Labor Council

Friday, August 21, 2020
Watch President Richard Trumka on Washington Journal and Washington Post Live
Yesterday morning, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka joined C-SPAN’s Washington Journal to discuss the record of the Trump presidency and the role of union members in the 2020 election. He said President Trump’s rhetoric about helping American workers doesn’t match his actions.
Wednesday, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka (UMWA) joined The Washington Post Live to talk about the 2020 elections, ensuring workers are safe on the job and saving the U.S. Postal Service.

Richard Trumka Speech to DNC Labor Council:
Our Democracy Is at Stake
August 17, 2020 - AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka delivered the following remarks at the 2020 Democratic National Convention Labor Council Meeting:

I want to thank my longtime friend, Brother Stuart [Appelbaum], for that introduction. And I want to thank Chairman [Tom] Perez, for his great leadership. 

As we convene this meeting of the Labor Council, as we begin four days of a Democratic convention unlike any other, working people are counting on us more than ever because working people are doing more for us than ever. Right now, in big cities and small towns, union members are on the job. A pandemic is not stopping us from lifting the loads, stocking the shelves, and fighting the fires. From healing the suffering and teaching our children. And while many of us are joining this meeting and watching this convention from the comfort of our homes, too many working people are wondering if they will be able to keep their home or make next month’s rent. They are choosing between groceries and prescriptions. Millions are out of work through no fault of their own. As travel halts. And shows stop. And our economy grinds to a halt.

These workers did their job and they did it well, but our president refused to do his. Donald Trump did not create the coronavirus, but his utter incompetence, his inaction and his lack of basic compassion have made COVID-19 worse. Instead of pouring himself into a national response plan, the president is pouring gasoline on the fire! He downplayed the threat, called it a hoax and ignored the experts. 173 days ago, the president said we would soon have zero coronavirus cases. There have been 5.4 million cases and 170,000 deaths. So, what does President Trump have to say about that? “It is what it is.”

Try telling “it is what it is” to the family of Tiran Billups. Tiran began his New Jersey Transit career in 1996 as a bus operator in Maplewood. He proudly served as the president of Amalgamated Transit Union Local 819. When this pandemic hit, he fought to protect frontline workers, his brothers, sisters, and friends. In June, Tiran lost his own fight to COVID-19. Thousands of working families are grieving the loss of a loved one. In the past, presidents of both parties have comforted the grieving and rallied our nation in times of tragedy, summoning our better angels to come together for the common good. From this White House, there is no sorrow, just deception. No call for unity, just division and talk of domination. No hope, just fear. Some people tell me: “But Rich, the president is plain spoken. I like that.” Fair enough, but so is the drunk at a bar. And far too often, this president’s belligerent words have demeaned, divided and deceived. [READ ENTIRE SPEECH HERE]
USW: Trump Prioritizes Politics over Manufacturing Jobs
AUG 19, 2020 - PITTSBURGH — USW International President Tom Conway issued the following statement in response to President Trump’s tweet calling for a Goodyear boycott:

“During the past year, our union and our individual members reached out directly to the President and his White House staff on countless occasions as Goodyear was closing its 90-year-old American tire plant in Gadsden, AL, which resulted in hundreds of workers losing their jobs. 

“This closure happened as imported tires from around the globe flooded the U.S. market, leaving the union no choice but to again file a trade case challenging these unfairly traded imports. 

“It would have been nice if the President would have paid as much attention to that loss of American jobs as he does to his MAGA hats. Maybe a tweet or two back then would have been helpful.”

The USW represents 850,000 workers employed in metals, mining, pulp and paper, rubber, chemicals, glass, auto supply and the energy-producing industries, along with a growing number of workers in health care, public sector, higher education, tech and service occupations.

Contact: Jess Kamm Broomell, 412-562-2444,  
Labor Shows Solidarity with USW In Response to Trumps Goodyear Boycott
Dozens of unions joined USW Local 2 workers to condemn Donald Trump's call to boycott Goodyear tires. Rep. Tim Ryan also spoke at the rally. "I think the only thing in America with more hot air in it is Donald Trump,” he said comparing the iconic Goodyear Blimp to the president. [Photo: Michael Gillis, AFL-CIO Field Communication Coordinator]
The Threat Is Real:
"They Actually Removed Mailboxes!"
"Trump Postmaster General Lied"
Do President Trump and the Postmaster General think we are fools? 

Yesterday Postmaster General Louis DeJoy announced he would ‘hold off’ on the changes until after the election and many breathed a sigh of relief that the packages and mail they rely on would again arrive on time.

Today he said he would NOT return the mailboxes back to their locations, NOT re-install the dozens of high-speed sorting machines that have been removed, and NOT allow overtime to ensure mail is delivered on time.

We need to deliver 18,000 more signatures to Congress this week -- and make sure they get these dangerous policies reversed when the Postmaster General testifies next week. Will you add your name?

Louis DeJoy does not care that millions of seniors and veterans rely on the Post Office to deliver life-saving prescription drugs and other important mail.

We will not be fooled. Help us tell Congress to hold him accountable and save the Post Office. Add your name now!

Across the country, postal workers are sounding the alarm about the Post Office’s future. President Trump’s new postmaster general, Louis DeJoy, has gone from using “cost-cutting” measures to slow down the mail to a full-on dismantling of the U.S. Postal Service.

Congress can fix this, but they will only take action if we demand it. Please sign our petition to stop DeJoy’s sabotage before it’s too late.

Millions of Americans, particularly seniors and veterans, get important goods and services like prescription drugs and Social Security checks through the mail. Plus, the demand for vote by mail will increase substantially during November because of the coronavirus pandemic.

It’s difficult to believe that there could be a world without the Post Office. But that could actually become reality if we don’t do something.

The Postmaster General has begun to feel the heat -- but we need to keep up the pressure and watch him and the Trump Administration like a hawk.

Let’s stay in this fight. Congress needs to fight to make sure the Post Office is strong today, tomorrow and for decades to come.


Richard Fiesta
Executive Director
Alliance for Retired Americans
IUPAT) General President Kenneth RigmaidenSays "Pass The Heroes Act!"
In a powerful video demanding relief for construction workers impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, Painters and Allied Trades (IUPAT) General President Kenneth Rigmaiden said the federal government’s mismanagement of the pandemic has hurt workers and the economy. He said, “I’m compelled to address what many leaders and stakeholders in our industry and many others know to be true: that this president’s mismanagement of the pandemic has led to an unimaginable, unnecessary death toll and the collapse of our economy.” Rigmaiden explained that unemployment benefits remain one of the only lifelines IUPAT members have until they can safely return to work. He called for the Senate to pass the HEROES Act now to provide real relief to workers.
National Postal Mail Handlers Union-LIUNA Advocates for the Delivering for America Act Amid Postmaster General’s U-Turn
Postmaster General Louis DeJoy has retreated from further undermining the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) ahead of the general elections amid widespread criticism from union members. And the National Postal Mail Handlers Union-LIUNA (NPMHU-LIUNA) is pushing ahead with its support for the proposed Delivering for America Act (H.R. 8015) to provide $25 billion in emergency funding for the agency—the same amount of money for the USPS included in the HEROES Act. The union, led by National President Paul Hogrogian (pictured above), said, “The Postal Service is enshrined in Article I of the Constitution, and was considered vital to the creation of our country. As a nation, we cannot stand by while deliberate delays are put in place that undermine the nation’s most trusted federal agency and that threaten our electoral process. During this national health crisis, every American household and business needs to be assured they can continue to rely on the Postal Service.” The Delivering for America Act would repeal operational changes DeJoy implemented in July that have resulted in the systematic delay of mail.
 LCLAA Stands in Defense of our Democracy, and in Support of USPS Workers
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Contact: Andrea Arenas / 202-316-1212

Washington D.C.- During the past few months our nation’s most vulnerable communities have joined forces to shed light on systemic racism which has historically silenced their voices. Now, as the country heads into a crucial 2020 Census deadline and election cycle, these same communities are being kept from participating in our nation’s democratic processes.

The United States Postal Service (USPS), which provides jobs for some 650,000 essential workers - and who have heroically provided a critical service to our country amid COVID-19 - is being denied additional funding by this administration. Furthermore, USPS Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, has implemented changes that have eliminated overtime, mail sorting machines, among others measures that used to ensure the reliability of the services provided by USPS.

These moves could have a nefarious consequence on our nation’s democratic process, as the United States Postal Service plays a pivotal role in ensuring a fair and accurate 2020 Census, as well as an electoral process that is inclusive and extensive.

As part of The Leadership Conference for Civil Rights- which includes over 100 groups and organizations, LCLAA has signed on to a letter sent to Congress, calling for a robust funding for our nation’s Postal Service. Click here to read the letter.

We encourage our members, allies and friends to join the National Day of Action to Save USPS on Saturday, August 22 at 11 a.m local time. To find an action near you and stand in support of USPS workers and our right to have a voice, click here!

You can also contact members of the Senate and demand them to restore full services to the USPS throughout the nation.
On Saturday August 22, we and our partners are mobilizing people across the country in defense of the U.S. Postal Service.

There will be grassroots actions at local post offices demanding that Postmaster General Louis DeJoy resign in the wake of mail slowdowns. We’ll also call on Congress to safeguard the integrity of our mail and elections, and protect it from Donald Trump’s and Republicans’ plan to destroy the USPS.

The actions will show Americans coming together to stand up for a postal system that connects us, that we rely on for medications, paychecks, and more, and that will literally be counted on to deliver democracy in the elections this fall.
Thousands of people have already RSVPed to actions. Click here to join them, and find an action in your community!

And if there aren’t any actions in your area, host one of your own: Click here to get started on hosting one! Once you register an event, you'll get a host guide with detailed instructions on how to structure your event and resources to help along the way.

Additionally, a core principle shared by supporting organizations is a commitment to nonviolent, peaceful actions. All actions that are sponsored or organized on this page are intended to be nonviolent and peaceful. We expect all participants to act lawfully at all times and to seek to de-escalate any potential confrontation with those who disagree with our values.

In Solidarity,
Team Pride at Work
AFL-CIO Hosts Event Commemorating 100th Anniversary of Women’s Suffrage
In honor of the 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage, AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer Liz Shuler (IBEW) hosted a roundtable discussion to celebrate women’s right to vote and lift up the issues affecting working women. Shuler, American Federation of Teachers (AFT) President Randi Weingarten, UAW Vice President Cindy Estrada, Laborers (LIUNA) Women’s Caucus Chair Cassandra Hammond, Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance (APALA) Executive Director Alvina Yeh and Dr. C. Nicole Mason, president and CEO of the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, took part in the conversation. “For many women of color and women from immigrant backgrounds, the questions around where we come from and whether or not we’re qualified are all too familiar,” Yeh explained. “That resonates really deeply with me.” Watch the full event here.
IBEW Local 212 Elects New Leadership
IBEW Local Union 212 held elections for officers for the next term and delegates to the International convention July 6th. Thank you to all who ran and the members who did their part including the tellers and election judge. New officers were sworn in August 4th. Your satisfaction with your Union is directly proportionate to your level of involvement! Our local is currently very busy. If you have family members or friends who may be working non union, reach out to them. Right now would be a perfect opportunity for them to better themselves and their future. Have them contact our office 513-559-0200. 
IBEW L.U.212 New officers sworn in. Joe Bulach (left) administered the oath to BM Rick Fischer (right) and other officers 8/4/20. Photo credit Courtney Groeschen.
Congratulations to the newest duly elected officers of IBEW Local 212! Unity and Solidarity forever!
Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council
2020 Endorsed Candidates and Issues
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Vote Smart's mission is to provide free, factual, unbiased information on candidates and elected officials to ALL Americans. Citizens come together, not in selfish interest or to support one candidate over another, but to defend democracy.

Fact-checking journalism is the heart of PolitiFact. Our core principles are independence, transparency, fairness, thorough reporting and clear writing. The reason we publish is to give citizens the information they need to govern themselves in a democracy.

We are a nonpartisan, nonprofit “consumer advocate” for voters that aims to reduce the level of deception and confusion in U.S. politics. We monitor the factual accuracy of what is said by major U.S. political players in the form of TV ads, debates, speeches, interviews and news releases. Our goal is to apply the best practices of both journalism and scholarship, and to increase public knowledge and understanding.

We believe that American government should be “of the people, by the people, and for the people” and that an informed electorate is essential for a thriving democracy. We therefore seek to inform and educate voters by producing and posting comprehensive non-partisan voter information covering national and state elections and some local elections.

League of Woman Voters
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.

The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.
"We can’t allow them to leave us behind."
Dear Sisters, Brothers and Friends,
After a month and a half of the HEROES Act sitting untouched in Mitch McConnell’s lap, the Senate majority leader has finally proposed his own woefully inadequate proposal.
The pitiful proposal barely addresses our national child care emergency, strips millions of their unemployment benefits, and gives nothing to the U.S. Postal Service ahead of one of the most important presidential elections in America’s history.
To no one’s surprise, the proposal has caused a stalemate in Congress at a time when we couldn’t need action sooner. U.S. House members have put their foot down and said they won’t go on recess until a bill is agreed upon, but the Senate is still set to go on vacation next week.
We have been driving phone calls to Capitol Hill all week, letting our senators know that heading out on vacation before approving lifesaving legislation that would benefit millions of Americans is unacceptable.
The future and livelihoods of millions of working Americans are in the hands of the U.S. Senate. Just last week, millions who lost their jobs through no fault of their own during the coronavirus pandemic were stripped of $600 in weekly unemployment benefits—benefits that were keeping them and their families afloat. For the Senate to go on vacation before coming to an agreement that would save lives is despicable and disgraceful.
We are facing a crisis unlike anything the labor movement has ever dealt with before, and it’s going to take every single union member to hold Congress accountable. Brian, can we count you in?
In Solidarity,
Lunch With Your Legislators Today at 11:00 AM
Over recent months, we've had a number of engaging conversations on a number of topics. We're excited to continue our discussions related to childcare and education this week. If you have not registered for our upcoming Lunch with your Legislators event yet, the time is now!
I hope you will join us again, this Friday, August 21st, at 11:00 am on Facebook Live and Zoom. This week we are joined by family and youth advocates to discuss wrap around services in schools in the time of COVID-19. Please sign up here or by clicking the invitation below.
Come enjoy Lunch with your Legislators while we answer your questions and discuss what the future holds for all of us. We work for you and want to make sure we do so in the best way possible.

I hope to see you this week. Please sign up here to enjoy another conversation with your legislators, and be sure to pass this link along as well! As long as we continue to work together and stay strong, I know we can get through this!

Jessica E. Miranda
State Representative, OH-28
38th Annual Labor-Management Conference

Labor-Management Relations: The Pandemic and Beyond

Join us at this year's 38th Annual Labor-Management Conference on "Labor-Management Relations: The Pandemic and Beyond" - but this time in a virtual format. Our panel of experts will discuss their experiences in negotiating and implementing changes to deal with one of the largest labor/management obstacles, the COVID-19 pandemic. They will provide a timely examination of issues that have arose in the immediate aftermath and those that have arisen as employers are allowed to resume business and the new workplace that labor unions are operating within.

The Labor-Management Conference has always focused on finding effective approaches for collaboration and partnerships through education for employers, unions and employees - and this year is no exception! We hope to see you virtually on October 13, 2020 and in-person on May 12, 2021 as we return bigger and better than ever for our 39th Annual Labor-Management Conference.
Stay safe and be well.
Kathy Carnes
Director of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Center
October 13, 2020
11:45 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. EDT

Delivered in a webinar format with allotted time for questions
Past attendee rate: FREE*

New attendee rate: $20

*Attendance lists from years past will be used to verify free registrations
SHRM Credits Approved
(1.5 hours)

CLE Credits Pending for OH and KY (1.5 hours)
Mark A. Carter is a partner in and chairs the labor practice group out of the Charleston, WV office of Dinsmore, a 650-attorney national law firm. He represents a wide range of employers throughout the country. He also serves by appointment of President Trump as Chair of the Federal Service Impasses Panel (FSIP) and previously served as a Member of the Panel by appointment of President George W. Bush. 
Angie Cowan Hamada is a partner in the Chicago, Illinois law firm Allison Slutsky and Kennedy, where she represents a wide range of labor unions. She also serves as a Commissioner on the Cook County (IL) Commission on Human Rights. She previously served as a member of the Board of Directors of the AFL-CIO Lawyers Coordinating Committee, and is a member of the Board of the Chicago Chapter of the Labor and Employment Relations Association.
Martin H. Malin is Professor and Director of the Institute for Law and the Workplace at IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law in Chicago. He is also an arbitrator and mediator and a former Vice President of the National Academy of Arbitrators. During the Obama Administration, he served as a member of FSIP.
Festival of Faiths
"Compassion through Action: 20/20 Vision for Hope, Healing and Justice"
Each year the Brueggeman Center partners with Equasion and many faith communities for the Festival of Faiths. Please join us again this year online.  August 23-30. All sessions are complimentary, but you must register to attend a session!

Promote the Festival to your friends, associates, organizational networks, including members of your congregation - spread the word, urging them to join you in registering for Festival activities. 
Faith Community Alliance | 9395 Canary Ct, Cincinnati, OH 45242
A word From
United Way of Greater Cincinnati
Dear United Way friends,

One of the vital services we provide at United Way of Greater Cincinnati is our Free Tax Preparation Program. 

As you can imagine, this has been a year like no other. Still, we assisted more than 8,000 individuals and families with preparing and filing their tax returns. Ultimately, the work of our volunteers yielded more than $12 million in refunds to individuals and families in our community and saved taxpayers over $2.2 million in filing fees.

But we know, during these unusual times, many missed the July 15 deadline. If you need help with your 2019 return, please visit one of our tax sites in Hamilton or Cincinnati. We also will help with virtual filing or help you file yourself.

We can also provide information about applying for an Installment Agreement Payment Plan with the IRS. Everything you need to know can be found here.

I am extremely grateful to the volunteers who make this program possible. It is just one more example of united being the way we help our community
Moira Weir, President/CEO
Do you own or work for a business looking to add new customers and find ways to support your community? We are working on a new, exciting way to support the recovery and revitalization of our favorite local establishments while generating donations to respond to immediate community needs.
United Way of Greater Cincinnati will expand its NKY Digital Equity Initiative for Students into Pendleton County, supplying an estimated 125 additional households with six months of internet service so K-12 students can fully participate in virtual learning.

“The extra support from the COVID-19 Regional Response Fund activated by United Way of Greater Cincinnati has meant we haven’t had to turn anyone away,” said Liz Vogel, CEO of Jewish Family Service.
Important Information
From our Community Partners at RetireMEDiQ
Everything You Need to Know about Medicare Late Enrollment Penalties

As individuals approach 65, there are often question surrounding one’s initial enrollment period and how to avoid the risk for being “penalized” for not enrolling in Medicare on time. Whether you are gearing up for retirement or are planning to work past 65, here is everything you need to know about Late Enrollment Penalties (LEPs):

3 Essential Financial Moves in Your 50s and 60s

Daily News If you’re nearing the finish line for retirement, your financial focus may be on stuffing your 401(k) and IRA with more money. While these actions are great in setting yourself up to live comfortably during retirement, make sure you’re adding these three moves to avoid costly mistakes:
RetireMEDiQ simplifies Medicare by providing guidance, evaluating your plan options and helping you enroll in the right plan that meets your needs and budget – all at no cost to you. We’ve helped over 50,000 retirees gain peace of mind and we are ready to help you, too. Contact a RetireMEDiQ advisor today at 1-877-291-4110 or visit
Sterling Research Group is seeking participants age 18-85 for COVID-19 vaccine studies. These studies will help determine the safety and efficacy of investigational vaccines intended to protect against SARS-Cov-2 (the coronavirus that causes COVID-19). Eligible participants will receive compensation for participation and do not need health insurance to join. Download and review the COVID 19 Testing FAQ HERE!

Call (513) 621-5112 for more information or CLICK HERE to have someone contact you. 
COVID - 19 By The Numbers
Global Cases Confirmed

Global Deaths

United States
Total Cases: 5,605,858 (+34,018)
Active Cases: 2,578,674
Recovered Cases: 2,852,221 (+28,972)
Fatal Cases: 174,963 (+984)

(All Statistics are as of 3:00 PM, Thursday, August 20, 2020)

Hamilton County


Clermont County


Brown County


Butler County


Warren County


Other Important Headlines:
Take Action!