets” at Data.Ohio.Gov. The DataOhio Portal team continues to add additional agency datasets, visualizations, and portal features, with a new Agency being announced in the coming weeks, including additional Ohio Department of Education datasets and visualizations. 

In total, there are 902,736 confirmed and probable cases of COVID-19 reported in Ohio and 11,336 confirmed and probable COVID-19 deaths. A total of 46,659 people have been hospitalized throughout the pandemic, including 6,730 admissions to intensive care units. In-depth data can be accessed by visiting 
Video of today's full update, including versions with foreign language translation, can be viewed on the Ohio Channel's YouTube page

For more information on Ohio's response to COVID-19, visit or call 1-833-4-ASK-ODH.
The Ohio Public Health Advisory Alert System consists of four levels that provide Ohioans with guidance as to the severity of the problem in the counties in which they live. The levels are determined by seven data indicators that identify the risk level for each county and a corresponding color code to represent that risk level.

Additional Resources
Ohio is distributing safe, effective COVID-19 vaccines statewide to those who choose to be vaccinated. As COVID-19 vaccines are granted Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the state will strategically and thoughtfully distribute the vaccines to Ohioans at the greatest risk in conjunction with recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) and the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM).

Questions and Answers
COVID-19 Vaccination: Ohio's Phased Approach

Questions about COVID-19
Ohio Department of Health call center is ready to answer your questions about COVID-19

Call 1-833-4-ASK-ODH (1-833-427-5634)
The Call Center is staffed from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. each day, including weekends.
Ohio COVID-19 Dashboard
Current Trends
Below are the current reporting trends for key indicators calculated from data reported to the Ohio Department of Health. The graphics and information were taken from the Ohio Department of Health Coronavirus (COVID-19) website Thursday, February 04.
The Road Back
Our road back is just beginning Ohio, and we need your help. Please continue to social distance and wear a mask even after vaccination…until we are all protected and back to the way we remember. - 2/1/21
COVID-19 By The Numbers

Global Confirmed ─ 104,484,972
Global Deaths ─ 2,270,990
U.S. Confirmed ─ 26,558,715
U.S. Deaths ─ 450,823
Hamilton County
Clermont County
Brown County
Butler County
Warren County
Watch this helpful Video about vaccine distribution in Ohio
Other Important Headlines: